Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1013 - 1013 Chapter 198- Epilogue 9 (VOLUME 5)

1013 Chapter 198- Epilogue 9 (VOLUME 5)

New Baby Named




I was sitting with Reece late one night, trying to think about what it was that I wanted to get for a snack. This time my cravings were hitting me hard and fast. I couldn’t decide if I wanted something salty or sweet though, and it was bothersome.

Still, it had me thinking about the new baby and how I needed to start preparing for them. And then it made me start to remember the conversation that I had had with Dietrich earlier today. We found out about the baby about two weeks ago now, and I knew that we still had a long way to go until they got here, but I wanted to get a jump on a few things. The baby wasn’t due until March the sixth, but that didn’t seem that far off while sitting here in the middle of September. It felt like it was going to be here in no time at all.

Anyway, the conversation that I had with Dietrich earlier was about the baby. Specifically, whether it was a boy or a girl. Aside from waiting until Griffin could do an ultrasound, this was the only way for me to know the baby’s gender. Shawn and Dietrich were like the best gender revealers there were. Yeah, OK, any vampire would do, but Shawn and Dietrich were close to me and Reece, so they were the only ones that I would ask to do this for me. And of course, Dietrich was more than happy to answer the burning question that I had.

Now that I knew though, I needed to tell Reece. And I needed to ask Abigail for my snack. I figured that I could put in my request for that before I started the important things. The food needed time to be prepared after all, and I didn’t want to have Abigail working too late into the night.

I sent her a message, on her phone not mentally, that I wanted something that was salty and sweet, since I couldn’t decide. She messaged back that she would have it up to me within twenty minutes. And with that settled, I was able to talk to Reece about the new baby. This was exciting, because there was something else that I wanted to talk to him about. Something that I thought that he might be a little interested in hearing.


“Reece?” I called out to him as he finished getting dressed. He had just taken a shower and I could see the steam pouring off of his naked body.

“Yeah, Little Bunny?” He asked me as he paused on his way to the closet.

“I want to talk to you about something.” I gave him a calm look that didn’t give anything away. He was still suspicious of me though. I could see it in his eyes.

“About what?” He asked me apprehensively, the towel slipping just a little lower on his sexy waist and revealing a little more of the smooth muscled planes beneath it.

“Well, I wanted to talk to you about the baby.” I put my hand on my belly and smiled. Though I didn’t take my eyes off of him. Who would want to? Looking at him like that, he was perfect. And almost perfectly naked too.

“Is that all?” He still looked suspicious.

“Yes, that is all.” I nodded.

“Then let me get dressed first.” He started toward the closet again.

“I prefer you like that.” I grinned mischievously.

“Yes, but Abigail doesn’t.” He gave me a knowing look and continued into the closet.

“Spoil sport.” I heard him chuckle at me as he pulled on whatever he was getting from the closet. Thankfully, it was just a pair of lounge pants, so his glorious chest was left bare.

“Happy?” He asked me as he climbed into the bed.

“Moderately.” I gave him an honest answer. “But you covered up the best parts. I mean, you have one hell of an ass.” I was being playful with him, and he seemed to love it.

“Oh no. How could I do such a thing?” He pretended to be wounded in the chest. “The horror!”

“It’s a shame at least. Maybe not a horror, though.”

“Whatever it is, Little Bunny, get on with what you needed to say.” He encouraged me. “Let’s talk about the baby.”

“Alright, fine.” I laughed and climbed onto his lap. That would be a lot more comfortable. He didn’t object either. He just wrapped his arms around me and snuggled me close. “Well, I talked to Dietrich earlier. And I asked him something about the baby.”

“I knew you couldn’t wait for Griffin.” He laughed. “So, which is it? A boy or a girl?”

“It’s a girl. She will round us out to having four of each.” I smiled at him. He looked happy as well. Though, I just knew that this was going to be harder on him in the future. She was another reason for him to hate that his daughters would be finding mates. I could just imagine it now. Twenty years from now she would bring a boy home and Reece would explode like someone said that they had attacked his daughter. He was so predictable that it was hilarious sometimes.

“That’s nice. Being rounded out now seems to be right somehow. It feels like it was meant to be or something.” He was echoing how I felt. Like this baby was important and supposed to be with us.

“Yeah, you’re right, Reece.” I rubbed my cheek against him as I contemplated things. “But there was one more thing that I wanted to talk to you about. Something that has to do with the baby.”

“Really? What could that be?” He asked me as he tilted his head curiously to the side. “I mean, it’s not like we can do much of anything at the moment. We need to wait until she gets here.”

“Well, that is true.” I nodded at him. “However, we can pick out a name for her. And I think that I have the perfect one in mind.” I felt a flutter of excitement at the prospect of telling Reece the name that I had chosen. And I wasn’t about to let this one go. I wanted to be the one to choose her name, and I would fight him over this if I had to.

“You already have a name in mind?” He looked at me with a barely concealed smirk. “You know, I have been thinking of some names as well. And you got to name four out of seven of the kids that we have right now.” He pointed out the unbalance here.

“Yes, that is true, but I think that this name is fated to be her name.” I pressed my issue further. I was going to have my way here.

“OK, fine, tell me the name. What name is perfect for our little girl?” He had raised his eyebrows at me, and I saw him challenging me to come up with one that was better than those on his list.

“Well, the name that I thought of is Reeselynn. You know, after you.”

I saw Reece’s eyes open wide as he heard the name. He hadn’t been expecting that one, that was for sure.

“Reeselynn?” He asked me just to be sure. “You want to name the last baby, and a girl at that, after me? We hadn’t done that with any of the other ones, why now?” He was intrigued, but also wary.

“Well, she was brought into life by the magic that we used to save you, Reece. And I thought that it would only be right. I wanted to honor that creation, and the day that we saved you. I thought that giving the baby your name, in a way, would be a wonderful idea.”

“I love you, Trinity.” He hugged me so tight that it kind of hurt. I wasn’t angry though. I was happy that he seemed to like the idea. “But I get to pick the middle name.” His eyes were filled with cunning, and I was almost afraid to ask him.

“What do you have in mind?” I asked him, afraid of the answer.

“Octavia.” He smiled broadly. “You know, as if Octo, or eight.” He was being so corny right now, but I had to admit that it wasn’t that bad.

“Fine. If I get my first name, I will settle for that middle name.” I agreed with him.

“Deal.” Reece separated our bodies and took my hand so that he could shake it. The agreement was binding now. He was going to hold me to it.

I didn’t have long to wonder what the new baby was going to be like. There was a knock on the door and I knew that it was Abigail with my food. I could smell it from here already. And it smelled so fucking good.

“Come in.” Reece said as he let me go altogether. I would need to get away from him so that I could eat.

“Here you are, Trinity.” Abigail said. “I am heading home now. You two have a good night.”

“Thanks, Abigail.” I called after her.

“Good night, Abigail.” Reece spoke louder than I did.

“Good night.” She called back.

I sat at the table and started to take a bite of the food that Abigail had brought me. It was honey garlic pork chops, sweet, salty and savory. She knew what I wanted even though I hadn’t known. Because now that I was eating this, I knew that nothing else would have satisfied my cravings. This was all that I would want. I thanked Abigail in my head one more time. I needed her to know how happy I was.

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