Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 962

Chapter 962: Chapter 147- Trinity – One Step Closer Part 2 (VOLUME 5)




Everyone was still thinking about what I said as the seconds ticked by. I knew that they had to be agreeing with me. Even if at this point I didn’t know what they were, I was still betting that they were, in fact, not one of my people. And I was willing to defend that theory to the end. I don’t know why I thought this, I just did. And it was a strong feeling at that.

“Like I said, Reece, whoever that nanny is, or was, they are not one of us.”

“How can you be so sure of that, Trinity?” Reece was not convinced yet. “They have been alive for hundreds of years. That is not possible for a human. And if they aren’t a human, that means that they are one of us.”

“I agree.” Trevor added in defense of his friend’s words. “There are only two types of people in this world. There are humans and there are supernatural beings. They have to be one or the other.”


“Well, let’s define a supernatural being.” Gabriel set aside his cup and walked over to where Reece was. This was a prime spot to see everyone in the group. “Our information defines a supernatural being as either being created or born from the gods. The vampires were born from Selene’s love for her own beauty and darkness; she wanted others to admire her and converted them to her followers. After she created the race though, she realized that she had been wrong to do so and decided to lead them properly. She ended up being the best mother that the vampires could have asked for, at least according to legend. The magic users were born from the marriage of Thoth and Hekate. The first of the witches and warlocks were their children. As time went on, there were different variations of these children that evolved from the originals until we ended up with the variety that we have now. The animal shifters were born for Nehalennia’s love for various animals, especially the wolves. She didn’t force her followers to become these beast people, but she allowed them to take on the role if they chose it for themselves. The sea shifters were born from Poseidon’s desire for a world in the water so that he would not have to leave the water for the contact of people. He learned the method of making these people from his former lover and longtime friend, Nehalennia. When he grew bored of his community he, in turn, gifted it to her. The Fae were born from the Goddess Danu’s love for nature and desire for children. She had found no man that she thought was capable of making her happy so she started her family with the earth itself.”

Gabriel was so knowledgeable about all of this. There was so much that we could all learn from him, or rather the Sentinel’s archives. Still, this wasn’t anything that I hadn’t known already. So, I just let him continue.

“The supernatural beings that we know of today were all originally born or created by the gods. Over the years the gods have had less and less involvement until Trinity came along, but they were still the reason that we were all created. Even the demons such as Alexio and Rudy were created by the gods to serve a purpose.”

“OK.” I processed what he was saying, my memories being refreshed as much as they possibly could be. “So, if these people are not supernatural beings like we are, what are the other possibilities for what they are?” I didn’t know what to think about this situation. I think that I was getting too tired for all of this.

“Could there be anything else? Like I said, there are only two types of people in this world.” Trevor was still holding firm to his view.

“Well, you are both right and wrong, Trevor. There are only two types of beings that are supposed to be on this plane of existence. However, there are other planes of existence, as you very well know. There is the celestial realm, which is where the gods live. There is the underworld, which is where the souls of the dead go. And there are others that lie in between them in a sort of crevice. It is possible that there are beings that we could never fathom living in those other realms or planes. We have no idea who or what these people are, and until we meet them ourselves, I fear that we will never know.”

“That is comforting.” Vincent shook his head as he set aside his cup. “So, what you’re saying here is that we’re no closer to where we were when we started this whole night?”

“That is not what I am saying at all.” Gabriel smiled at him and tried to show that all was not lost. “We have learned some good information from these people. We know that they have an army that they plan to send against us. We know that the person pulling the strings in the background is not human. We know that these people think that killing Trinity will kill all of us, or so they have told their zealots. We know that these people use ancient runes to perform magic, which tells me that they cannot use magic on their own. We know that they want to rule the world. And that whoever these people are, they are hiding in the mountains in a cabin with the others. Oh, and we have successfully convinced four of their people to join our side of this fight. They will still have some valuable information for us, and I am sure that once we talk to them more, we will learn a great deal more.”

“You know something, Gabriel?” I saw that my loving and adorable Fido was grinning at Gabriel as he posed this playful sounding question. I didn’t know what to expect, but it made me smile as well. I just couldn’t help it. I had a feeling that something good was coming.

“What is that, Reece?” Gabriel seemed to sense the same thing that I did. His face had lit up and he was waiting for the response that was going to break all the tension in the room.

“I just somehow never seem to get used to that part of you.” OK, Reece was just setting it up, I guess. What was it that he still had up his sleeve?

“I don’t know what you mean. What part of me do you need to get used to?”

“You are a walking encyclopedia sometimes. I often forget that you are one of us and not some book with legs. If this was a TV show, I would tell them to cast you as a robot that was shaped like a giant book.” Well, it wasn’t the zinger that I was expecting, but I guess that it was funny. And that we were all quite exhausted.

“Well, Reece, I am not sure if anyone would want to watch a TV show based on our lives.” Gabriel wasn’t missing a beat here. He kept rolling right on with Reece’s train of thought.

“And why is that?” Reece crossed his arms and raised his brow at the encyclopedia man.

“They would get sick of seeing you go from angry overprotective dad to sappy love struck puppy. The ratings would drop, and we would be cancelled in minutes.” This brought the laughter that everyone was expecting. Even Reece was laughing hysterically.

“Ha ha ha. Laugh it up, Gabriel.” He pretended to be offended. “You are just as sickeningly sweet with Roisin as the rest of us.”

“I am so glad that I am not part of that category.” Dietrich grinned and took Shawn’s hand.

“REALLY!?” Reece, Trevor, Vincent and Gabriel all yelled at the same time.

“You literally call him every sweet name that you can, Dietrich. And you called him your cake! You’re fucking cake! What is sweeter than cake?”

“This coming from a man that calls his wife a bunny!” Shawn laughed back.

It took about five minutes for us all to stop laughing and to stop poking fun at each other. This was either a side effect of the caffeine or the lack of sleep. Possibly both.

Once we were all composed again though, we decided that we would take a short nap and then get some breakfast before the day officially began. We all recognized that, even with all the progress we had made, we were still too out of it to work properly.

Reece and I crawled into the bed without even undressing first. We were so exhausted that it was a miracle that we made it to the bed before we collapsed. This was going to be a long day for us, but at least a little bit of sleep was better than nothing.

And I will admit, falling asleep next to Reece, with his arm wrapped protectively around me, was an amazing feeling. I loved every second of it. Still, I didn’t miss the irony of the moment and the conversation that we had all just had recently. We were talking about how lovey dovey and sweet that Reece was with me and here he is holding me in his sleep like I was his living stuffed animal, quite literally his Little Bunny.

I drifted off to sleep with a slight chuckle. I was able to find the humor in this, and I knew that he would as well.



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