Casual Heroing

Chapter 166: Kill

Chapter 166: Kill

[Single-Minded Focus]

As the [Siege Fireball] explodes in a myriad of small fires, Im left to ponder an essential query. Thankfully, the skill works so that it almost slows time down compared to my thinking. And being attacked in this manner has brought me not just anger but also clarity. It puts my usual tomfoolery to halt to evaluate the stakes on the table.

So, should I kill this man?

People run away from questions like this because killing is often seen as the worst possible outcome. But is it? Is killing someone truly the most ungodly act? This person just tried to kill me, right? So, why shouldnt I pay it back? Meh, thats just the first levelthe most basic consideration.

Lets take it deeper.

Even if this person lost his mind, was forced by the circumstances, or even by someone else, does he deserve to live? My mother would argue that that is a question only God can answer. Im not as religious as her, though. Therefore, I believe that Humans should take such matters into their own hands when confronted.

Would I feel bad for slaughtering a man in cold blood? Yeah, I dont really consider this a fair fight. The guy is pissing himself, and he has no other attacks on the same level as this one, does he? I could probably impale him with a second [Advanced Light Lance] and if I overcharged it enough, not even an [Archmage] would save him.

Would I feel bad?

Thats the question.

And is that the question I need to answer? Like, is feeling bad the only reason we shouldnt kill someone? Is that it? I would probably feel at least a bit bad. But not too much, honestly. Maybe not at all. I mostly hope that I would feel somewhat bad. But something tells me that it wouldnt be the case.

So, whats another reason I shouldnt end his life right here, right now?

If morals are out, then I guess its ethics. Killing is bad. But why is killing bad, especially when you have a monster in front of you? Dont I kill things in the Dungeon because they would kill me otherwise? Is this idiot any better than a Dungeon monster? Maybe I could argue that Humans can always improve and stuff like that. Therefore, killing him without dishing out second chances would be bad. I could shout, yo, if you do it again, Ill kill you. But again, hes probably upset right now. Im not sure it would do much more than assuage my concerns and make my murder in cold blood feel more legitimate.

Lord Juler said I needed to learn the art of killing, of no mercy. Enemies will swarm me otherwise. He says that levels can only go so far and that the most important thing is for people to fear you.

Meh, not good enough.

It would help if I could humanize this person a bit. But even then, not killing a person out of pure guilt is a bit stupid. Even if this guy had children and a wife maybe he beats them. Maybe hes a shitty father and a worse husband. And even if he wasnt, he still tried to kill me for no apparent reason.

Should I ask him why he tried and kill him if Im not satisfied with his answer?

Meh. Very dictator-like of me.

You know what could be a good question? Is he going to hurt good people who dont deserve to die?

Oh, I like that. I really like that. Judging him based on what he would to me is a bit nuts. And there would be too many variables at play. Instead, if I knew whether hed already killed or had done other stuff like that, it would be really helpful.

As I go out of the deepest part of [Single-Minded Focus], I ask Lord Juler for help.

Could you cast a spell to compel the guy to answer my questions truthfully?

Are you going to use that excuse every time someone tries to kill you?

Nope. If someone poses an immediate risk, Ill kill them. But this guy doesnt. Hes an idiot. As long as he doesnt try the same on innocent people, Im good.

Joey Luciani. He tried to strip you of your life.

He couldnt strip me of my socks, Lord Juler. Can you do it or not?

Lets just use a superior version of a truth stone. We dont want to show our mind-magic in front of an [Archmage]. You would either get executed or tortured.

Well, lets not do that, then. The truth thing is good.

Lord Juler takes control of my body for a couple of seconds before giving it back to me.

You will feel a simple tingle in your left hand if he lies.

Yo! Have you ever tried to kill or killed someone without a real reason? Are you really a murderer?

What?! Im not a murderer!

My left hand tingles.

Oh, shoot.

Hey man, have you ever tried to hurt innocent people because of greed, arrogance, or personal gain?

What are you talking about?! I have never done anything like that.

The hand tingles again.

Are you sure that this is working?

Without the slightest doubt, Joey Luciani. I wouldnt trick you if thats what you are thinking. Mindless slaughter is not something a Vanedeni perpetrates. This person is guilty of all he just denied.


[Aura Lucis]

[Light Overcharge]

Both are skills I gained after the first dive in the Dungeon. That was when I went down to save Gaiuss and his teammates asses. Also, when the Vanedeni girl was obsessed with me. I swear, she even proposed to marry me a couple of times. And the Vanedenis do not joke around as much as you would think.

[Aura Lucis] makes all Light Magic stronger and pretty much blinds everyone besides me. It also produces other weird effects when it interacts with magic, but lets not get into it. [Light Overcharge], instead, is exactly what the name implies. Basically, it increases the amount of Mana that Light Magic can sustain. Theres only so much Mana you can cram into a spell before it literally explodes in your face. Well, [Light Overcharge] stretches that limit quite a bit. Its a supporting ability, but its pretty tight.

Joey Luciani is the winner, again! His opponent gets disqualified for not following the formats rules!

Two [Guards] start moving toward the man, but sadly, I have to act. I kind of feel awkward about all of this. And Im not sure thats exactly what I should be feeling

I point my palm at the man and slowly exhale.

Oh, and by the way, I wasnt done with skills to kill this guy. And Im not sure I told you about the new ones Ive recently gained.

[Overcharged Polarization Field]

[Light Acceleration]

[Light-Bended Reality]

[Mage]! Stop immediately! I hear [Archmage] Marcus's deafening roar.

[Overcharged, Accelerated: Advanced Light Lance]

A projectile that bends the limits of reality goes out of my hand and closes the distance between me and the guy in an instant.

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