Creating Heavenly Laws

Chapter 273

Chapter 273

At the moment when the three goddesses completed their evaluation of the Martial Dao's Eighth Rank chapter.

The real-time ranking of the Martial Dao evolution paths would be 'updated'.

Of course, only Lin Yuan could view this update. As for outsiders?

They would have to wait until midnight when all the evolution rankings updated simultaneously.

"Martial Dao Evolution Path ranks first in the Red Kun Star Domain," Lin Yuan glanced at the ranking on the Red Kun evolution list without any surprise.

When the Martial Dao Evolution Path was still at the seventh rank, it already surpassed two eighth-rank evolution paths and was second on the Red Kun evolution list.

Now that the Eighth Rank chapter had been uploaded, the evaluation had greatly improved, making it the number one on the Red Kun evolution list, which was only natural.

"Hmm? It's also ranked first on the Annan evolution list?" Lin Yuan looked at the higher-level ranking.

The Annan evolution list is the evolution list of the Annan Star Alliance, which includes the top 100 strongest evolution paths within a star alliance.

The Red Kun Star Domain belongs to the Annan Star Alliance, which encompasses hundreds or even thousands of star domains.

Lin Yuan remembered that when the Martial Dao Evolution Path was at the seventh rank, its ranking on the Annan evolution list was exactly the hundredth.

The top 100 evolution paths recorded by the Annan Star Alliance included five ninth-rank evolution paths.

Even so, the Martial Dao Evolution Path still managed to become the top of the evolution list, showing the importance placed by the three goddesses.

"This exposure will definitely cause a surge in evolvers of the Martial Dao Evolution Path," Lin Yuan felt quite pleased.

The evolution lists of various star domains and star alliances not only recognized the evolution paths listed but also provided significant exposure.

In any public virtual world, the central plaza area was always the core location.

And the evolution list would be at the very center of the central plaza area.

As long as one is an evolver, the first time they enter the virtual world, they would almost be half-forced to view the evolution paths on the evolution list.

"Let's see the Southern Star District evolution list. Hmm, didn't make it to the top 100," Lin Yuan continued to look up and slightly shook his head.

The Southern Star District is one of the five major star districts of human civilization.

In addition to the Southern Star District, there are also the Eastern Star District, Western Star District, Northern Star District, and Central Star District.

Currently, the territory of human civilization is basically composed of these five major star districts.

Even the smallest Central Star District includes nearly 100,000 star alliances.

As for the other four star districts, they are constantly expanding, with the largest one already having over 200,000 star alliances.

The Milky Way Star Domain, where Lin Yuan is currently located, along with the previous Red Kun Star Domain and Annan Star Alliance, all belong to the Southern Star District.

The Southern Star District currently has 180,000 star alliances, and its star district-level evolution list is extremely competitive. At least the current Martial Dao Evolution Path cannot enter the top 100.

"That's right. No matter how great the potential of the Martial Dao Evolution Path is, it's still just an eighth-rank evolution path. Surpassing some ninth-rank evolution paths is already impressive, how could it compare to the evolution paths on the star district-level evolution list?"

Lin Yuan understood well.

Ranking on the list is not determined by potential alone. Moreover, any evolution path that can make it to the star district-level evolution list has great potential.

Lin Yuan had never underestimated the geniuses in human civilization history. Many geniuses did not grow to the end due to various accidents, but that does not mean their path was wrong.

"By the way."

"Wisdom Goddess."

"Am I now an Advanced Evolution Scholar?"

Lin Yuan suddenly asked. Becoming an Advanced Evolution Scholar has many restrictive conditions, the hardest of which is to develop a stable, entirely new eighth-rank evolution path.

And Lin Yuan had already achieved this.

"Currently determining the qualification of the Milky Way Star Lord. Congratulations, Milky Way Star Lord, on becoming a new Advanced Evolution Scholar of human civilization."

The solemn and cold voice of the Wisdom Goddess sounded.

At the same time.

Emails from the Central Star Domain flooded Lin Yuan's mailbox.

The Central Star Domain is the core star domain of the Central Star District of human civilization, belonging to the heartland of human civilization, where countless important resources are gathered.

Any citizen able to reside in the Central Star Domain for long periods is someone of great background and importance.

Many eighth-rank evolvers aspire to become governors on an ordinary planet in the Central Star Domain.

But it is often difficult to achieve, as even the most ordinary living planet in the Central Star Domain holds immense value.


Lin Yuan glanced at the numerous emails.

Similar to the promotion of citizen levels, these emails mostly explained the status and privileges of being an Advanced Evolution Scholar.

