CEO, Your Wife Wants Divorce Again

Chapter 135


Lin Yanchen's eyes flashed. He didn't say anything more. He seemed unable to refute it.

"I believe you remember what my mother said before she died. So, I'm not playing, you should know my temperament. Now that you are serious, there is no day to let go. " Seeing Lin Yanchen's silence, he slowed down his tone and continued: "I arrived in Jiangcheng half a year ago and married your sister-in-law for only four months. But I have deep feelings for her. At first, I thought that she would hide her identity first and then explain it at the right time in the future. But the longer it took, the more I was afraid that she would be angry with me and leave me. So I haven't told her yet. In a few months, it's time for me to go back to Kyoto. I hope you don't say anything about us to my family. When I find the right time to tell your sister-in-law, I will take her back to Kyoto. In the meantime, you should not know about me and your sister-in-law, and you should not disclose my whereabouts. "

After hearing this, Lin Yanchen asked, "since I decided to hide it, I didn't take it seriously. Now, even if you really like that woman, you can also hide it and make a home for her here in Jiangcheng. If you want, you can make a home in Kyoto

"Yan Chen, do you think I will repeat my mother's tragedy?" Lu Jingyun was extremely angry at Lin Yanchen's relaxed suggestion. His voice was filled with anger and questioned Lin Yanchen.

Lin Yanchen's expression was slightly stiff when he was questioned by the angry Lu Jingyun, and his beautiful face seemed to be a little annoyed.

"Sorry, cloud."

Lu Jingyun was silent for a long time before he looked at Lin Yanchen.

"Well, that's it. If you really want to go back and dismantle my platform, I can't spare you. " Lu Jingyun clenched his fist and gave him a blow. He said with a smile, "when will we go back to Kyoto? How many more days will the company stay? "

"Four or five days. I'll go back when the Jiangcheng company is finished. But since you are so serious, I have to see what kind of woman can make you so serious? "

Lu Jingyun's black eyes flashed slightly and said with a smile: "unfortunately, this period of time is really unable to see. I'll see you back in Kyoto. "

"Why, are you afraid that I will deliberately expose you in front of her?"

Lu Jingyun just smiles. He is not afraid of being exposed by Lin Yanchen. He is afraid of going through the gang. He almost forgot that Joey had seen Lin Yanchen in Tianhe. Although he didn't pay much attention to it, he was afraid that Joey would really see him and make things worse.

When Joey was sent to Tianhe, he didn't think that Lin Yanchen would return home so early, so he went straight to Jiangcheng.

If Joey knew that Tianhe's boss was his cousin, wouldn't he?

"Well, if you don't see it, you can't see it. Then I'll wait and see how you can bring people back to Kyoto. " Lin Yanchen's attitude is not optimistic at all.

"No trouble." Lu Jingyun said without a good breath. He took a sip of coffee and got ready to get up. " All right, I'm going. If you don't have anything particularly important to look for, contact me during the day. I don't want to be with you at night. "

Lin Yanchen picked up his eyebrows with a smile, glanced at Lu Jingyun's body and said with a smile, "don't worry, I won't be so ignorant of interesting children."

Lu Jingyun ignored his teasing and turned away from Starbucks.

Lin Yanchen frowned when he saw his ugly figure. However, he quickly turned to the computer and got busy with his fingers hitting the keyboard.

Because of the arrival of the big boss, people in the company are more enthusiastic than ever before. Maybe it is this enthusiasm that makes the people of the marketing department complete a big project in the few days after the big boss's arrival, which makes the head of Jiangcheng company very happy. So he took this opportunity to hold a party to welcome the arrival of the big boss. By the way, all the staff of the company can attend the celebration party 。

As soon as the news came out, those female colleagues who tried hard to get close to the big boss but failed came back to their spirits. I can't see it in the company on weekdays. I can see it at this party. So, in order to welcome the party this weekend, everyone began to do their best to buy a beautiful outfit for themselves, in order to bewitch the boss at the banquet, and deduce a new sparrow into a Phoenix.

Joey can imagine that the banquet will be so hot and colorful that many young talents from Jiangcheng are invited to the banquet. Therefore, even if the boss's goal is not achieved, there are still other goals to strive for.

Sally and Alice are needless to say. Joey looks at her colleagues and is eager to try one by one. Even married people are a little excited. She and Xinrui, who has always been indifferent, are one of the few calm people.

"Joey, we're going to buy dresses in the evening. Would you like to come with us?"

Of course Joey shook his head Do you have to wear a dress? I'll just wear a decent dress

Anyway, she is not the focus. She is a married woman again. If she wants to go, she will eat and drink. However, Joey thought it would be great if he could take his family and let Lu Jingyun eat, drink and accompany himself.

But that's just thinking.

"You don't care." Sally is helpless with Joey's randomness Forget it. If you want to wear a skirt, you can wear your blue high imitation skirtAt least that dress looks real.

"Oh, that will do." Joey said with a smile, "you can go shopping that night. We'll see you on Saturday night. I wish you all the best

It's impossible for everyone to do what they want. There is only one big boss. Even if he succeeds, there is only one success. The others can only be disappointed.

Joey shook his head in a funny way. He had to go fishing for such a big boss. In fact, even if he succeeded, he was worried that more women would rob him? Such a man, too dangerous, no sense of security on the side, I really don't know what those women think.

After finishing his work, Joey said goodbye to his colleagues and packed the bus home early.

After getting off the bus, Joey went to the vegetable market next to the community, bought some vegetables and took them home. Shortly after entering the kitchen, Lu Jingyun opened the door and came back.

"Husband, you come back, just in time, help me peel this potato." Joey waited for him to change his clothes, dragged him into the kitchen, gave him the potatoes, and cooked the chicken in hot water for a while.

While they were busy, Joey washed the tomatoes and cut them. Lu Jingyun put her head between her neck and opened her mouth to feed herself.

Joey gave him a piece of his finger and ate it himself, chatting from time to time.

"Our company has a party tomorrow evening. It is said that it is a big one. In order to welcome the boss, we have invited many big people from Jiangcheng. It starts at 8:00 p.m., and I don't know when it will last. But I look at the opportunity, and if I can leave early, I will come back early. "

Lu Jingyun ate another tomato and casually asked, "well, do you need a dress?"

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