Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 956

Chapter 956: Chapter 141- Reece – Arrests Part 2 (VOLUME 5)




I knew what we needed to do next. I knew where we needed to go. The only thing I didn’t know was which dorm and rooms that we needed to go to. And, well, to find that out I needed to alert someone that was there. So, without any hesitation, I called the number that was stored in my phone.

It rang a few times before a groggy voice answered it.


“Clovio?” I called out to him, but not too loudly so that if someone was with him they wouldn’t know.


“H..huh? everything OK?” He was probably worried that the ambush didn’t go as planned.

“Everything is fine. We are rounding up all of the Jaegan that Claud knew the location of. We got the others that were in town, but now we are on our way to the university. We need to know which dorms and which rooms. I know there are eight of you there, where are the other six, and where is your room?” I told him what I needed and waited for him to respond. The first thing that I heard was a gasp on the other end of the call.

“’re arresting me and Warrick as well?” He thought that we were turning on him.

“It will just look like it. We don’t want to let the others know that you were in on this. We will be arriving shortly, which dorm, and what room numbers?”

“O..Oh, OK.” He seemed to calm down a little bit. “We are in Copper House. Rooms are twenty-two thirteen, twenty-three twenty, thirty-one eighteen, and thirty-two fifteen. And Reece, there is another person in our group that isn’t with the family. She is like me and Warrick. We don’t want to do as they would say, but we have had to comply. Don’t hurt her, please.”

“We aren’t going to hurt anyone, Clovio. But we will take her aside and talk to her about this. If you think that she will side with us when the time comes, then she will not be punished. As long as she has not hurt anyone, that is.”

“She hasn’t. She has been with us at the school, she hasn’t hurt anyone.”

“What is her name?” We were driving now, heading toward the school, as I got the information from him.


“We will offer her the chance to side with us. They will all be offered that, as long as they haven’t hurt anyone.”

“Thank you.”

“Be ready to pretend that you don’t know what is going on, Clovio. We are almost there.”


I ended the call as we pulled onto the campus. I looked around and tried to think about where we were going.

“Which dorm?” Noah asked me.

“Copper House.” Without another word, Noah drove over there while the others followed.

When we arrived in front of the dorm, I was already getting out of the SUV before Noah had even put it in park. I needed to hurry and take care of things. I wanted to get this done before the morning, before the other students woke up.

A brisk pounding on the door alerted the guards and night shift that we were there. They wore bemused expressions on their faces as they ran to see what was happening. Rawlynne, standing next to me again, whipped out her badge as they opened the door.

“Special Agent Otsana of the FBI, we are here to take some of your residents into custody.” She held up a piece of paper and flashed it at them. “We have a warrant for their arrest.”

“U..uhm, w..wh..who?” They asked, intimidated by her forceful tone and the appearance of what looked like a S.W.A.T. team.

“The German exchange students, Gunnar, Aloysius, Clovio, Warrick, Armina, Lovisa, Hede, and Hedi.” I had gotten the names from Rika the other day, so I was able to tell the man who we were looking for. “They are in rooms twenty-two thirteen, twenty-three twenty, thirty-one eighteen, and thirty-two fifteen.”

“O..O..OK.” The guard nodded and stepped aside. “ there anything that I need to do? Anything that you need from me?”

“Do you have spare keys to the rooms? If not we will be busting them down.”

“Y..y..yes, we have those, please, come this way.” Once again it was just those close to me that were entering the building. The others were surrounding the building and guarding the prisoners that were in the truck.

I followed the guard into the building and over to the central desk. I figured that it was where the staff would work during the day. The man went into an office that was back there, I only stood at the door and watched him as he opened a locked cabinet and took out the four sets of keys.

“Th..these are the rooms that you mentioned, right. They were twenty-two thirteen, twenty-three twenty, thirty-one eighteen, and thirty-two fifteen.

“Yes, that is right.” I nodded as took them from him. “We will do this as calmly and peacefully as possible.”

“O..O..OK.” He was as scared, as anyone would be in this situation.

We divided into four groups as we went to the different rooms in question. I ended up at room twenty-three twenty. We were moving stealthily as we made our way through the halls. We didn’t want to wake anyone else up. We needed this to be quick and efficient like it was at the hotel. Not a single other guest came out of their room while we were there. It was perfect.

I used the radio again to signal the others.

“On three.” My hand was up again. “One.” There was an anticipation building in the air. “Two.” The others seemed to be holding their breath. “Three.” As my hand went down I inserted the key into the lock and opened the door. “Move!”

We entered the rooms with a swiftness that surprised the people on the other side of the rooms. There were two men in the room that I was in, but it wasn’t Clovio and Warrick. So, these men were Aloysius and Gunnar.

“On your knees.” I yelled at the men as Valerian and Rawlynne entered the room behind me.

“FBI, you’re under arrest.” Rawlynne added as the men jumped and almost fell out of bed.

“Wh..who are you.”

“Don’t you listen, dumbass!?” I pointed the gun at him. “She said FBI.” I saw his fear and anger rise as I snapped at him. “Get on your knees and put your hands behind your heads.” They looked like they wanted to resist, but they saw the guns in their faces.

“Why are you here?” One of the men asked as he glared at me. “Why are you arresting us? We haven’t done anything wrong.”

“We know who you are working for.” I narrowed my eyes, but he couldn’t see that. I could see his eyes though, and I saw that they went as wide as saucers at that declaration. “You’re under arrest, Gunnar and Aloysius Jaegan.” I used their real last name, not the ones that they gave to the school. Finally, they looked like they were done resisting. It’s a good thing too, I didn’t want to have to go over there and drag them out of bed. I was doing my best not to hurt anyone. And I had a feeling that if I dragged them out of here, I wouldn’t succeed in my no violence thing.

Finally, the two men got out of bed and dropped to their knees. They were dressed, but not as much as the guys in the hotel. These men were wearing shorts and that was it. It was better than nothing I guess.

Rawlynne and Valerian moved forward to put the cuffs on the men while I pointed my gun at them.

“Someone spilled the beans, didn’t they?” One of the men was glaring at me.

“We thwarted the mass murder this evening and forced some information out of them. You’re all going down.” I was smirking proudly as I told this man that they hadn’t succeeded.

“You won’t stop us. Not all of us. We will keep going. We will destroy the monsters. They will all die.” I am going to guess that he was a true zealot of the family and that he couldn’t be saved. Oh well, that was fine with me. As long as we were able to stop them all, that was all that I cared about. Saving innocent people from being killed was our goal here.

When I left the room, I saw that it was Dietrich and Shawn’s group that had found Clovio and Warrick. They were getting a kick out of scaring Warrick to death. They might one day allow him to be with Alyssa, if she ever takes him back, but they needed this moment. As dads that were not ready to let go of their little girl, they needed this moment of scaring the shit out of the boy that was trying to take her away from them.

Once again, the apprehensions went smoothly. I returned the keys to the quivering guard on the first floor while the others took the eight of them to the trucks. We would be heading to the castle soon. And once we were there, we could interrogate these people until the sun came up. Hopefully it wouldn’t take that long, but we would see.

We just needed to change their runes like the others and start talking. Maybe it should be my Little Bunny that talks to them. She was good at this kind of thing. I mean, she is way scarier than she thought that she was.



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