Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough

Chapter 1384 Planned Ambush! (2)

Chapter 1384  Planned Ambush! (2)

Hm… Looks like he already contacted his friends about his current predicament. Although… Given the distance from the Frozen Wasteland, it will at least take them another hour or so to rush here. More than enough time to finish off this little one and take my leave.

Seeing how the demon king took out his communication talisman and contacted his friends for help, the ancestor of the Blue Sea Empire wasn't the slightest bit worried, as he understood he had more than enough time to kill off the demonic cultivator who had now turned his full attention towards trying to escape from him after discovering his true strength.


Unfortunately for this demonic cultivator, even if he might have an hour or so left before any new demonic cultivator appeared to assist, the ancestor of the Blue Sea Empire didn't intend on dragging things out, as he understood that there was still a very real chance that his presence would alert those stronger demonic cultivators inside the Frozen Wasteland.

Even if he was confident in facing those weaker demon kings still at the early stage of the realm, which was also the reason he had dared to wander through the Frozen Wasteland and into the outer regions of the continent in such a dangerous period in time, he understood that he would not be able to escape if those stronger demonic cultivators appeared. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Instead of him escaping, there was a very real chance of him being trapped and the following situation turning out like Xuan Hao had wanted it to turn out with the Celestial Immortal Ancestors of the Blue Sea Empire rushing over to assist and the battle between the top figures among demonic cultivators and the Blue Sea Empire escalating beyond the point of no return.

A situation that would almost certainly result in the Blue Sea Empire losing some of their Celestial Immortals due to the simple fact that they had to pass through the Frozen Wasteland to leave and the number of Demon King Realm demonic cultivators inside the Frozen Wasteland far exceeded that of the Celestial Immortals inside the Blue Sea Empire. At least on the surface from what both sides had shown so far.

These two ancient forces that had existed for tens of thousands of years- Even a hundred thousand years had deep foundations that far surpassed the little power they showed on the surface.

For example, the Middle Stage Celestial Immortal Realm cultivator currently in the process of beating the Demon King Realm demonic cultivator trying to escape senseless was one such hidden power of the Blue Sea Empire, though, not completely hidden, as he was still well known. The hidden thing being that his strength was at the Middel Stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm. Not the early stage of the realm…

I'm… I'm going to die…?

As the battle raged on for another five minutes and the surrounding kingdoms or other unfortunate powers had long since been reduced to dust by the terrifying shockwaves produced when the two clashed with each other, the demonic cultivator finally felt a sense of fear wash over him, as he realized that he might actually end up dying today.

Considering that he was someone in the Demon King Realm and had already lived for over ten thousand years and expected to live far longer than that in the future, the sudden threat of death cutting his dreams short was unimaginably terrifying.

Even with the war between the normal cultivator and demonic cultivators starting and different demon kings being dispatched to fight the celestial immortals on the other side, he had never really felt a real sense of fear before, as most of those battles hadn't ever been against someone, he thought strong enough to kill him.


As his mentality faltered for a split second while fending off the Ancestor of the Blue Sea Empire, the demonic cultivator found himself suddenly plummeting towards the ground rapidly while painful clutching his head as a black smoke suddenly began oozing out from his falling body. Leaving behind a trail of black smoke.

"Complete Demonic Possession…"

Seeing what happened to the demonic cultivator as he was engulfed in a ball of pitch-black smoke, the Ancestor of the Blue Sea Empire paused for a second as a somewhat fearful expression appeared on his face before ultimately rushing down after the demonic cultivator to finish him off.

The reason for this being that he understood that if delayed for too long, the demonic cultivator would be able to complete what he had ended up starting-


Using all of his strength to forcibly increase his speed at this moment the ancestor of the Blue Sea Empire reached the demonic cultivator just when his now closed eyes began quivering ever so slightly, like they would open at any moment-


And without any hesitation he used all of his strength to cut through and destroy the body of the demonic cultivator before he managed to finish what he was doing. Killing him with what seemed to be a simple move, but in reality, the Ancestor had used everything he had for that simple attack. Not wanting the demonic cultivator to finish his little transformation as he understood what that would mean for him and his chances of escaping his current situation alive.

"To think he actually ended up trying a complete demonic possession… Doesn't he know that doing so is far worse than dying?" Muttering to himself as he looked down at the dead body of the demonic cultivator who had been a powerful Demon King not long ago, the Ancestor of the Blue Sea Empire glanced back in the direction of the space node stone mine before leaving the place together with the interspatial ring of the demonic cultivator and the spatial restriction artifact.

Just in terms of what he had managed to gain from killing this demonic cultivator in the Demon King Realm, he had more than made up for the resources that had been used to buy the information on the space node stone mine.

Unfortunately, the Blue Sea Empire wouldn't be able to take control of the space node stone mine at the moment due to the situation with the demonic cultivators all across the continent and the fact that they had to remain on high alert at all times and couldn't spare dispatching enough forces to defend this space node stone mine.

But… Even if mining it at the moment was impossible, it wasn't that hard for them to prevent the demonic cultivators from making use of the space node stone mine…

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