Cursed Immortality

Chapter 416 Plain Shares

Chapter 416  Plain Shares

Jacob now had some idea of what the name Vile Witch signifies. But those legends were somewhat overexaggerated in his view. Because legends were made by people, and people tend to exaggerate things.

Nevertheless, there were some points he was quite interested in, especially if there was any truth in those legends.

"First, tell me about these Plain Shares?" Jacob asked, as it was his first time hearing about this term, and it drew his attention.

Sofie pursed her lips and replied, "You don't even know about Plain Shares? Like a business company, a plain also has shares from 0.01% to 100%. But unlike a company, a plain share is priceless, and they seemed to be divided 50/50 between the living and dark beings by default.

"Because as long as you had even 0.01% plain share, you can open start your own village in any territory of the life faction, and the three hegemonies won't be able to do anything against you as long as you had nothing done wrong. At least not in broad daylight.

"Furthermore, the more plain share power had, the more they had say in the matters of a plain, and the bigger they could increase their scale of influence and power without being worried about anyone obstructing their way.

"Contradictory, if you built up a village or town without having a plain share, the life faction has full authority to deal with you with everything they had. Or why do you think all three size cities are called Alive Cities?"

Jacob's eyes shimmered with astonishment, "So, having a plain share means having a permit to start your own city? Is that it?"

"In layman's terms, yes. But it's far more complicated than that since I never owe any plain shares, and dark beings made it even more complex. But from the information I had, the more plain shares you had, the more you have the power to change a plain in accordance with your own wish.

"Like, right now, the three hegemonies should have all the plain shares divided between themselves, and they had developed the epic plains to new heights. The Dark Being, on the other hand, didn't seem to follow this rule as they all united under a single dark being.

"Then there is also the dark city which seemed to have no plain share, yet they are so unfathomable that no one dares to mess with them so easily. So, they should be the only power who didn't want plain share at all, or my assumption could be wrong as well." Sofie stated with a hint of uncertainty.

Jacob thought it made sense, especially about the part of Dark City, and these plains shares seemed to have more purpose than just getting permission to open a new city. Or why would those hegemonies be hoarding them?

"How many plain shares had Vile Witch owed?" He questioned.

"I have no idea about it should be enough that she has created a Witch Empire, and everyone who lived on those lands had to pay her taxes, even the three hegemonies.

"But once she died, those plain shares returned to the plains and became available for anyone with the qualification to buy them. Before you ask, I'll tell you that only those with Star Authority can buy those plain shares whenever they are available, and the only way to earn Star Authority is to win a plain trial!" Sofie declared.

'Star Authority? Didn't I also earn 1-Star Star Authority with Star Privilege when I completed the rare plains trial?' Jacob's eyes widened ever so slightly as realization dawned upon him.

At that time, he only thought that the star authority was only limited to the three unique choices for a plain, but now it appeared there was far more to it, just like the star privilege.

However, it was Jacob who was clearly not interested in ruling the plains, so star authority held little importance to him unless there was some advantage that could help him.

But Sofie's knowledge was quite limited, and he knew if he wanted to know more, he needed someone like Ellie, and that was quite impossible at this moment.

Still, he raised another question about the Vile Witch, "You say she put some curse on this Flaming Halberd? Was she proficient in hexes or cursed magic?"

This was probably the biggest thing that truly attracted Jacob's attention, curses!

Although he didn't know if the curses were similar to his own hex magic, he sure knew they were completely related. Since he couldn't open that damn book he found on the altar. He didn't mind finding other sources to learn more about hex magic.

Because hex or cursed magic was something that everyone liked to avoid since they were nefarious by nature and almost undetectable and sometimes incurable. Just like Jacob's three hexes, he has yet to find something that could break them or detect them.

Not to mention the hex magic was awakened from the Cursed Immortality, so he doesn't believe for a second that it was just run-of-the-mill hex magic. But the problem was he had no clue when to start his research or how since his hex mana seemed to be harmless unless used with the three hexes.

But if this Vile Witch could shed some light on it, he didn't mind taking some risks to unearth her layer since his objective here was to become as stronger as possible before he was dragged into the trial plains by his own body.

Since he already had clues about that mysterious inheritance, why miss it?

Sofie replied with uncertainty, "I think so. She was infamous for her mysterious cures. Why do you think she was called a Witch in the first place? That's why she struck terror in everyone's heart, and her research was all about those curses, and many perished by her hands."

Jacob couldn't help but smile coldly, "Is that a fact? Last question, do you know anything about A.T.L.A.S?"

Sofie's eyes went wide as deep horror surfaced in them. She blurted, "Where did you hear about A.T.L.A.S?!"

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