Chapter 155

155 The Alpaca’s

Peony Valley.

The sun just arise, and BaiYing could not wait to go to the valley because they had a very cute guest arrived that day, so cute that BaiYing couldn’t stop hugging them, the animal with medium height, face, and body with white fluffy fur, four fat legs with fur, short nose, round big eyes, and short pointed ears, they’re so adorable, plus, the sound of a sweet bell hanging from the animal’s neck, it’s a pair, a male and a female.

“Wow they’re so cute”

BaiYing couldn’t stop hugging him, so excited he wanted to pinch him, maybe it was the Crown Prince’s feeling when he saw him that he always wanted to pinch his cheeks, BaiYing thought, but why did he thinking about that person? Which keep bothered him a whole night make him couldn’t sleep well, but, a pair of alpacas that had been brought out so far from DuAn made BaiYing unable to stay mad at him any longer.

“Ohh they’re so cute”

His maids also couldn’t hold back their annoyance, a pair of healthy and fat alpacas that seemed to be looking at them with big smiles, very cute.

“Oh so cute”

ChenMing, who that day went with BaiYing to the valley didn’t budge, what’s so cute about it? Just an ordinary dirty furry animal, and maybe also smells, he will never touch that disgusting animal, he thought while walking away a bit from BaiYing who led the alpaca with a leash around its neck.

“Oh come on, Ying’er takes you around the valley, later this place will be your playground, you can go anywhere you want, okay?”


By noon, BaiYing and the others had already brought the pair of adorable animals around the valley, and finally, they sat for a while under a shady tree to relieve their fatigue.

“Your Majesty, this fruit was sent directly from LiuYang city, this is their first harvest after we leave,” Yan said handing a basket of boiled fruit, apples, tomatoes, corn, this really refreshed for BaiYing’s eyes who really liked to eat.

“Wow, they did it, this is a huge fruit,” said BaiYing, taking out a red apple bigger than his fist, and tasting it.

“It’s sweet.”

BaiYing held out one fruit in front of ChenMing who was sitting beside him.

“This, young master Chen, this is delicious, give it a try.”

BaiYing flashed his sweetest smile as he stretched out his hand.

ChenMing smiled, however, even though he seemed reluctant to get close to him but somehow the young man always clung in wherever he goes, BaiYing thought, which after hearing the Crown Prince’s story last night became a little bit suspicious of that person.

Bi prep another fruit and placed it on the plate in front of BaiYing.

“Your Majesty, please, this is delicious too.”

Some kind of watermelon, BaiYing thought, only the shape of the fruit is firmer and the water is not too much, the color is not too red either.

Soon, the sun was getting hotter, it was time to return to the pavilion after half a day of playing in the valley, BaiYing walked in front holding the male alpaca leash while Yan pulled the female, while Bi carried the basket containing their food earlier, ChenMing walked at the back, the young man it hooked its two hands behind its waist and occasionally glanced at BaiYing, as if plotting something in his mind.

When crossing the edge of the cliff, the group formed a line, even though they had passed it many times, BaiYing carefully pulled the alpaca leash slowly.

“Be careful, sis” he shouted, Yan and Bi replied.

“Yes Your Majesty”


There was a slightly loud sound that made Yan turn her head, when she was almost on the flat road, suddenly the female alpaca she was holding rebelled.

“Ngoo ngoo” Yan couldn’t control the animal, her grip was released and in an instant, the alpaca’s fell to the side of a sloping side cliff.

“Ah, oh no!” Yan exclaimed, BaiYing was surprised, he immediately turned his body to hold Yan’s hand who was about to jump down the cliff when she saw the alpaca slip down.

“Sister Yan don’t!” thought BaiYing because the animal didn’t fall into the cliff deep enough either, luckily they had reached the edge of the cliff. But Yan’s face was worried, the poor animal rolled over and landed on the ground, even though it didn’t look hurt but the animal couldn’t go anywhere, it’s stuck there.

BaiYing looked at the fallen animal, while her partner in BaiYing’s hand looked uneasy, he held out the leash to Yan who was worried and feeling guilty.

“Here help me hold him”

“Oh no Your Majesty, let me go down and carry him up, oh how can I be so careless”

BaiYing folded his wide and long sleeves, also gathering his long hair together in front of his neck so as not to interfere with his movements, he’s ready to go down by holding on to the tree trunk but Bi’s hand held him back.

“Your Majesty, what are you doing?” she asked.