Firstly, every Advanced Evolution Scholar automatically owns a research planet in the Central Star Domain.

This research planet belongs entirely to the Advanced Evolution Scholar for developing their own results.

It's known that becoming a research planet means its value far exceeds that of an ordinary living planet, and even some primary planets of star systems.

Just this research planet is invaluable, worth more than hundreds of thousands of universe crystals.

Some ninth-rank evolvers do not have the right to own a research planet.

Here, it's not about universe crystals but about rights. In the Central Star Domain, becoming a planet lord is not a matter of universe crystals.

"And the ability to access numerous classified materials collected by human civilization, as well as joining the Academy of Sciences and the Evolution Institute."

Lin Yuan had a good understanding of the status of an Advanced Evolution Scholar.

To sum it up, they are treasures.

Treasures of the Human Alliance.

For the entire human civilization, the loss of a whole star domain's ordinary citizens does not compare to the loss of one Advanced Evolution Scholar.

"Respected Scholar Lin Yuan, with your current status, you can apply to leave the Milky Way Star Domain and move to the safer interior of human territory."

The Wisdom Goddess suggested.

"Leave now?" Lin Yuan pondered.

He had already invested a lot in the Milky Way Star Domain, including the B-level planet modification worth ten thousand universe crystals.

"Forget it."

Lin Yuan refused.

The Wisdom Goddess suggested moving to the interior of human territory out of concern for his safety.

But safety concerns?

Before his eighth transmigration, Lin Yuan indeed had such concerns.

But now?

Having comprehended the power of dozens of cosmic powers, even though his internal world had not fully recovered, he could still crush those invincible at the eighth rank.

Even without recovering all his strength, Lin Yuan could exchange blows with a ninth-rank expert.

There was no safety issue at all.

It's the aliens who should be worried.

"Respected Scholar Lin Yuan, as long as your scholar status is not exposed, you can stay in the Milky Way Star Domain. But if your scholar status is revealed, please move to the interior of human territory."

The Wisdom Goddess replied after a moment of silence.

Given Lin Yuan's demonstrated talent and aptitude, he is considered a top-level prodigy of human civilization. Even if he attracts the attention of aliens, they would not blatantly attack.

But if his status as an Advanced Evolution Scholar is exposed, the aliens might break their tacit agreement.

A top-level prodigy of human civilization alone might not attract peak clans' full efforts, and an Advanced Evolution Scholar alone might not either. But the combination of both...


Lin Yuan nodded.

In the virtual world of the Red Kun Star Domain.

Central Plaza Area. Many evolvers were chatting softly.

"It's been almost twenty years, and the Martial Dao Evolution Path still hasn't released the Eighth Rank chapter?"

An evolver spoke. The Martial Dao Evolution Path still held the second rank on the Red Kun evolution list, showing no signs of being shaken.

"Eighth Rank chapter?"

"Is the Eighth Rank chapter so easy to produce?"

A green-eyed evolver sneered. Even for high-ranking Advanced Evolution Scholars, developing a complete eighth-rank evolution path is not easy.

Otherwise, why are there so few eighth-rank evolution paths in human civilization?

Moreover, the Eighth Rank chapter of the Martial Dao Evolution Path is far from ordinary.

Given the potential ranking displayed by the Martial Dao Evolution Path, developing an Eighth Rank chapter matching it is far more difficult than other Eighth Rank chapters.

"I feel that even if the founder of Martial Dao can develop the Eighth Rank chapter, it would take hundreds or even thousands of years, or more."

The green-eyed evolver kept a thought to himself, which was that it might never be possible to develop the Eighth Rank chapter of the Martial Dao.

"I don't care."

"The founder of Martial Dao will definitely develop the Eighth Rank chapter."

Many of Lin Yuan's 'fans' immediately expressed their views.

The Martial Dao Evolution Path was so popular that it naturally accumulated a large number of enthusiasts, making Lin Yuan, the founder, have many 'fans' too.

"Yes, yes, yes."

The green-eyed evolver didn't bother to argue.

This wasn't just his opinion, but the consensus among many high-rank evolvers and high-level citizens.

It was easy for the founder of Martial Dao to develop stages one to seven, but developing the Eighth Rank chapter to match the previous stages was just hopeful thinking.


It was midnight.

The Red Kun evolution list began to 'refresh'.

After a few breaths.

In the central plaza area, all the evolvers looked up at the evolution list.

The green-eyed evolver also looked. When he saw the name at the top of the list, he was stunned.

