Crazy! Are You Really A Beast Tamer?

Chapter 143 - 143: 143 Dragon Mother, your news is slow! 1

Chapter 143 - 143: 143 Dragon Mother, your news is slow! 1

Translator: 549690339

Upon hearing Tan Chen’s words, Liu Tiantian felt a chill in her heart and thought to herself.

What a lucky break to have Dai Meng tip her off about Jianmu’s news tonight!

If she had only seen this video tomorrow morning, when Mr. Tan Chen was likely already in bed, she would have probably rushed to publish the press release.

In fact, she didn’t even have to wait until tomorrow noon. The Beastmaster Alliance headquarters received a phone call from Bishop Flowers, the Ninth Sacrifice, under circumstances even Feng Lin was unaware of.

By the time Liu Tiantian returned home and checked the Battle Network again, all the battle recordings of Jianmu had disappeared!

Only discussions remained in the Battle Network, like legends.

Liu Tiantian could glean the implications from the current situation.

It’s not that Jianmu’s backing force didn’t want his reputation to spread.

They simply didn’t want details about Jianmu’s Guardian Beast and the Sequential Spiritual Instrument related to him to be dug out and become common knowledge.

This treatment was exactly the same as that given to MO Shang, the grandson of “Dragon Mother”, who represented the Dragon Rising Federation in the world university competition!

In the not too distant future, she might see Jianmu in official competitions.

In the northern suburbs of the Royal City, a tall building made of white stone was covered in various kinds of vines.

These vines wrapped around the building’s exterior, forming a green curtain.

On the curtain-like facade, three plants blooming with pale purple flowers were planted.

Each light purple flower was subtly colored and covered in intricate patterns on its petals.

A flower made from five petals was only the size of a pinky fingernail.

Over a hundred thousand flowers on each plant opened to the night sky, swallowing up the darkness and emitting a faint light.

The pale purple flower wall gently hung down from the top of the white stone building.

This made the building look refreshing and healing at first glance.

However, this building was the heart of absolute authority and solemnity in the Royal City, the headquarters of the Sanitation Workers.

The vine plants on the wall serving as a green curtain were plain and ordinary, providing great air purification and toxin degradation, known as the Refreshing Vines.

The vines themselves were ordinary, but each of the plants blooming with over a hundred thousand light purple flowers at the top were Sequential Guardian Beasts.

And they were all among the top rankings in the sequence.

There were rumors that a catastrophe-level dimensional rift had appeared in the sky above the Sanitation Workers headquarters.

The moment the catastrophe-level dimensional rift just opened, those Sequential flowers planted on the wall of the Sanitation Workers headquarters released a flurry of petals covering tens of kilometers.

Some of the petals protected an area of several kilometers, preventing the polluted air from the dimensional rift from contaminating the land.

Other petals rushed towards the catastrophe-level dimensional rift, pouring into the rift itself.

No dimensional creature could escape from the catastrophe-level dimensional rift.

Of course, this was just a rumor.

Many young people didn’t believe that the three lightly fragrant flower Guardian Beasts that could be seen right at the entrance of the Sanitation Workers headquarters had such amazing power.

But the elderly living in the northern suburbs of the Royal City would always speak of this event with great admiration and gratitude.

If their naughty kids dared to question this story when the elderly were telling it, they were sure to experience paternal love!

A grandfather’s punch, once swung, hurts more than a father’s slap!

At this moment, in the top-floor room of the Sanitation Workers headquarters, a skinny man with smiling eyes was looking at the nighttime scene through the window.

He was holding a phone in his hand, seemingly waiting for a call.

The moment the skinny man’s smiling eyes dropped, a mournful aura naturally sprang up.

The man adjusted the long spike belted at his waist, half of which was carved with dark red sacrificial words using some creature’s Blood.

The sacrificial words moved on the blade, and the blade faintly emitted three elemental auras.

Occasionally, it mischievously sliced the air, emitting a sound like cutting through steel.

A beast head consisting of three skulls bloomed at the cut.

The three beast mouths on the beast head looked like they could spew out breath at any moment.

At this moment, the phone the man was tightly holding rang.

As soon as the man picked up the phone, a kind and amiable female voice came from the other end.

“Ninth Sacrifice, I heard that you personally called the Beastmaster Alliance,”

Upon hearing this, the man’s smiling eyes squinted and he responded in a surprisingly casual tone.

