Crazy! Are You Really A Beast Tamer?

Chapter 75 - 75 The Fishing Method Teenager ‘Fang Xiaomu’! 1

Chapter 75: Chapter 75 The Fishing Method Teenager ‘Fang Xiaomu’! 1

Translator: 549690339

After being stunned for a few seconds, Feng Chenhao immediately hopped off the Beast Car.

He enthusiastically reached out his hand to Fang Mu. “Mr. Jianmu… I didn’t expect to run into you at the entrance!” “I should treat you to this meal!”

“Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to meet me!” While talking, Feng Chenhao subtly began studying Fang Mu.

If he started sizing up Fang Mu the moment they met,

Even if he didn’t mean any harm, it would still be seen as highly disrespectful of Fang Mu.

Therefore, watching Fang Mu while conversing was the best approach.

Because one’s facial expression while talking can hide the direction of one’s gaze.

After his observation, Feng Chenhao noticed that Fang Mu’s attire was very simple.

It was not a custom-made design from any tailor.

But this did not make Feng Chenhao look down on Fang Mu, not even in the slightest.

On the contrary, he felt that Fang Mu had a sense of returning to the basics.

Like a naive newbie entering the workplace and meeting a boss who was dressed in half-sleeve shirts and floral shorts.

At the same time, the air about Fang Mu was incredibly clean.

This cleanness could even be described as pure.

Simple clothing, clean characteristic.

This immediately gave Feng Chenhao a term, “a wolf in sheep’s clothing!”

Such people are the most dangerous.

Everywhere they go, they carry a sense of quietly “fishing.”

At this point, Fang Mu had already shaken hands with Feng Chenhao.

If Fang Mu knew what Feng Chenhao’s current evaluation of him was,

He would surely lift his left hand, wearing a Sequential Spiritual Instrument, the Purple Ice Crystal Ring, on his index finger,

And firmly knock a lump on Feng Chenhao’s head.

Who are you calling a wolf in sheep’s clothing!

Who’s fishing!

I, Fang Mu, have been upright and straightforward. Apart from joking around with my own second elder brother, Fang Yuan, I have never ‘fished’ anyone else in my life!

It’s you who lacks knowledge and can’t see that I’m wearing a Sequential Spiritual Instrument on my hand!

Indeed, that was the case.

The aura of the Sequential Spiritual Instrument was reticent, only those who have truly come in contact with it could recognize it!

The inferior gold-grade spiritual instrument, the Flame Earring that Feng

Chenhao wore on his ear,

Was the coming-of-age gift he had obtained from his father after a lot of begging and pleading.

With Feng Chenhao’s status, he had barely even had contact with platinum spiritual instruments.

“You don’t need to treat me, you’ve come from so far away, it’s only right that I host you!”

At this moment, the attendant of the Sea Banquet Palace was greeting them.

Nothing special could be seen from Fang Mu’s attire and dressing.

However, Feng Chenhao’s clothing, which included a custom-made outfit featuring Silver Peak Guardian Beast White Velvet Swift Antelope Leather, Would at least cost sixty thousand Dragon Rising Coins.

The gold-grade spiritual instrument that he wore on his ears, shone a faint gold hue under the night sky and was quite eye-catching.

It was exactly the type of clientele that the Sea Banquet Palace catered to.

“Gentlemen, welcome to the Sea Banquet Palace!”

“May I know your dining requirements?”

“Would you prefer to dine in the Inner Palace or the Outer Palace?”

Feng Chenhao had heard about the Sea Banquet Palace and knew that their seafood was exceptional.

However, he didn’t know the difference between the Inner and Outer Palace.

“It’s my first time at the Sea Banquet Palace, could you explain the differences between the Inner and Outer Palace?”

Ever since hearing Feng Chenhao’s voice, the attendant had been prepared to give him a detailed introduction.

“Sir, the dishes in the Outer Palace are mainly made from ingredients produced by Silver Stage Guardian Beasts, supplemented with some Copper Stage and Gold Stage ingredients.”

“In terms of the environment, you will only be able to enjoy the services of a floating restaurant.”

