Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 985

Chapter 985: Chapter 170- Trinity – The Battle Part 4 (VOLUME 5)




As Reece and I braced to face the horde that was on the bridge with us, I took solace in the fact that Talia was behind me and safe. I wasn’t going to let any of these monsters get past me to hurt her. They were going to be stopped by me and Reece.

There were more of the Jaegan that were fighting like they had nothing to lose, as well as those Ancient Ones, the monsters that looked like true nightmares come to life. The Jaegan fighters had weapons made of steel, bone, and other materials that didn’t look normal to me. The Ancient Ones also had weapons, these ones were black and looked as if they were sucking the light from the surrounding area rather than reflecting it.

The entire scene was chaotic. That was the only way to describe it. There was fighting happening on the ground and here in the sky. The bridge that we were walking on had massively expanded size, both for us and for our opponents. Reece and I were running around and attacking anything and everything that was coming at us. We refused to give up. We refused to let any of these people, human or monster, get away with all that they had done.

I was in the middle of fighting three Jaegan at once. I wasn’t having a hard time handling them, not at all. They were only human, even if they had been slightly altered by the blood of the ancient demon looking creatures, they never were Gods. There was a way to describe them. They could have been Gods, they had the potential to be worshipped by the humans, but they hated the mortal beings so much that they never rose to the height of their potential. So now, they were nothing. They were not has beens, they were the group of never was. I think that would be the biggest insult to them, if I managed to come across Olorud once more, maybe I would see how he reacted to it.


The three women from the Jaegan that I was fighting right now were quite skilled in their combat, but they weren’t landing any hits on me. I was skillfully dodging them and maintaining my position as I returned the hits to them. The women were fierce and strong, but I was more fierce and a hell of a lot stronger.

“Die, you evil monster bitch!” One of them screamed at me. She was perhaps a little upset with the way that I looked. I mean, I did still have those tiger paws, and the legs as well. My pants had even ripped because of the partial shift to the legs. I would be left with nothing but the fabric covering my important bits and the shredded remains of the legs when I shifted them back.

“I get that you see me as a monster, I mean, I am part animal right now, but what makes me evil?” I asked her causally as I parried the blow that she aimed at my head. I really shouldn’t be taking this long to end them, but I wasn’t really taking pleasure in taking their lives. They were just so woefully misinformed and brainwashed that none of this was actually their fault.

“You are a murderer, and you are trying to take over the world. You disgusting beastly woman!” Another of the women said as she aimed her sword at my ribs. I saw Reece take notice and start toward me, but I knocked the blow away with the claws. I also happened to take away her hand.

“I don’t want to kill you, but you are leaving me no choice.” I said as I looked at the woman screaming and cradling her stumpy arm. I am very certain that she didn’t hear me. And the others didn’t listen to me at all.

“YOU BITCH!” The other two women yelled at the same time. They were aiming their swords at my neck and heart as they ran toward me. I swiped at them hard with my claws hands. One of them took the claw across the throat, the other took them down the abdomen, but both of them went flying.

The two flying women crashed into the one holding her arm. The bridge that we were on was holding the blood in a large puddle around the first woman, and when the other two hit her, they skidded in that puddle until they too went over the edge.

“I need to stop making them fall.” I said as Reece came up beside me.

“Why? It will guarantee that they’re dead.” He shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal.

“Yeah, but what if they fall on someone? I don’t want one of our people hurt or killed by a falling bitch.” Reece smirked and shook his head.

“Yeah, you’re right. Dead by raining cunts wouldn’t be a good way to die. Come on, Little Bunny, let’s get back into the fight.”

He had called me back because there was a fresh wave of enemies approaching. This time it was nothing but the Ancient Ones, or whatever it is that they called themselves now. Disgusting was the name that I most wanted to use for them.

Six of those things were swarming down on Reece and I. Four headed his way, and I would have taken the extra to make it even, but I couldn’t get to him at the moment. I was fighting what looked like twin serpents. Only these serpents were those kinds from legends that had a head at both ends. The ones that you saw in the ouroboros symbols. I have to admit that seeing two of them in person, and no less than fifteen feet in length, was not fun or pleasant at all.

There was a difference in these twin snakes when compared to the ones from the symbols. They had wings. Two sets of them. Each head had a set of wings beneath it. One of the snakes was pure black and nearly disappeared in the night, if it hadn’t been for the flashes of magic and the flicker flames of multiple fires, then I wouldn’t have been able to see it. The other snake was pure white, and reflected everything that was around me.

I knew that I needed more to fight these monsters than just my claws. I had, thus far, only relied on my shifted powers, as vast as they were, to fight the Jaegan and monsters that I had come across, but now I needed something more. I needed an actual weapon.

Without even shifting my hands back, I summoned two of my weapons to me. The icy whip was in my right hand, ready to lash out when I needed it. And in my left hand was Frozen Kiss, the special sword that I had, the one that would freeze my enemies with just one slice. They were both very powerful, and useful, weapons for me to use against these monsters.

I swung the whip out as one of the snakes dove toward me. I caught the other snake, the one that wasn’t attacking me just yet and was holding it in place. It was the white snake, and it didn’t take too kindly to being attacked the way that I had just done. The black snake was flying at me with one of its heads. The mouth was open and it was about to snap down on me like I was nothing more than a human sized snack cake. Well, it wasn’t going to get that far, not at all. I swung the blade out and severed its head immediately. The ice that followed the slice moved quickly, covering the rest of the beast in no time at all. Unfortunately, that snake also fell off of the bridge, but it had shattered before hitting the ground, the result was like a fine powdery snow falling to the ground instead.

I leapt toward the other snake and cut off the head that was still free. Tightening my whip was all that I needed to sever the second head. And it too fell to the ground in a layer of powdery snow. That made me feel a little bit better. No one was going to be killed by falling snakes tonight.

I turned to check on Reece then. He was wielding his flaming sword, holding it in both hands to give himself a better arc when swinging the thing at his enemies. Those enemies that were starting to drop quickly.

He was in the middle of slicing one, a winged rhinoceros looking thing, with way more horns than a normal rhino would have, and there were three large deadly birds. I think that I would call them more pterodactyls than anything else. There were no feathers on them at all, the wings and bodies of the things were scaley instead. They had two sets of wings though, both with large hands that were tipped in long lethal claws.

Reece killed the rhino first. That started to burn to a crisp and was almost immediately turned into ashes. He managed to cut the head and wings off of one of the pterodactyls, sending its ashes to the ground as I started to walk toward him.

My walking soon turned into running though, because in the next second I saw that one of the remaining monsters had gotten behind Reece and sank its talons into his back and sides.

“AHHH!” I heard him cry out in pain as well as shock. I saw the way that his eyes instantly started to darken and shine at the same time. That had hurt him a lot.

“REECE!” I screamed his name as a total of six lethal, sword-like talons pierced his body. I was already running toward him, still screaming senselessly as the two remaining creatures flew off with Reece. “NOOOO! REECE!” I was going to follow him. I had to. I needed to get him back. But that was when two of the devil looking monsters jumped in front of me and blocked my way.

“He is gone now, Mongrel Bitch.” The thing’s guttural sounding voice sneered into my face as it loomed in front of me. “He will be going to the underworld soon enough, and then you can join him. I will see to that personally.”

“Don’t take all of the fun, Vogran.” The other monster said. I was guessing that he was Zarinog. These were the other two Ancient Ones that Talia had seen in her vision. These were the other two that we needed to be wary of.

I didn’t have time to deal with them though. I needed to get to Reece. I needed to save him. I had to get my mate back. Though I was the queen, I needed to take care of things here as well. And Talia was right behind me.



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