Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 376: Perfect Day.

Chapter 376: Perfect Day.

Lucas kissed Jen until she was breathless. The two of them had completely forgotten about the movie that had ended up serving as background noise for them. Lucas helped her up and settled her on his lap and continued to kiss her while stroking her back and waist. 

"We forgot about the movie," Jen said after she pulled away from his overwhelming and suffocating kisses.

"Who cares about the movie?" Lucas asked with a chuckle and kissed the side of her neck.

"Hurry up and get dressed, the air conditioning is cold," Jen said as she slid off his lap on to the seat next to him. Lucas looked at her in question. She knew what he was asking.

"I'm fine, I think I'm even more satisfied than you are," Jen said and patted his bare chest in reassurance. Since it didn't look like she was about to change her mind, Lucas stood up and pulled up his pants before buttoning up his shirt once he sat back down.

After buttoning it up halfway, he pulled Jen back into his embrace. Jen rested her head on his shoulder and stroked his partially exposed chest with her fingers. 

"Are you really okay?" Lucas asked as he was finding a bit difficult to believe.

"I'm fine, really," Jen said and kissed his chin to reassure him. He bent down a bit and pecked her lips now that her face was facing up to look at him.

"Should we watch something else?" Lucas asked, the mood right now was filled with pink bubbles, he didn't want to ruin it by watching a bunch of people scheming to kill each other. Jen nodded in agreement with his suggestion. Jen found something else to watch, and the two stayed in the theatre. This time, there wasn't too much distraction except for the few times Lucas stole kisses when the plot had become flat.

After they were done with the moving, it was already in the evening. The two went upstairs and even though it wasn't necessary, they still went to clean up once more before getting dressed for dinner. For once Jen ended up using almost all the clothes she had packed for herself.

She was suddenly thankful for her habit of packing things in case she might need them, as they had not expected that they would have dinner after all of this.

"You can leave it behind," Lucas said when he saw Jen come out with her small luggage.

"Is it okay? But I still need" she started, but was interrupted by Lucas.

"I know you need it, you can buy it tomorrow after classes, or I can get it for you. Is that okay?" Lucas asked as he took the bag from her and took it back into the closet. Jen nodded belatedly as she watched him take her bag away.

Once he came out again, she accompanied him downstairs and looked around the house as if she was going to miss it a lot. 

"We will come back, you don't have to despair so much," Lucas said as he put his arm over her shoulder and kissed the side of her face.

"You should have brought me sooner. We could have visited when we had come here for your birthday," Jen complained but continued to walk towards their car.

"Mmmh, I know now I was wrong," Lucas said with a chuckle and opened the door for her. Jen mock glared at him before hopping into the large car. He went to the other side and entered the car as well.

"Belt," he reminded as he did his own seatbelt as well. Jen fastened her seatbelt and only then did they take off.

"Is there anything you want to eat?" Lucas asked as they drove on the empty road. It was already starting to get dark, they could see the sunset over the horizon.

"Let's have some seafood," Jen suggested, drawing out a smile from Lucas. He knew which restaurants had good seafood and after what she said, he already knew where to go.

After another thirty minutes, Lucas parked the car outside a small restaurant. Jen looked at the warm lighting outside and the patrons that were sitting outside the restaurant and felt that it must be very good. Especially since it was Lucas approved.

The two of them got off the car and walked into the restaurant. The sound of a bell ringing out when they opened the door. 

"Welcome," someone said from the kitchens in the back and a waiter quickly came to show them a place they could sit. It was completely different from the highly organized restaurants with staff that were almost too professional.

The waiter brought them bottled water and two glasses and got them their menus. Jen did not bother opening it and instead stared at Lucas, who was seriously browsing the menu.

"Aren't you going to pick anything?" Lucas asked when looked up from the menu and caught her staring. 

"I want you to pick something for me since you are familiar with the place," Jen said as she rested her chin on her hand. Lucas nodded at her with a smile before lifting his hand to draw the waiter's attention. After he placed their orders and each of them picking their drinks, Jen choosing to drink white wine, of course, they enjoyed the ambience of the place.

The place was moderately full, and the patrons were all chatting around them, creating a relaxing atmosphere. A couple was sitting behind Jen and she could hear the girl flirting with her boyfriend who seemed to have stayed silent from embarrassment. Even she was embarrassed for him.

"Do you like it?" Lucas asked when he saw the small smile on Jen's face and she nodded with a wider smile.

"I'm glad," he said, and reached out to hold her hand with two of his. A few people looked at them warmly, seeing how they looked like a happy couple. The two had drawn attention to themselves the moment they had walked in with their attractive index. It was also quite hard to ignore them since they stood a head above other people.

"Is it okay for beautiful people to only date beautiful people," a girl asked her sister who looked at her with understanding.

Lucas and Jen chatted for a while, completely unaware of the small but short commotion they had caused before their dinner had arrived.

With the first bite of her food, Jen's eyes narrowed happily and she let out an irresistible hum. Lucas laughed at her reaction. He had ordered her something he had enjoyed here before and was hoping she would enjoy it too.

He, on the other hand, ordered something that he had never had before. He had always aimed to finish tasting everything on the menu, but he rarely had the chance to eat out so he was not even halfway through the menu yet.

When he took a bite of his food, his dimples immediately made an appearance. The chef here had never disappointed him, and since it was a pleasant surprise that it was food that he enjoyed, his mood became even brighter.

The two ate while making small talk with Jen sipping on her wine occasionally, which resulted in her smiling a bit brighter and laughing a little louder. After they finished their meal, Lucas wanted to order a cup of coffee but after Jen glared at him it switched to tea. 

"If you drink coffee now, when do you expect to fall asleep?" she asked as she put down her wineglass. Lucas nodded with an indulgent smile, with an expression that said he was mistaken.

When did he ever have trouble sleeping? The only trouble he had was waking up, so by the time they went to bed, he knew that the aftereffects of coffee really would have much influence.

After getting his cup of tea, the two chatted about everything and nothing as they enjoyed their drinks. They were basically on a date all day, but now that it was coming to an end, it suddenly felt like it was too short. Jen didn't want it to end, and she expressed it straightforwardly.

"I don't want to go home," Jen said after she swallowed her wine.

"Do you want to sleepover at my place? Won't your parents mind?" Lucas joked, making Jen giggle. 

"I'm sure they won't, even if they do, I'll deal with it then," she answered, playing along with him, making Lucas smile. He reached forward and took her hand in his and kissed the back of it.

"I love you," Lucas said with a smile in his eyes.

"I love you too," Jen said with a smile, but her eyes appeared to be slightly watery. Lucas didn't point it out and instead kissed her hand again.

"Should we go home now?" he asked her, and she nodded in response. 

He then asked for their bill and the waiter brought it over. After placing the money in the little book together with the tip, the two of them left the restaurant.

Lucas made sure that Jen was safely seated in the car with her seatbelt fastened before he went to his own side. He wasn't even sure if she was drunk or not, but he couldn't be too safe.

Fortunately, the drive home was not long and Jen was only slightly tipsy so he didn't have to carry her back. After going through their routine, the two of them lay in bed in the dark, with Jen tucked into Lucas' arms as she sleepily talked about how much of a good time she had that day. To Lucas, the day couldn't have been more perfect.


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