Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 986

Chapter 986: Chapter 171- Talia – The Battle Part 6 (VOLUME 5)




I had watched my mom as she went to talk to the envoy from the enemies. There was a man that I knew was part of the Jaegan, most likely the leader that they had been talking about before. The other that was talking and standing in the lead was a monster. That was all that I could say about his three heads, horns, and nauseating appearance. He was hard to look at, but I also couldn’t take my eyes off of him. I was too hyper focused on what was happening with my mom. I needed to make sure that she was OK. I needed to see that she was not going to be hurt by those people.

There had been some talking. Then some yelling. Quite a bit of laughter. More yelling. I thought that maybe, just maybe, my mom might be able to get through to those people. But then the monster man pointed at my mom, and consequently the rest of us, and yelled.


It was at that moment that all hell seemed to break loose. And coming from the person that was supposed to take over the underworld when they graduated from college, I knew what hell was like. The actual torturous part of the underworld that is. The monsters and humans on the bridge all surged forward, storming toward my mom as she readied herself for the battle. My dad, seeing that she was in danger, already started to run toward her.


The humans that were attacking her stopped at her, but the monsters leapt over her. One attacked my dad. Perhaps that was all that he noticed with his attention on my mom so much, but there were way more than just the one. There had been eight that jumped around and over my mom. After Dad killed the one, it left seven that were coming straight toward Lex and I.

I tried to focus solely on my battle, fighting the monsters that were here for me and Lex, but I was also focused on my parents. I knew that they had a lot more battle experience than I had, which I had none, but I was still worried about them. I could only associate that with familial love and bond. The protection instinct was strong in me as it was with most wolves.

My parents seemed to be doing just fine. They didn’t seem to be taking any damage at all at least. So, seeing that, I focused on the monsters that were closer to me and Lex. It was time for me to fight for the first time ever. Even if Lex tried to tell me that I shouldn’t, I was going to fight.

I saw Lex wielding a large silver sword. It was one that my parents had given him to train with, and to fight with if the need ever arose. This was literally the first time that he had needed to use it in combat. That wasn’t the only weapon that he had though. He had the sword in his right hand, but there was a gun in his left hand. He liked the modern weapon a lot, and was quite the marksmen with it.

I saw that he was first shooting the enemies around him, aiming to wound them and distract them before he jumped on their backs and hacked them to pieces. I knew that he was good with what it was that he was doing, so I didn’t need to focus on him at all. The other monsters though, were my concern.

I didn’t have a weapon. I had never needed one. But I was a weapon. I had magic. And on top of that, I had Angel. My little Dragixie that had guided my mom home all those years ago. Angel, who was usually still that small pink fluffy ball of love, but had abilities that I had never shown to anyone. Angel, who was always with me, even when she couldn’t be seen.

Over the years, I had learned to hide Angel inside of me. I didn’t take her with me to school and places like that. And I didn’t like to sleep with her inside of me, that caused strange dreams, but she grew in power, and so did I, when I called her inside of me.

She had stayed in the castle when I came out here, but I had summoned her the moment that the man yelled attack. It was my first instinct. And I could see her now, flying toward me, that pink little fluffy friend that I had kept for over a decade.

“Talia calls Angel?” She said happily as she zoomed toward me and landed on my shoulder.

“It’s time to help people, Angel.” I told her. “We need to fight.”

“Angel gets power?” She asked as she nuzzled my cheek.

“Yes. And I need to use that power of yours as well.”

I had never fought this way, never even trained this way before either. This was going to be a learning experience for both me and Angel. I didn’t care though, I needed to make sure that I was able to win this fight.

I held my hand out and Angel flew down to it. She started to wrap herself around my hand and then my wrist. She grew longer and longer as she went up my shoulder and around my neck. When she was wrapped around my chest, I knew that she was done growing for the time being. Though, I had a feeling that she could get a lot bigger if we tried hard enough.

Angel had become a part of me. I could feel her soul inside of my body, and she was boosting my power to be even stronger than I had ever felt it before. She was thrumming inside of me as I called the magic toward me. Magic that I had only ever heard about but never tried before.

Mom and Dad both had weapons, so I thought that I should have one too. I could see it too. It was purple, like the color of my wolf. Dark purple for the most part, but shining with the light of the pale shades. It was a blade, but not a sword. Instead, this blade was curved and attached to a long handle that I recognized as being an English Violet. It was the darkest shade of purple that there was. I had looked them up after I shifted to see what colors I had been.

“Purple is quickly becoming my favorite color.” I grinned as I looked at the blade. “Now, it’s time to fight.”

“Talia looks cool.” Angel said as she spoke inside of my head. “Kill monsters now.”

“Yes Angel, we’re going to kill them now.” I nodded and leapt through the air toward the closest monster. I sliced at it with the blade that I had summoned and saw that the arm was cut off perfectly at the shoulder.

“SCREEEEE!” The monster literally let out a loud screeching yowl that hurt my ears. I didn’t cover them though. I was too busy for that. I continued to hack away at the thing.

As I made slice after slice, I saw that something was happening. The soul that was inside of the creature was being removed piece by piece. And it was being absorbed into my blade. I was literally collecting its soul. That was completely unexpected.

I continued to kill that monster and then the next one that came running toward me. I had already swiped at it when I heard a voice call out to me.

“TALIA!” It was Lex, he had noticed that I was fighting with him and the others. “GET OUT OF THERE!”

“I am helping.” I called back to him as I started to collect another soul into my weapon. “Keep fighting.”

It was then that I heard the sound of my father screaming. He had been attacked. And my mother’s voice came right after that.


“REECE!” I looked up in time to see that a monster had sunk its talons into my dad’s back and sides and was flying away with him.

“DAD!” I yelled, abandoning the battle that was in front of me. And I didn’t see the fact that there was another monster looming up toward me. And this was the one that I didn’t want to see. This was the leader that my mom had talked to, the one that was so very ugly.

I hadn’t noticed him though as I started to run toward my parents. The monster that I was collecting the soul of was still alive, just barely, and the leader was looming behind me. I was going to be attacked and I didn’t even know it.

“TALIA!” Lex called for me again as he leapt in front of the two monsters that were about to attack me. The injured one pierced him in the stomach, only reaching that high in its injured state. The leader though, he was standing there with a smirk on his face when I spun around. He had a massively clawed hand that was aimed at Lex’s chest.

“LEX!” I screamed his name as the claws buried themselves inside of the guard that I had known for my entire life. “LEX!” I screamed his name again. “LEX!” I felt as if something inside of me broke. I didn’t know what to do. I was broken, that was the only explanation for it. I had just watched my dad and Lex get hurt. And I didn’t know if either of them were going to live.



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