“Dragon Mother, your news is really slow!”

“QingGe called me ten minutes ago!”

Dragon Mother chuckled lightly and didn’t continue with Ninth Sacrifice’s words.

“Ninth Sacrifice, it doesn’t matter if I found out late. The important thing is that I still have time to make this call to you!”

“The three of us have already discussed this. While we’ve rated Jianmu as a dual

SS-rank talent for the Scavengers, we will not interfere with Jianmu’s growth!” “Aren’t you afraid the Grandmaster Creator behind Jianmu would object to

The man raised his smiling eyes slightly, and his lips pulled into a mature male charm!

“After my investigation, the Grandmaster Creator behind Jianmu is the Qixing who was selling Life Elixir with ninety percent purity on the Beastmaster Web previously!”

“I don’t know what kind of person Qixing is, and I have never had the opportunity to get in touch with him.”

“But what I’m doing is literally wiping Jianmu’s ass!”

“We both know very well the serious consequences if the specific information about the Guardian Beast is revealed.”

“Especially you, being targeted by the witch from the Pyro Gu Federation, should understand the stakes!”

“If this act of mine leaves Qixing unhappy then consider it like I tried to flatter him but ended up kicking him instead!”

Dragon Mother’s original congenial voice suddenly cooled down when Ninth Sacrifice mentioned the witch from the Pyro Gu Federation.

The chill made Ninth Sacrifice instinctively shudder.

“So what if my Guardian Beast was discovered by the witch from the Pyro Gu Federation!?”

“My Crimson Armor just lost a toenail, but she has become a dwarf not even one meter tall!”

Seemingly aware that her reaction was a bit over the top, Dragon Mother’s voice gradually calmed down.

Ninth Sacrifice pursed his lips in response.

Indeed, the witch from the Pyro Gu Federation became a dwarf less than a meter tall.

Originally, she was 1.7 meters tall and had a great figure. But she ended up under hundreds of blows using Dragon Mother’s Dragon Tail Hammer to her legs.

The part below her waist vanished, not even fragments were found.

The fact that she survived and maintained a height of 70-80 cm was already a great fortune!

A long time ago, Ninth Sacrifice and QingGe understood one thing, and that was not to provoke Dragon Mother if possible.

If you offended Dragon Mother and get on her hit list, you were out of luck! “Ninth Sacrifice, hopefully Qixing can understand your intention!” “You’ve seen that Silver Level Four Legendary Quality Half-Elf, right!?”

“I think Qixing is not as simple as an ordinary Grandmaster Creator!”

Upon hearing Dragon Mother’s words, Ninth Sacrifice nodded in agreement but did not continue the conversation on this topic.

When it comes to the level of Grandmaster Creators, those who have not reached this level often avoid discussing it.

Because it’s impolite to discuss such things in detail!

Powerhouses will instinctively show respect to non-opposing Grandmaster Creators.

“I feel the poison of this half-elf is very similar to the poison of the Dimensional Creature. There’s a good chance Qixing has studied the poison on the Dimensional Creature.”

“And has already implemented it into his Guardian Beast raising methods!”

Ninth Sacrifice had a chat with Dragon Mother, but in the end, they realized that all the chatting was in vain.

Becasue besides Qixing, no one else could decide Jianmu’s development direction.

“Dragon Mother, I suggest promoting Jianmu’s rating to SS+!”

“Excluding the element of Qixing, Jianmu deserves this with just this Half-Elf alone! ”

“And, will the other Guardian Beasts not shown by Jianmu be weak?”

“Jianmu is not only a disciple of Qixing but also a formal member of our Scavengers.”

Dragon Mother pondered for a moment and then spoke.

“I agree with this. Since you proposed this, you should inform QingGe!”

“The people from Keystone and Mountain-opening Construction have been making efforts recently, trying to get the chance to obtain the Sakura Tempering Carp.”

“Keystone Construction is close to Jianmu, mostly trying to help Jianmu.”

“Having an Executor and a Director in the Beastmaster Alliance might make it difficult for them to achieve this.

“Why don’t we give them a push and provide a little help for our Scavengers’ SS+ rank talent!”

Ninth Sacrifice chuckled at this.

“Dragon Mother, I remember your grandson MO Shang is also interested in the

Sakura Tempering Carp!”

“He even asked you for a lot of resources not long ago..”

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