Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.3] Quest 268- The Goddess Festival, Day 3- Not My Problem

[Vol.3] Quest 268- The Goddess Festival, Day 3- Not My Problem

The next day.

“Hm! Hm! Hm!” Ai was walking with a pep to her step.

“Ugh…” Cirrus was walking behind her, looking tired and rubbing his lower back.

"Come on, where is that energy you had yesterday?" Ai said, holding his hand.

"You sucked it out yesterday. Ugh!" Cirrus rubs his back. "Did you take the pill?"

"I did... Say Cirrus." Ai stops and looks at locks eyes with Cirrus.

"What is it?"

Cirrus stops as well. He could tell something was on Ai's mind.

"When... When you were sent to go deal with Fafnir, did... did you ever reconsider our plan?"

"By plan, you mean the one we made when everyone in Yamato wanted us to have a child? That plan where we will wait when we're older?"

Many within Yamato wished the young couple produce an heir. Seeing as their position within Yamato were incredibly influential having a successor would easily settle some peoples worries of Cirrus or even Ai somehow dying in the dungeon.

"Yeah, that one. Did you reconsider it before you fought Fafnir?"

"... A little bit. I was nervous, but it wasn't anything Artemis's teachings couldn't take down. Why?"

"Well..." Ai's tail swung slowly and her ears drooped a bit.

"Ai, was that why you were more aggressive in the past few days?"

"A little. I have been playing with the idea for a minute or two. You told us that Ouranos gave you a Labor to always answer the call when the world is threatened." She stopped her walking and looked into her husbands eyes. Cirrus did the same as his wife. "And when he called you and it had to do with the Black Dragon, I... was worried. You know? So When you came back I... I didn't want you to leave again."

"Oh Ai." Cirrus brought her in close and hugged her tightly. "Don't worry." He looked her in her eyes and gently smiled. "You know me Ai. The day I ask you if you want kids will be the day I will throw everything I have to return."

Ai looked up at his gentle smile and stoic emerald eyes. From a single glance, it put her at ease.

"Fufu. Thank you." She hugged him tightly as well.

"No problem, Ai."

"Hmm... Say, do you want a detour?"

Cirrus could see her tail return to an energetic sway and her ears perked up.

"Uhh... Maybe after we return home and have a shower!"

‘Fuck!! I just wanna sleep in!! Artemis, I need you!!’

Back in their room in the Moonlight Tower.

Achoo!" Artemis sneezed. "Huh? Was someone talking about me? Weird?”

Knock! Knock!

“Who is it?”

“It's Phi.” Said Phi. "Can you come down?"

“Did something happen?”

“No, but it seems Lady Hestia’s child is waiting down below.”


Artemis came down to find Bell staring at the flowers.

“Bell? What are you doing here?” she asked walking up to the young upstart.

“O-oh Lady Artemis!" Bell had a nervous fluster standing up from his seat. "Um sorry I wanted to talk with Cirrus about something…”

“He should be coming back from his date with Ai. Does this have to do with a certain gray-haired girl?”

Bell nods his head. His eyes dart around avoiding looking at Artemis directly.

“I see…” Artemis crossed her arms. “So, are you conflicted on whether you should accept her or your goddess's love? Or maybe a certain golden-haired swordswoman?” Bell’s face reddens even more. “No need to be embarrassed. It’s rather easy to notice when you stare at her longingly.”

“W-was it that noticeable?”

“A bit yes.” Artemis came up to him and grabbed his face. "Bell there is no need to be nervous." She looked in straight in his eyes.

"L-Lady Artemis!?" Bell's eyes were darting even more, he couldn't handle speaking such things along with Artemis' gaze studying him. "I-I-Um. W-what are you doing?"

"A favor. Though these are not mine nor Aphrodite's words but are Cirrus'. Look into my eyes."

"Hmm!" Bell struggled but he managed to look into Artemis green eyes. The more he looked more charming they were, they reminded him of gazing up at the sky while on his grandfathers shoulders, passing under a tree and looking through the tree leaves as light passes through them. "O-okay!"

"Good, he said to not stare right into a woman's eyes unless they are lovers."

"WHAT!?" He shouted even more fluster, he wished to pry himself from Artemis grasp but she was firm. He didn't want to cause a misunderstanding.

"So look a bit above my eyes, looking into a girls eyes you just met gives them a creepy feeling, got it?"

Bell did just that and looked just above her eyes.

"G-got it! C-could you let go of my face? Please?"

"Of course." She nods, her grasp loosens and she takes a few steps back. "That should help you at least a little. Aphrodite said that women like a confident man so this is a good push in the right direction, certainly will help with communication at least."

"S-so could I still wait for Cirrus?" Bell looked less flustered, he was at least looking at Artemis.

"Of course. You can wait here until Cirrus gets back, but one last word of advice?”

“U-um sure?”

Artemis leaned in.

“It is okay to be a bit greedy.”

Artemis makes a cute smirk before walking away.

“Uwah… She’s cute up close." Any further feelings were quickly crushed by his fear and respect towards Cirrus. "But… be a bit greedy… huh?”