“Well, what else? Ying’er will climb down and carry XiaoMei up, she’s so heavy you won’t be able to carry her up”

Bi who was still holding BaiYing’s hand glanced at Yan.

“Yan, you hold His Majesty’s hand, don’t let him down, I’ll find a guard okay?”

Yan nodded, as Bi rushed off towards the road ahead of them, BaiYing pulled his lips, he tried to release Yan’s grip in his hand.

“Sister Yan it’s okay, it’s not too deep anyway.”

While Yan was still holding on BaiYing, ChenMing who was standing not far behind them quietly approached, this was a good opportunity for him, no one saw him, falling into the sloping ravine would not kill the concubine, only wounding him enough, to allow him to use his blood for his next plan, ChenMing raised his right hand, opened his palm wide ready to hit BaiYing’s back to send him down, air spread out of his palm, it turns out the young man was not as it seemed, he had the inner power that looks pretty strong, when the busy Yan still holding on BaiYing’s hand, Chenming withdrew his hand and prepared to hit his back.

“Whussshh !!”

He hit directly to BaiYing’s back, so hard enough.


Instead of knocking down BaiYing’s who was standing on the edge of the cliff, that deep punch, actually caused ChenMing who was expending quite a lot of internal energy to be pushed far back, his palm managed to touch BaiYing’s back, at least that’s he thought of, but the young man’s back seemed to protected by energy far greater than his, cause him pushed down so hard fell backward.


And a groan was heard.


BaiYing who was just about to lower his legs, was a bit surprised when he turned his head to see ChenMing who suddenly flew and fell heavily onto the ground along with the dry grass that flew with him, as he hastily to get up, accidentally, his palm pressed the sharp stone below him.

“Ah, ouch!”

BaiYing glanced at Yan to see how’s ChenMing who seemed to be trying to get up from his fall, a bit strange, BaiYing thought, no wind nor rain, why that person dropped himself there? Looking for attention? Thought BaiYing who frowned looking at his scuffed palms.

“Young master, are you all right?” Yan asked helping ChenMing get up, with a bit of a limp, ChenMing was trying to get up from his embarrassing fall, his palms hurt unbelievably, as if they were stabbed by a very sharp weapon, that energy rush, does that kid have a very strong internal power? hands blister and bleed some, this is ridiculous, he thought, trying to wake assisted by Yan, he dismissed the servant’s hand which were very presumptuous to touch him.

“Take your hands off”


“YingYing!” Crown Prince’s voice hurriedly entered the pavilion, followed by BeiYau and ShinYa headed straight for the living room, his eyes widened as he saw the young man sitting at the table with ChenMing beside him, with some medicinal ointment on the table.

“Aww it hurts, please be gentle,” ChenMing moaned as the soft cotton with the ointment touched his injured palm, almost all of his right palm seemed to be blistered.

BaiYing holds ChenMing’s arm.

“Don’t move too much I’m trying to treat you, after all, how did you get a burn like this? Such a weird”

LuoXiang frowned, he heard that BaiYing almost fell off the cliff when the alpaca he just brought in fell into the abyss, but, why did ChenMing hurt his hand,

“Eh, what happens?” LuoXiang asked.

BaiYing looked up at the Crown Prince, he furrowed his brows.

“Don’t know, this young master Chen suddenly fell and injured himself when we were about to help XiaoMei, he doesn’t even know where he got this wound from, it’s very strange”

LuoXiang looked at ChenMing with sharp eyes, is this kid also like BaiYing who was always careless and often hurt himself, however, LuoXiang’s eyes widened when he saw the wound on BaiYing’s left palm, he grabbed the hand quickly startling BaiYing who was about to give medicine to ChenMing’s wound.

“This, where is this wound from? How could you hurt yourself?”

BaiYing pulled his lips, as usual, the young man was always exaggerating.

“It’s fine Your Majesty, just an ordinary scuff.”

The Crown Prince then pulled BaiYing’s hand up from his seat, leading him to another chair, leaving ChenMing who was still resting his injured palm on the table.

“Bei you take care of Young Master Chen, why don’t you guys immediately call a healer” LuoXiang called out to BaiYing’s two personal maids, Yan and Bi lowered their bodies to salute.

“Yes Your Majesty”

BaiYing held his breath, the Crown Prince continued to hold his hand and did not let go, looking for cloth and cleaning the abrasions caused by sharp stone punctures.


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