Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1024 - 1024 Chapter 9- Rawlynne – An Unwelcomed Visit (VOLUME 6)

1024 Chapter 9- Rawlynne – An Unwelcomed Visit (VOLUME 6)




Things had settled down now that the murders were done and over with. Jackson and I weren’t as busy as we used to be. And we didn’t need to worry about all of the attention being on us now. It was a lot more peaceful.

I was able to get off work on time right now, with nothing major happening in the area, no major crimes requiring my attention, and no massive meetings to discuss what we needed to do. I loved how this was all going right now. I was able to spend a lot more time with David lately. Goddess, but I loved that man way more than I ever thought was possible. And we had our kids that we could spend time with. I just loved how special the life that we had was now. I can’t believe that there was ever a time that I wanted to wait and not rush into this life.

From the moment that I met David, all that I could think about was a future and a family with him. And I knew that he thought the same. They weren’t kidding in all the stories they told when I was a kid. A true mating is so powerful that it will be able to change any and all of your plans to make it happen. And you won’t even be mad about it.

I was sitting in my office, filling out the budget report for the first of the year. Yeah, I was almost two months ahead of schedule. I would rather be ahead than behind though. And doing this now meant that the month of December was going to be that much easier on me and the family. They wouldn’t have to worry about me being too busy for them.

I think that I was even humming as I worked my way through the budget that was on the screen in front of me. I was going to get this done, and I was going to be humming jingle bells while I did it. Just see if I don’t. While I was humming though, I seemed to be a little lost in thought. And I didn’t notice that someone new came into the building.

I missed a lot, apparently. I didn’t see how Jackson and the others were looking weary as they tried their best to talk to the man that had stormed into the federal building like he was an angel sent to deliver holy justice. I didn’t notice any of this until I heard Jackson calling after the man that was stomping toward my office.


“SHE IS BUSY RIGHT NOW!” He had shouted at the man and caught my attention. I lifted my head, and silenced my humming, just seconds before the man stormed into my office.

“Are you Rawlynne Otsana?” He demanded of me in a tone that I didn’t appreciate at all. I was a wolf for one thing, and I only accepted my king and queen talking to me like that. However, I also knew that I couldn’t, or rather shouldn’t, growl and reprimand this man. Keeping my cool was going to be the key here.

“I am Director Rawlynne Otsana, yes. How may I help you?” My voice was calm, and I used my professional tone, as well as my job title, so that this man would know that I was not to be trifled with.

“You can answer the questions that I have for you. That is a start.” The man’s eyes, a rather ordinary shade of brown that weren’t even glowing or shining in the intense emotions that he seemed to be feeling at the moment, narrowed as he looked at me intensely. I saw that he was human. That was completely evident. His scent was far too strong for me not to tell. Other than that though, he seemed to be an important person, from where though, I didn’t know. His sandy blond hair, weathered and chiseled face, and ramrod straight posture didn’t give me too many clues.

“And who are you, might I ask?” I raised one brow as I looked him over.

“I am NSA Special Agent Harrison Orson.”

“NSA?” I looked at him with eyes that might have widened infinitesimally. That was a shock to me. What was a spook of the NSA doing here? I mean, yeah, I knew that they were the ‘National Security Agency’ and likely needed our assistance on something, but I had never met one of their spooks. I was one of the groups of people that called the NSA ‘No Such Agency’ because they were so elusive and secretive. “What is it that the NSA needs with us? Is there something that you need my agents for?”

“No, Otsana. I have questions for you.” The man was glaring at me like he was personally offended by me.

“Alright. Well, please, have a seat. I will answer what I can.” I invited him to sit down and tried to not feel like something was terribly wrong here.

The man took the seat, but his eyes never left my face. I didn’t show that he was bothering me though. That would have made me look like I had something to hide, which I didn’t. OK, well I did, but nothing that this man needed to know about. Since no one was going to worry about me being a werewolf.

The man, who had been holding a briefcase that had escaped my notice in the beginning, pulled a notepad out of that briefcase now. He needed to take notes apparently. That was fine with me. I wasn’t going to let this bother me or stress me out at all. I knew that I had nothing to worry about. My office was running smoothly, and I didn’t allow corruption within a hundred square miles of my office. We were all squeaky clean.

“Now, Agent Otsana.” The man started, but I interrupted him.

“Director.” I corrected him. “I am the director of this field office, so my title is Director.” I told him in a tone that was still calm. If we were going to get along though, he needed to treat me with the respect that I deserved.

This didn’t seem to settle well with the man though. He looked up from his notepad and glared at me disdainfully. He sneered at me and then spoke again.

“Otsana.” This time he omitted the title altogether. That pissed me off, but I wasn’t about to correct him again. I knew that was what he was waiting for. I would pick my battles and when to fight them. This wasn’t a battle that I needed to take on though. Not yet anyway. I needed to see what it was that this man needed from me first.

“Yes.” I showed that I was not affected at all.

“I have some questions about the case that you took on recently. The one with the international murders. I am a little curious as to why a local field office in Colorado would take on that case? And why would you involve Mr. Reece Gray and Mrs. Trinity Gray in the investigation? Are you taking bribes from them?” He was giving me a look that told me that he was pissed at me. And anything that I said needed to be on point.

“Well, I took on the case because I was the right woman for the job. I was handed the assignment and performed wonderfully in my own opinion. As for the Grays, I allowed them to assist me in the investigation because they were concerned for those that were being targeted. They also indicated that they would investigate privately, since they are legally allowed to do that with the PI licenses that they have. I thought that instead of working separately, it would be better to work as a team. I admit that some things were made easier with their assistance. Particularly the swiftness with which we were able to travel with their private plane. We were able to head to all the locations right away.”

“Uh huh.” He didn’t look convinced, but he was writing down my answer as he heard it. I knew that no one, not even a lie detector, would be able to detect that I wasn’t telling the truth. It was all close enough to the truth anyway, so that was what mattered.

“And were you able to use the men and women in your own office to solve this crime? Is anyone here effective in the solving of crimes at all?”

“I don’t like the implications that you are making. My team worked hard on all of the aspects of this case. We were all doing our best here.”

“Uh huh.” Another of those mumbles as he made his notes.

“Forgive me, Otsana, but you look rather young to be a director of an office like this. I know that you are supposed to be in your late forties, but you don’t look that old at all. Are you standing in for the real director?”

“Absolutely not. I am Rawlynne Otsana. I am the director. Why on earth would you think that?” I was starting to feel a slight increase in my heart rate. This wasn’t good at all.

“Well, if you weren’t really Rawlynne Otsana, and you were someone pretending to be her, then I would understand how you weren’t able to solve this case on your own. Being an imposter and all.” He narrowed his eyes at me and I felt my blood boil.

“I am not an imposter. And I do not think I like the tone that you are using with me. What exactly are you supposed to be accusing me of?” I demanded of him in a tone that was just a little less calm than it had been before.

“I think that is pretty clear, Otsana. I think that there is something fishy going on here. And I promise you, I will get to the bottom of this. Something is happening here, and I don’t like it at all. You and all the agents in this office are hiding something. I don’t know what it is yet, but I will find out.”

“We aren’t hiding anything.” I told him, my voice back to normal now. It took a lot of effort, but I managed it.

“Then I guess you will have nothing to worry about. But consider this the only warning that you will get. I am opening an investigation into your entire office. And I will not stop until I find out what is going on here.”

The man didn’t say anything else after that. He just threw his pen and notepad into the briefcase, snapped it shut, and stormed out of my office. He was not happy with me at all. And I can’t honestly say that I am happy with him either. This wasn’t good. Not at all.

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