Bell thinks about it a bit before leaving. His mind has been made.

A while later, Cirrus and Ai arrive back home.

“Hello, captain.” Said a Familia member. “The White Rabbit was here to see you, but he seemed to have left a while ago.”

“I see… thank you for the update."

He and Ai head back up to their rooms on the top floor of the tower. When they reach their room, Artemis could be seen polishing her bow.

“Oh, you're back." Artemis looked at the two. "Did you talk to Bell?”

“He was already gone,” Cirrus said, walking and sitting on the bed.

“I’m going to take a bath!” Ai left the room to go bathe.

“Is that so…" Artemis stops her polishing and walks towards Cirrus. "Hmm well, I hope it goes well for him!”

“What did he want?” Cirrus said, taking off his shoes.

“He wanted some advice on Syr and stuff.” She got onto the bed as Cirrus was getting in under the covers.

“… Did you tell him anything?” Cirrus looked into his wives eyes who got on top of him.

“I just told him it was fine to be a bit greedy.” She leaned in close to his face, their breathes easily felt on their faces.

“Oh well, I’m really too fucking exhausted.” He wrapped his arms around Artemis' waist and closes his eyes. "You wanna be the little spoon?"

"For a little while, I still have some stuff to do."

The two get comfortable in bed, Cirrus holds her closely as a child would their stuff animal.

"I can smell Ai on you." Artemis rests her head over his chest, his heartbeat soothing her. "Her scent lingers on your clothes and stains your skin. I am a bit envious you and her could go for that long. If I was a mortal with a Falna I could enjoy our intimacy just a bit longer and you won't have to worry about causing any harm that could result in me returning to heaven."

"You last plenty." He moves his hand holds her head close. "I thought you liked me being gentle?"

"I do but I would like to try you being as rough as you are with Ai."

"Maybe one day I could fulfill that desire. Besides, just the other day it was your scent that lingered on me, you certainly enjoyed your time riding on top of me."

"You didn't like the scent of our sweat mixing? My tongue," She lightly licked Cirrus' collarbone. "Gliding across your body? I sure enjoy it when you did it to me."

"You were certainly enchanting."

"So was Ai as enthralled as I was?"

“Oh yeah. The moment she gets that look in her eye, she turns into an animal in heat. Plus, what you said really got her going.”

“That is true… say if Bell somehow succeeds, he would potentially be with three girls?”

“… Yeah?”

“Did you ever think of expanding this I guess small harem? Ai has been vying for Aisha." Artemis paid close attention to his heart.

“… Do you wanna get more?”

“Not particularly” Her lips form a smile. “I am quite happy with our current arrangements. But did you ever think of getting another wife?” Artemis wanted his honest answer. Even if she knew Cirrus he was still a male. Cirrus was not religious or conventual in his personal beliefs so adding another wife was likely something he and not just Ai considered.

“Hmm… well, I would be lying if I said no, but I guess since I haven’t met someone who would constitute me to ponder this question or whether they could pass the qualifications.”


“Really." He pats her head. "I’m fine with just you two. Should there actually be a person to be my 3rd wife, they really have to impress us.”

“I see, well, they really need to impress me and Ai to get near your heart.” She wiggles her way up to his face.

“… I really don’t know how to feel about that, but,” Cirrus gives Artemis a light peck on the lips. “For now, I want to sleep with you in my arms.”

“Hmm…” Artemis kisses him a bit longer. The two hold one another as they slowly let their consciousness fade away into sleep.

“… Has Aisha tried?” Artemis asked softly.

“She heard the qualifications and cut her losses.”

“Such a shame. She is a really tanned-skinned beauty. Ai said she was the one who taught her that thing she does with the tongue and fingers.”

“Is that why you are so good?"

Traveling somewhere in Gekai.

“So… Hera, can I ask why your child is so obsessed with white?” Aphrodite asked Hera.

“It had to do with that calamity… after that, she grew an obsession with white, so I can’t blame her for reaching this level.”

“Ah… and I guess using Nox is the perfect bait, huh?”

“Yes, for the Dark High Elf, Malion Dökk Nida, I needed to use something very special.”

“… What do you think is gonna happen if she actually meets Cirrus and Nox? They made a Samsara Contract.”

“My guess she either A: tries to get Nox’s love. B: get Cirrus’s love.”

“… Hera are you trying to get your grandson another wife? You know first-generation spirits don’t hold ‘love’ for any other than their contractor.”

“Possibly. Is it so wrong I wish for more cute grandkids? Besides, with the absurd qualification conditions they made, I would say Malion has a rather good chance.”

“Hmm… But isn’t weird that you're trying to hook him up with Malion, a woman who knew Cirrus’ mom? Think of the age gap?”

“What about you and those children of yours, huh? They are in their early 20s while both you and I are old enough to be their great, great, great, great, great, great grandmother.”

“Okay, I see your point! But still… do you even think he would be fine with it?”

“He is a man. That alone tells me he would accept her if his wives do. If not… well, I guess I failed Malion.”

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