Cursed Immortality

Chapter 512 Primordial Nightmare Contract

Chapter 512 Primordial Nightmare Contract

Jacob was surprised by those words, 'Not only is this thing highly intelligent, but it also knows why I'm here and the purpose of this trial. Then it wanted me to form this contract before killing it? No, it's too risky; for all I know, it might be a trap to trick me.'

Jacob wouldn't listen to some unknown entity and form a contract with it just because it told him to. He knew better than anyone just how vast and mysterious the zodiac plains are and believing something unknown was the biggest mistake one could make in this place.

Like Immortika, he still couldn't completely trust it because too many things were hidden, and it was always the one in control. Adding another such existence was not something Jacob could handle. At least, in the cursed immortality case, he has some trust in its ability to grant him longevity and power.

Furthermore, this thing was entrapped in this place for who knows when and couldn't escape without dying, while Immortika could hide whenever it wanted. So, it wasn't hard to choose which one was more powerful.

Making up his mind, Jacob pulled the trigger!

"YOU!" The voice was shocked at Jacob's decisiveness. He didn't even say anything and attacked!

Almost instantly, the black flame around the egg suddenly burned intensely, and when the atomic bullets touched, no explosion occurred. Two bullets just turned into ashes when they came in contact with the black flame.


The sonic boom rang, but Jacob was shocked because the bullets were already gone without causing damage.

"Are you out of your mind? If you want to negotiate, say so! There is no need to attack. I'm more than happy to provide you with whatever you want as long as you agree with me!" The voice sounded in a hurry, filled with indignation.

Jacob narrowed his eyes as he looked at the black flames, 'Did those flames just become slightly smaller?'

He was paying close to the egg's movement, and it was impossible for him not to notice this change. He quickly guessed that to nullify his bullets, the black flames would have to use a portion of its energy. They were not everlasting!

"You think this little setback will deter me? I'm not interested in making contracts with unknown beings I can't understand." Jacob coldly retorted before he pulled the triggers again!

The black flames again nullified the bullets, but just like before, they were slightly diminished.

"Fool! Utter fool! The contract is of equal partnership. You can see for yourself. Our lives will be bound together. If one of us dies, the other will die as well!" The voice shrilled with anger as it couldn't understand why a mortal like Jacob rejected such an honor.

Jacob's eyes shimmered with naked disdain, and he scoffed, "Heh, you call this equality? Why do I have to die if you die? The last time I checked, I'm not the one begging you to save me, am I? You are not my equal, not by a long shot. It's quite clear to me that all I have to do is to kill you before you creep out your egg, and I don't need to risk anything, much less connect my life with yours."

This time, Jacob emptied the entire magazine of atomic bullets and changed it with diamond-iron bullets. He was going to kill that thing no matter what.

"Are you serious!? Can't you just let me at least reply before you attack? Didn't I say I'm willing to negotiate? Alright, I understand your point, and it was not right for me to put on airs while I'm seeking your help." The voice becomes flustered as Jacob now seems like a madman.

"Very well, we'll form a master and servant contract, in which you'll be my master, and I'll be your servant for 1,000 years. You can order me to do anything except for taking my own life with the exception of…"

Before it could finish, Jacob started to shoot again with bone-chilling killing intent.

Another magazine was emptied, and he changed it with another one while sneering, "You still dare to make demands? Do I look like I'm in the mood to bargain?"

"Y-you…scoundrel!" Rage leaked from the gentle voice as if it was on the verge of exploding, and even the egg started to shake like crazy.

Jacob's heart went cold as he felt something was wrong, and he quickly took out the atomic grenade. He was closely observing the egg's movement, and he knew the moment it realized that Jacob would not listen, he would show its true colors.

Even a corner rabbit would bite much less this terrifying existence.

However, before Jacob could even activate the atomic grenade, a pitch-black streak shot out from the egg at light speed, and the moment he realized that steak had already come in touch with his forehead!

Jacob's heart skipped a beat as he panicked, thought it was over, and was ready to fight.

However, his expression changed multiple times when nothing happened; he was still in control of his body and feeling just fine.

'Did I imagine it?' He thought with bewilderment.

But right now, a vast torrent of information breaks in his mind, and foreign information starts to surface.

"What did you do?!" Jacob was horrified as he shouted while looking at the egg.

The information was about a contract called the Primordial Nightmare Contract in accord with he was now the Owner of Beast of Primordial Nightmare. It wasn't the Beast of Dream at all!

Furthermore, he didn't have any say in it because the moment that contract came in contact with his body, it was finalized!

Additionally, the Primordial Nightmare Contract has many clauses and terms that almost make Jacob die of anger. Those clauses and terms were not restraining him. They were about under what conditions he could kill the Beast of Primordial Nightmare, and he couldn't kill it as long as any of those conditions wouldn't fulfilled.

Although he wasn't restrained, it was still the most significant restriction that would stop him from killing the Beast of Primordial Nightmare whenever he wished!

"Hmph! I naturally used my once-in-a-lifetime ability to bind myself with you. Although it cost me my freedom, it's far better than dying, isn't it? Besides, I think it was all worth it, O' owner of the Universal Godly Scripture!" The voice snorted, filled with hidden mischief as its entire demeanor changed.

On the other hand, Jacob was rooted in his place with a pale white face after hearing its last words. He felt like he was in a nightmare!

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