“The Inner Palace is built under the sea, where specific Beast Masters are dressed as mermaids to command Water system beasts for performances.” “You are free to order whenever you look up.”

“The sea creature that catches your eyes will be hunted by the Beast Masters playing mermaids in a performance style, and then transformed into fresh dishes.”

“Compared with the ingredients in the Outer Palace, those in the Inner Palace start from Gold Stage.”

“If you wish, you can even enjoy delicacies made from materials produced by Platinum Stage Guardian Beasts.”

The attendant introduced it very seriously, causing Feng Chenhao to bite his lower lip from the surprise.

My God! Even the ingredients from the bodies of Platinum-rank Guardian Beasts can be found in the Inner Palace!

This is incredibly extravagant!

Having a meal in the Inner Palace by the standards of the Sea Banquet Palace would probably cost at least several hundred thousand Dragon Rising Coins.

Perhaps even more!

I don’t have that much spare money on me.

That money could serve as the start-up capital for creating a cosmetics brand!

Fang Mu’s eyebrows furrowed as he listened to the attendant’s introduction.

In his previous life, as an award-winning biologist, Fang Mu visited many high-end places like this one.

But in this life, this is the first time Fang Mu has come across such a place.

Fang Mu wasn’t interested in this kind of place.

Fang Mu could understand serving Guardian Beasts as food.

After all, humans stand at the top of the food chain.

Many wild Guardian Beasts have records of preying on humans.

In situations without the bond of a contract.

To those powerful Guardian Beasts, humans were just a special form of food.

But Fang Mu didn’t like that callous designation of a life’s path.

Watching life wither as a performance to please others.

Of course, this wasn’t because Fang Mu was overly sentimental.

As a biologist in his previous life, and a Beastmaster in this life, Fang Mu held respect for individual lives.

Fang Mu was acutely aware that he was in a world where strength reigned supreme.

When he encounters those who mean him harm, or try to put him in mortal danger.

Letting Pure Water Spirit give them a tight hug was the optimal choice.

“Take us to the Outer Palace for a meal!”

Hearing this, the attendant was slightly disappointed and surprised.

That the decision of where to eat was made by this obviously young boy.

The Sea Banquet Palace’s attendants received a commission for serving customers.

The commission earned from a meal in the Outer Palace was definitely less than one in the Inner Palace.

Even though his heart felt a bit let down, he didn’t dare to show it on his face.

Because the rules at Sea Banquet Palace were very clear.

An attendant would be fired after receiving three complaints, which was extremely strict.

Just as the attendant was about to lead the way.

The young boy, who looked ordinary and young, took out a card made from black crystal stone.

On the card was a golden dragon coiled ready for flight and a knight kneeling on one knee.

It was the Dragon Cavalry Black Gold Card!

The attendant, who received the Dragon Cavalry Black Gold Card from Fang Mu, was slightly trembling.

Even in a place like the Sea Banquet Palace, it was hard to come across a bank card of such high rank.

You cannot judge a book by its cover!

No wonder this young boy could act as the master of the youth beside him.

Turns out that this young boy is the real big shot!

“I’ve never eaten at the Sea Banquet Palace either, so let’s order some specials!”

As he spoke to the attendant, Fang Mu turned his head towards Feng Chenhao.

“Are there any foods you don’t eat?”

Upon hearing this, Feng Chenhao shook his head at first.

But after a while, he added another sentence.

“I don’t eat coriander!”

A joke, his current touch isn’t good.

If he eats coriander what if it causes his hand to bleed!?

Hearing Feng Chenhao’s words, Fang Mu continued speaking to the attendant. “Then select the special dishes that don’t include coriander!”

“There are only two of us for dinner, don’t bring too much, it will be wasted!”

If the attendant had heard these words from others, especially from the person treating them.

They would definitely think in their heart.

Just say you’re afraid of spending money, don’t use fear of waste as an excuse!

But these words coming from this young boy, who could present the Dragon Cavalry Black Gold Card, were different!

He had the strength and confidence to say these words!

The annual interest from the card alone would be enough for this young boy to regard the Sea Banquet Palace as a cafeteria!

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