Chronicles of the Red Sovereign

Chapter 66: Pair Up!

Chapter 66: Pair Up!

We were all gathered at the edge of Mt. Tala Island. Everyone arrived via teleportation formation but the different year levels would be having different tests so only the first years and the instructors responsible of us remained, Professor Tresde being one of them.

I cautiously glanced at Freya who was still sporting a glare, not liking the fact that we were paired up together for the final exams.

Its not going to change you know. I whispered to her as we waited for the teachers to finish their final meeting.

I know that. she growled. I just hope you wont drag me down.

I should say the same thing. I replied.

None of us were happy when we found out we would be paired. For one, Freya hated my guts and Im uncomfortable being with people that I know doesnt really like me. On the other hand, I was kind of glad Freya was my partner. It meant I did not have to fully hold back since she was already aware of what I could do.

I glanced forward and saw Vyfal running around the edge of the forest. She was trying to catch some butterfly and I think she was having fun at it. There was no rule about bringing familiars so I brought her with me. Besides, she would probably annoy the hell out of everyone if I left her in the Celestine Residence in the capital.

Finally, the teachers finished their small meeting and faced us. One of them, Professor Hyfa, snapped her fingers and bags popped up in front of us. I counted it and the number fit the students present; fifty-six students.

For this semesters final exams, you will be going hunting! announced Professor Tresde. As far as I was aware, she was the one in-charge of the first years assessment.

Murmurs started going around the students as they tried to figure out the goal of the activity. On my side, I was kind of glad. I grew up hunting in Celestine Territory grounds but I had a nagging feeling that the exams was not as easy as I thought it would be.

A little reminder, you will be graded using two sets of criterion; one as a pair and another individually. The criterion will be discussed in full-length before you head inside. Professor Tresde added. These bags have the necessary supplies you will need while out on a hunt. The hunt will go for three days in which you have to hunt specific monsters and do specific tasks. Hunting the right monsters, how you defeated them, performing the side-tasks and surviving together with your partner will be the main content of the exam.

Each student was given a backpack, and then each pair was given a map and a list.

The map contains the area the exam allows you to move freely. Its also marked there the safe zones which you can use to rest or camp for the evenings.

Wait a minute! Linda von Chrishni exclaimed which interrupted the professor. Are you telling us we will be staying in the forest for three days? Youre leaving us in our own devices?

That is one of the purposes of this exam student Linda. This is just a little taste of what you will face once you graduate and face the real world where monsters can snatch you up and eat you.

Not all of us are going to fight monsters in the future professors. Some of us are nobles who will inherit our familys status or marry into another noble family! I mean Some of us have our future already set which does not include facing monsters!

A few murmurs of agreement could be heard among the students, but disappointed looks from the teachers were seen.

If that is what will happen Miss Linda, why did you even bother studying in the Imperial Academy? Why did you enroll in the Magic Arts Department? Why didnt you just enter the General Studies Department?

I- We-

The future is not set in stone, whats presented in front of you is what you should worry about than something no one is even sure will happen. But if you are set on that you can sit this one out, and trust me when I tell you that youll get an automatic zero in this exam.

I saw Linda swallow whatever was on her throat. Some of the students who agreed with her a while ago also did not make any further remarks. Surprisingly Freya spoke up with a different opinion than her supposedly friend.

Not all of us are like you Linda. Some of us actually want to fight in the front lines. If you have a problem with this exam, get out of here. Professor, what is the list for?

I did not try to show it but I was happy at Freyas remark. Linda had always been Freyas friend, or rather follower. Linda probably thought Freya would agree with her. And the daughter of a marquise agreeing with her opinions was a big thing.

Fortunately, Freya wanted to face monsters.

-I wonder what her other personalities say about that.

In the list you can find the monsters you are going to hunt and the body parts youre going to bring as evidence that you took it down. There are also a few side-tasks which each pair is going to fulfil. Take note though, each pair has different tasks and make sure to keep it a secret to the others. Professor Tresde said as a continuation of giving us our tasks. Im sure you can execute them carefully. Also, please remember that the teachers will be observing you so stick to what you can do, am I understood? Are there any questions?

What if we get into a dangerous situation and can no longer continue with the exam? asked one of the students.

Thats why there are teachers who will observe you. If anything happens, they will help you.

Professor, isnt it unfair to the rest of the students that Luna and Freya teamed up?

I cautiously glanced at Freya who just snorted and rolled her eyes.

Ah, youre probably thinking the two are at an advantage, trust me, theyre not. Professor Tresde said in a joking manner.


Why do I have to get stuck with you for three days?! I heard Freya grumble as we trudged the forest trail.

I should be the one saying that. I retorted in a low voice, but it was not use. The two of us were stuck as partners for the final exams. Literally.

When Professor Tresde said we would not have an advantage despite being the first and second places in the Magic Arts Department, she meant not letting Vyfal come with us and chaining both me and Freya to each other.

After we were dismissed by the teachers and were about to depart, Professor Tresde called our attention and informed us that the two of us would have a handicap since the two of us were the top two students of the department.

Its what the faculty decided. The first and second top students of each department and year level are also in the same predicament, although in different methods.

So, whats our handicap? I asked.

Well first off, you may have noticed but a few monsters that you have to hunt are on a higher scale. Dont worry, the highest is probably a C-Class monster and Im pretty sure Luna can handle that one without a problem.

I just shrugged at Professor Tresdes words.

The other handicap is this. she showed us a length of chains with two metal belts on each end.

Youre kidding right?

-What do you know? There are a few things Freya and I can agree on.


Do you guys do quizzes?

If there are fifty-six first year students present, and there are seven sections each year level, how many Magic Arts Department students are there in each section?

Hint: It's in an ascending order with Class S as the first and Class F as the last.


I can't offer a prize but it does give you some challenge and fun right?



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