Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.3] Quest 222.5- Ai’s Investigation

[Vol.3] Quest 222.5- Ai’s Investigation

Entrainment district.

‘The greatest weapon a person can have is knowledge. Cirrus has taught me this. With simply knowing the territory of the battle, you can take advantage of it, knowing the general will make planning around him far easier, and knowing supply lines and cutting them from water sources can cripple any great territory. This was how Cirrus gained his fame and respect from the nobles of Yamato and their fear.’

Watching the entertainment district during the day is such a foreign sight to Ai as the busy streets were now empty during the day.

‘First, know the territory.’

Ai began to explore the entertainment district with her invisibility cloak, mapping it out for all of its nooks and crannies.

‘I wonder if Aisha knows these streets like the back of her hand… no matter, I will find everything I can and then develop a plan to save you! As my friend… I need to.’

From early in the morning too late at night, Ai would investigate the entertainment district, asking the few vendors in the district but with nothing to go on.

‘Wish I can interrogate someone… or maybe isolate and get one of the Ishtar Familia drunk, but they always go in packs…’

“Haaa~ well, intelligence gathering is never easy, but mapping is!”

As she was going over her maps, she found something odd about them.

‘… Why is it that these maps are… wonky? There are far more dead ends than I had thought… Hmm… I will keep a note of their locations in case they are like the secret passages Cirrus and Fels use.’

She puts her maps away and looks out to the nightlife of the entertainment district.

“If only that damn toad wasn’t in the Familia home, it would be so much easier… oh well, I’m sure the Loki Familia will step in eventually, Finn is sharper than me… ah dammit, I stayed too late! Cirrus, Nox, and Art are going to eat before me!! no wait, Cirrus should be at the Colosseum training and Artemis is helping Hestia… I think ill go to the Colosseum. I’m sure they don’t have any food.”

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