CEO, Your Wife Wants Divorce Again

Chapter 132



Sally and Alice are hurt by Joey's answer.

Alice wanted to strangle Joey's expression. Her hands were really around Joey's neck, and she restrained herself from exerting force.

"You You didn't pay attention to such a good opportunity? You pissed me off. What did you do in there? Do you have eyes for breath

"I'm just nervous. I keep my head down and dare not look at it." Joey's timid explanation, carefully broke Alice's hands Besides, I think he is not as handsome as my husband

"Go away!"

The two men are silent about Joey's narcissism from time to time, and their husband's charm is silent. They know it completely. From Joey, they can't find any information.

Because in Joey's eyes, except for her husband, any man is just a floating cloud, which he doesn't pay attention to at all.

As a result, the company's people continue to tangle anxious, nervous expectations, Joey let go of his mind, quietly waiting for the results of his handling.

However, until the afternoon off work, the people above did not have any news.

Iris came back before work, but he didn't mention anything about Joey. Everyone was excited and frightened after work, and Joey was relieved.

Perhaps, she is such a small person, people have long forgotten.

Joey ignored Alice and Sally's disappointment, completely recovered, and packed the bus home to cook dinner for her husband.

In the evening, as soon as Lu Jingyun entered the door, Joy came up from the kitchen in an apron.

"Husband, are you back?"

Lu Jingyun picked up her eyebrows and laughed, and then he said, "so happy, what good is there?"

"It's not a good thing. I'll tell you later when I have a meal."

then I'll set up the dinner and wait for the two people to sit down and eat. Then Joey explained his own affairs to Lu Jingyun.

"I thought I was dead, but I didn't realize there was nothing wrong. Think about it. How much does the boss pay for a minute? How much does he have to deal with me? So, I can rest assured, husband, I can still keep this job

After hearing this, Lu Jingyun said with a smile, "are you so confident in yourself? How could you be fired casually? "

"Ha ha It's like you has the final say. Joey gave him an angry look and said with a smile.

"I has the final say. Let's see who dare to fire my wife's squid." Lu Jingyun is really immediately a pair of I am the eldest appearance, make Joey smile more than.

Joy smile not only looked at Lu Jingyun really like a boss who can control the life and death of employees, but also deliberately pretended to stare at himself with dignity and said: "if anyone dares to open you, my husband will make the decision for you."

"Yes, boss Lu."

Joey said, can't help holding the chopsticks, directly put down the smile in the sofa.

Lu Jingyun doted on watching her amused by himself, handed her warm water, and said in a soft voice, "don't laugh, drink some water."

Joey sat up, took the glass, took a good drink, and began to speak slowly.

"Husband, do well, come on, you will have that day."

She believes that her husband, such a powerful Lu Jingyun, will become the boss one day if he wants to.

Lu Jingyun nodded with a smile and accepted Joey's confidence in him.

She always has a blind trust in herself, but also an unconditional belief. I'm afraid that even if she doesn't have enough ability in Joey's heart, she will believe that he will eventually become a great man, a great husband in her heart.

On this point, Lu Jingyun does not quite understand.

Obviously, Joey is not easy to trust people in the bottom of her heart, because of her experience and the scars in her heart. However, from her realization of marriage to her marriage, she seems to have paid her trust so easily for such a long time.

It's very contradictory for Joey. Lu Jingyun thinks that this is probably because Joey puts all the love and trust she has no place to repose on herself, because she is a legal couple, because she has feelings, so she no longer scruples and has no doubt.

More probably, Joey probably will not believe that Lu Jingyun is hiding his real identity to marry her.

After dinner, Joey cleaned up the kitchen, cut the watermelon and put it away. Lu Jingyun watched the news of the people's livelihood on TV, while Joey cut small pieces of melon pulp with a toothpick to Lu Jingyun's mouth, and ate some for himself.

"Husband, this time the big boss of the company comes over, I think there will be a lot of work, it is likely to work overtime, you should have a psychological preparation."

In general, this kind of big boss inspection, usually overtime to show efforts, is likely to occur.

Lu Jingyun turned back from the TV and took the toothpick in Joey's hand and gave her a small fork Take care of yourself. Don't be tired. If you can be lazy, you can steal it. Don't be too practical, you know? ""Don't worry, I'm not stupid, I know that."

Lu Jingyun is not at ease. Can Joey not be stupid?

However, as long as no one intentionally targets Joey, he won't intervene in the company's small matters.

"By the way, husband, our wedding dress has been sent to my mailbox."

Joey suddenly thought that she had received the electronic photos sent by the wedding dress shop in a hurry during the day and asked them to choose some photo frames and tables. She was busy and didn't reply immediately.

Now just remember, hurry to get the computer, two people will enjoy their photos together, by the way, choose a few better enlarge.

"Wow Good looking. I didn't expect it to be so beautiful. "

As soon as Joey saw the picture, he immediately had a feeling, which was not his own.

Lu Jingyun looked at the picture, but there was not much surprise. After all, he always remembered that day, his heartache for Joey and his guilt for not giving her the most beautiful and unique wedding dress.

Of course, the photos can not see the original old-fashioned, the effect is really beautiful, Joey's delicate makeup and her beauty that day, even if there are no photos, he has always kept in mind.

"Honey, you are beautiful."

Lu Jingyun hugs Joey, the breath blows in her ear, looks at the picture her that pure flower blooms the smile, is really the most beautiful.

"Ha ha, you are also very handsome."

Joey lights the picture. "I like this one best. We must enlarge this one and hang it in the bedroom."

"Well, it's up to you."

In fact, in his eyes, any one is good.

After that, Joey selected the big and small photos, marked them and sent them to the wedding hall.

After a while, Joey was surprised by the news from the wedding dress.

"Want to use our photos for publicity?"

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