Cursed Immortality

Chapter 441 I admit…

Chapter 441 I admit…

Jacob took Aven to a remote section of the forest before they were out of everyone's view. He asked, "Now, tell me, what were you withholding before?"

Aven's heart sank when she heard Jacob's forceful tone, "We didn't withhold anything from you, Sir Viper. You had seen the map yourself, and now you'd watched the door yourself."

"Yeah, but you said the is within mountains. But you never said it was inside a mountain! Do you plan to bury us all? Furthermore, I've studied the runes, and they seem to be not sealing the door; instead, they are sealing a certain recess on that door. For example, like a keyhole!" Jacob revealed while his icy cold eyes were looking deep into Aven's eyes.

The moment he said 'keyhole,' her pupil dilated, and she quickly answered, "But we don't have any key, and unlike Sir Viper, we are no expert in runes, so how can we know this location?"

Inwardly she was cussing herself, 'Shit, so there was a keyhole in that door as well?!'

Jacob's lips curled up in a disdainful smile, "I just said it's my conjecture that it might be a keyhole. But you just sound like you were sure it's a keyhole and it also has a key for opening it. Miss Snow, you have the key, right?"

'This astute snake!' Aven's eyes trembled slightly, but she knew if she tried to lie, it would only make matters worse, especially when she was dealing with a person like Jacob, who seemed to be grasping her weak points too quickly.

So, it would not be wise to make him her enemy, and since the truth is out, she decided to play her trump card.

"Alright, I admit I have the key, and I hide it because I…"

Before Aven could finish her words, her eyelids suddenly turned heavy as a mountain as they shut down, and her giant body started to fall unconsciously.

"Since that's the case, I don't need you anymore." Jacob impassively stated as he grabbed her falling body, and the next moment, Aven vanished into his pendant.

Jacob didn't want any time as he quickly took out dead being magic core and started to replenish his hex mana.

Since he decided to make a move and eliminate both brother and sister, he was going to do it discreetly and quickly. They were too much of a variable, and he knew from the start they were withholding important information.

But he didn't have a choice but to keep them alive and follow their lead since they were useful, and he wanted to make his journey easier. Furthermore, he still didn't know about what was on the other side of that door.

So, keeping them alive was a must until they told him themselves the hidden information.

A runic array could only be fully encrypted or built when magic runes are encrypted in runic sequences, and those runic sequences were the core of a runic array that gives the array its particular attributes.

The more runic sequences there are, the more complex the runic array and the more challenging it will be to keep all those runic sequences in sync. Because if even a single rune weren't in sync or compatible with the rest of the runic sequences, the array would either not work or explode.

So, to make sure such a thing never happened, Rune Artificers divided the runes into different categories and then only made runic sequences by taking the same magic runes from the required category.

However, the Rune Artificers in the Elder Grandmaster Rank start learning to connect different runic sequences together by dividing them into sections and making a complex array that could achieve different effects at the same time.

Furthermore, the more complex an array, the harder it is to break or comprehend, and a Rune Artificer could also create multiple traps with sections to make sure no one dares to fiddle with his work or try to copy it carelessly.

Some expert Rune Artificers could even cause an array to explode if another Rune Artificer was trying to decrypt his array and steal his work.

That's why Jacob first wanted to understand what kind of array he was dealing with before taking another action.

So, with his own limited understanding, after examining the runes in the door space, Jacob stumbled upon certain discoveries. The first one was the one he told Aven just now. But it was actually half of it.

The truth was the magic runes were inscribed very carefully in three sections with multiple layers of traps amidst them and then encrypted in an array. Whoever created it clearly either wants to seal that door forever or stop someone unworthy to open that door.

The first section was the sealing runes, which was just 10% of the whole array. The second 40% section was built with strengthening runes, probably to stop anyone using force to break open that door or stop the space from collapsing.

But the third 50% section was something Jacob had yet to fully comprehend because it was still too profound for him, and he even suspected some of the magic rune sequences were most likely unique rank.

Furthermore, from what he could understand, those mysterious runes were clearly not something to be taken lightly, and if he somehow triggered them, he might be buried alive there, and the inheritance would also be destroyed.

So, blasting those runes was akin to blasting the entire inheritance or whatever was hidden behind that door.

That's why he first came back to fish for more clues from Aven and Frugal about the sealing runes, and just as he suspected, they were indeed hiding the important part altogether.

Since he now knew there was a key, and Aven and Frugal were more of a threat than help, he simply decided to dispose of them, staring at Aven, who was clearly the brains between the siblings.

Furthermore, they might have more information stored in their space rings, so getting rid of them as soon as possible was the greatest and safest option since he had a feeling he might not get another chance once that door was open.

As for the One Fist team, since Bryan was now gone, they were all within the realm where Jacob could handle them. So, he was now going with their plan to use them as meal shields if necessary.

After replenishing his mana, he headed towards the team again so he could lure Frugal out just as he did with Aven.

But the moment he came back, he found Frugal wasn't there, and Pvill had come back and was telling his team about what he had discovered. Now, they no longer seemed to be doubting Jacob's words.

"Where is Captain Fire?" Jacob didn't pay them any mind and quickly questioned.

Oply looked at Jacob and replied with somewhat guilt in her eyes, "I-I would like to apologize for earlier…"

Jacob cut her short, "It's no matter. Now answer me!"

Oply pursed her lips before replying, "He was just here a few moments when he said he had a call that needed this attention and has yet to return. By the way, where is Captain Snow?"

Jacob's heart sank, and he said before sprinting in Frugal's direction, "Wait here. I'll be back!"

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