"The Martial Dao Evolution Path is first?" The green-eyed evolver's heart trembled. Although the ranking only advanced by one place.

But that was the top.

And it could mean something even more terrifying.

That is, the Martial Dao Evolution Path had updated, uploading the Eighth Rank chapter.

Although the Martial Dao Evolution Path had previously experienced a significant rise in ranking without uploading a new chapter, that possibility was low.

Thinking of this, the green-eyed evolver immediately opened the detailed page of the Martial Dao Evolution Path and saw the words 'Eighth Rank chapter' after the seventh rank chapter.

"Really developed the Eighth Rank chapter?"

The green-eyed evolver felt like he was dreaming. He witnessed the birth of an eighth-rank evolution path?

And it was such a monstrous evolution path as the Martial Dao Evolution Path?

"Check the Annan Star Alliance's evolution list ranking." The Red Kun Star Domain evolution list alone could not indicate whether the Eighth Rank chapter of the Martial Dao matched the previous stages.

After all, the Martial Dao Evolution Path with just the seventh rank was already near the limit of the Red Kun evolution list.

Even if the Eighth Rank chapter of the Martial Dao Evolution Path only improved a bit, it could still top the Red Kun evolution list.

This wasn't the credit of the Eighth Rank chapter of the Martial Dao but because the previous ranks one to seven were too unrivaled.

"Annan Star Alliance evolution list," the green-eyed evolver was about to look up from the bottom.

He remembered that the Martial Dao Evolution Path was ranked hundredth on the Annan Star Alliance evolution list previously.

Even if it improved, it likely wouldn't reach the top fifty.


When the green-eyed evolver glanced from the top down.

He was stunned.

Because the current first name on the Annan Star Alliance evolution list was...

"The Martial Dao Evolution Path topped the Annan evolution list?"

The green-eyed evolver swallowed hard, his mind in a whirl.

Milky Way Star Domain.

A fleet was rapidly traversing a wormhole.

"This mission's target is the main star of the Milky Way Star Domain."

Captain Nolan was responsible for adjusting the fleet's position to ensure the correct direction.

"Captain, this many Taiwei Pure Crystals almost emptied our group's inventory. Was it bought by the Milky Way Star Lord?"

The vice-captain beside him asked curiously.

A total of eighty thousand universe crystals worth of Taiwei Pure Crystals, even with space equipment, almost filled half the fleet.

Taiwei Pure Crystals contain pure energy, but their unit price is not high. Eighty thousand universe crystals worth of Taiwei Pure Crystals, when piled together, would be as large as hundreds of planets.

"Not sure."

Captain Nolan remained expressionless.

The fleet members were speculating that the buyer was the Milky Way Star Lord because who else on the Milky Way main star could afford so many Taiwei Pure Crystals with such background and wealth?

Eighty thousand universe crystals... such vast wealth, more than many eighth-rank evolvers could earn in a lifetime.

"The Milky Way Star Lord is such a being. Is it for you to discuss what he buys?"

Captain Nolan glanced at the vice-captain, warning, "Our group's most important task now is to deliver these Taiwei Pure Crystals to the Milky Way main star. As for whom to deliver them to, it's not your concern."

"Yes, yes."

The vice-captain responded immediately, feeling a bit scared.

Everything in the fleet was monitored by the Wisdom Goddess. If they rashly discussed the Milky Way Star Lord and it was recorded by the goddess, they would be in serious trouble.

"We've arrived."

Captain Nolan performed the final wormhole traversal, arriving outside the Milky Way main star.

"The Taiwei Pure Crystals have arrived?"

Lin Yuan looked up, seeing the fleet outside the main star.

"Coming one by one is too slow, I'll go get them directly."

Lin Yuan's figure disappeared and reappeared outside the Milky Way main star.

"Milky Way Star Lord."

Captain Nolan knew who had purchased the Taiwei Pure Crystals and greeted Lin Yuan respectfully.

As Lin Yuan appeared outside the Milky Way main star.

Five eighth-rank invincibles hidden deep within space layers brightened their eyes.

They had been lurking for over a decade, waiting for this moment, for the Milky Way Star Lord to leave the main star, to lose its protection.

Without the main star's defense system, the Milky Way Star Lord, an eighth-rank evolver, appeared as harmless as a little white rabbit in their eyes.

"Our chance has come."

"Attack immediately!"

Leading the Dark Lin Clan, Sara was excited, taking the initiative to leave the space layer.

The other four eighth-rank invincibles did the same, charging eagerly towards Lin Yuan.


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