Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 950

Chapter 950: Chapter 135- Trinity – Interrogations Part 3 (VOLUME 5)




“I promise you, Claud, this will all be over very soon.” I was trying not to sound like some evil dentist or something that was about to rip out his teeth with no Novocain or something. I wasn’t that scary, was I?

“You’re lying.” His voice was barely audible as he squeaked the words out. “ wouldn’t know how to get rid of them. You don’t use these runes.”

“Actually, Claud.” I paused for dramatic effect, looking at him with a smile in my eyes, but a serious and calm expression on my face. “I have some of these runes on right now. I used them to protect us. I have a friend that has studied a great deal about runes. He even knows their origins.” I laughed slightly, showing that I was not at all worried about this. “And it will be more than easy for me to remove them. One change in the rune will make them obsolete.”

“ can’t do that. That would be harming me. Aren’t you trying to convince me that you’re good? Haven’t you been saying that you are not a monster?” His entire body was trembling with fear as he looked up at me. I still hadn’t sat down yet. Nor had I truly gotten started with this interrogation. We were nowhere near done yet. “I won’t let you do that to me. You can’t alter my runes. That wouldn’t be right. You can’t do that to me!” I know that I shouldn’t, but I somehow liked the panic that I was seeing in this pathetic man. Still, I wasn’t able to hurt him. Nothing more than his emotions really. I wasn’t going to be the monster that he thought that I was. I wasn’t going to stoop to his level.


“What? You mean that I can’t stop you from killing yourself? Don’t you know though, police stop people from committing suicide all the time. This is just me performing a necessary service. I am stopping you from harming yourself. And I am also going to see to it that you are charged to the fullest extent for your crimes. You will not get away with this, Claud. You will be punished. Those families will have justice. And you will not get the chance to end your punishment early.” I meant every word of what I was saying. I wasn’t going to kill any of these people. Not unless they were actively trying to kill me. I would only use deadly force to stop them from hurting me, or someone else that they didn’t need to be trying to harm. Other than that, they will live to serve their time behind bars. I would personally see to it that they did.

I walked back around Claud. I didn’t need to move as slowly as I did, but I knew that it made him wary of me when I did this, so I figured why not drag it out some more. I wasn’t actually hurting him. It was just a little bit of psychological torture. Not even torture really. It was just me getting him ready to start talking when the rune was gone.

“Don’t you dare touch me. Get away from me. Don’t touch me.” He was squirming in his seat as he tried to stop me from getting too close to him. This was a bad idea for him at the moment though. Since he was still bound by the root like vines that I had used earlier, he was sort of like a Claud burrito, and that made him unable to move his arms or legs to balance himself. He was barely propped up on the chair as it was.

“Stay still.” This was a command as much as a warning. If he kept that up, he was going to hurt himself.

“Get away from me. Don’t touch me. I don’t want you to touch me. Leave me alone.” He was squirming even more as I approached the back of his chair. “GET AWAY!” He screamed one last time as he tried to move away from me.

At that moment, Claud toppled to the side and was falling face first toward the floor. He was about to smack into it, and most likely break his nose or something, so I had to help him. Not that I wanted to. The asshole could use a good dose of reality, and pain would do that to him.

However, I was trying to play the good guy here. And doing that meant that I had to stop him from getting hurt. Hahh. There was just so much that I had to do at the moment. I needed to stop him from dying, from getting hurt by his own hands or mine, and I had to make sure that he was willing to sing like a canary and tell me everything that he knew. Him and all of his little buddies.

Before Claud was even halfway to the floor, screaming the entire time that he was falling, I stopped him. He was suspended in midair, unable to move but still relatively unharmed.

“AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!” He was still screaming after he stopped. It took him a moment to realize that he was no longer in danger of being hurt.

“Come on now, Claud. Let me remove that pesky little rune so that I can untie you. I think that you will like it better when you can sit in the chair properly.”

“DON’T TOUCH MY RUNES!” He screamed at me.

“Well, now I need to use my magic to check for other runes. I need to know what all ones you have. And I need to get rid of them all. Doing that would make it so much easier to talk to you.”

“NO! NOO! NOOO!” He was screaming so unnecessarily loud. I was able to hear him just fine. I had better hearing than him after all. And frankly, I just found him annoying at this point.

“Enough!” I snapped at him. “Stop screaming or I will bind your voice for the time being. I don’t want to do that, since I need to talk to you about your crimes and your family. But if you don’t stop, I will have no choice but to do it.” He abruptly stopped screaming. I think that he was seeing enough of my magic to know that I wasn’t bluffing. I could do that, and I would. “Thank you.” I nodded at him. “Now, let’s see where those runes are.”

I pulled the magic toward me as I approached him. I didn’t need too much at the moment, so it didn’t take me long before I was able to use the spell. It was just a moment really. That was all that I had needed.

“Ahh, I see. There on the neck is the death rune that I knew about, but on your forearms are the others. You have the rune to hide yourself. I am assuming that the cloak you have is imbued with that as well. That is how you and your friends, or should I say family, were able to hide from us all when you watched the crime scene. And how you were able to run away or disappear in plain sight when someone was coming toward your kill site.”

“Shut up!” He was crying now. The tears were actually streaming down his cheeks as he begged me to stop.

“No, I can’t do that, Claud. You should know me better than that by now. I have to interrogate you. And I have to make sure that you are not a threat to me or my people.” I looked at the guards that would be with him until lights out, and possibly even then. He would almost never be alone. I couldn’t trust it. “Now, where was I? Ahh, yes, the runes. You have one for silence. I am guessing that is how you were able to sneak up on the shifters that you killed. They are great at hearing footsteps, but you were all able to sneak up on them. There is one for strength as well, that would make you stronger than the average person, possibly putting you on par with some of the werewolves that I know. And this one I don’t really know. I will have to have someone research it for me.” This rune was one that looked different than the ones that I had seen before. “Oh, is that one there a luck rune? Well, I guess that one didn’t really help you at all, did it?” I laughed a little. “Now, time to get rid of them all. And might I say, Claud, I am glad that none of them are in a place that would be unmentionable. That would just be inappropriate, don’t you think?” I laughed as I pulled up his sleeves.

“Please, don’t touch me.” He was still begging me not to do this to him, but I was not at all affected by his pleas.

“And how many times did Andrea ask you to stop? Oh wait, you didn’t hear her pleas, did you? They were all in her head because you had immobilized her. I can assure you though, she was screaming for you to stop, but you didn’t listen.”

I used my magic to make one of those pens that Gabriel had used earlier. I needed that to alter the runes on Claud’s arms and neck. I turned them all into open and truth runes. That would, hopefully, make him more willing to talk to me. It might have been unfair, but it was an advantage that I was willing to take. Then, I sent magic pens to all the others and told them what to do.

‘Change the runes, they have them on their arms and the back of their necks. Claud here had one for hiding, silence, luck, strength, and another that I don’t know the meaning of. Change them all to open and truth runes. After that, I will unbind them. It will be a little difficult, but you can manage to pull their sleeves up past the bindings.’

‘Understood.’ Shawn was the first to respond.

‘Cool, I can give him a tattoo.’ Shane’s laughing voice came next.

‘Removing the runes is a good idea.’ Athair mòr’s calm tone approved of my words.

‘Thanks for the tip.’ Trevor’s gruff voice was happy with the development.

‘Thanks Trinity, this will help immensely.’ David’s gentle and sweet voice cheered me up a little.

‘Of course, my Little Bunny would have an ace up her sleeve.’ Reece was laughing, I could tell that he was happy though. Perhaps Fritz was being a little more stubborn than I thought that he was. All of the others applied in similar ways. Happy to have an advantage that they could use to sway the battle of wits that we were all embroiled in.



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