
Chapter 130: Victory Dinner

Chapter 130: Victory Dinner

Xenia and Jacek were the last guests to arrive in the large hall decorated to celebrate her victory. Long tables ran the length of the enormous hall lined with soldiers cheerfully drinking and eating. As Xenia and Jacek entered through the ornate double doors, all heads turned to them.

Xenia beamed with a joyful and prideful smile as she clung to Jacek’s arm. They walked the long aisle between the center tables as two attendants followed them along tending to the long train on Xenia’s dress.

Men feasted on the sight of Xenia in her skintight dress clinging to her every curve and every toned muscle before fanning out at her hips. The dress covered her entire chest up to her neck; however, it left very little to the imagination.

Likewise, the female soldiers amongst the crowd found themselves salivating at the handsomely dressed Jacek. His tuxedo fit him perfectly, and everyone knew what kind of chiseled body lay beneath.

The two of them walking together was a spectacle of beauty unseen for many years. As they approached the end of the hall, they both stepped up to a stage where they waited for the next entrance.

From the side of the stage, a long table adorned with various dishes, meats, vegetables, and desserts wheeled out in front of Xenia and Jacek as they stood. Jacek stood in shock as he took note of the centerpiece dish.

At the center of the table lay Master Karasu hunched over on his knees with his arms to his side facing down. He was presented like a pig ready to be butchered. However, it was painfully clear that he had already been butchered. Jacek instantly learned what Xenia had been spending so much time on for the preparation.

Karasu was completely skinned from his toes to his neck only sparing his head. His muscles, tendons, arteries, and veins were all visible to the naked eye. He was gagged with a red ball. Jacek looked on with shock and disgust as he thought to himself, “My god… he’s still alive.”

Xenia grabbed a microphone and left Jacek’s side as she stepped forward to address her army, “Victory!”

The crowd immediately began to cheer as they raised their drinks to their fearless leader.

She then continued, “You are all a part of the strongest army in the world. In the history of the world. And I have shown you that I will always fight for you and with you. Something a lot of leaders cannot say.”

She stepped up to Karasu inching closer to him, “I have also shown that I can take whatever I want. I can put my enemies on my plate.” She ran her finger over Karasu’s back and then sucked the blood off her finger slowly enjoying every second. She then looked to Jacek and smiled, “And I can put them at my side.”

She ran her hand down Jacek’s chest before turning back to the crowd, “The BloodStar Empire is expanding, and you are all going to be extremely wealthy and extremely powerful men and women. Enjoy tonight. If you are interested, please share in tasting our enemy. It is a BloodStar tradition that is intended to be savored.”

She turned to Jacek and spoke into the microphone one last time, “I will start us off by having Jacek Heraklinos feed me bites of his former ally. Won’t you Jacek?”

Jacek hid his emotions of disgust wonderfully although he was being torn to bits inside. He stepped up to the plate without hesitation grabbing a sharp knife and fork. He internally thought, “Forgive me, Karasu. If you can. Please forgive me. This is a test I cannot fail.”

He clumsily cut a sliver of meat off of Karasu’s back muscles which were the most accessible to Jacek, and Karasu began to scream through his ball gag in his mouth. Xenia smiled and laughed as she looked down at Karasu, “We love to hear you scream, darling! Scream more! It’s the best condiment for your flavor!”

Jacek raised the sliver of muscle on his fork and smiled at Xenia, “Bon Appetit, Xenia.”

She leaned forward to take the muscle off the fork with her mouth as she gently caressed the muscle against her soft lips before putting her mouth around the fork and taking the bite. She chewed on it with a closed lip smile enjoying every burst of flavor until she swallowed.

She smiled at Jacek and took the fork and knife from him. She cut a sizeable bite from the calf of Karasu cutting him deep to hear him scream while she carved him up. She then raised the fork to Jacek, “Cheers with me. I insist you try Karasu. He is a delicacy not to be passed up.”

Even though he was intent on pleasing her in every way to earn her trust, his hesitation was obvious. Xenia took a step closer and rubbed her body up against Jacek, “Just try it. For me. You wanted a bad girl tonight, didn’t you?”

He leaned in to take the bite from the fork, and as he did, Xenia plunged her nails into Karasu creating a chorus of muffled screams from him as Jacek chewed the bite. Objectively he thought, “The flavor is quite delicious. Were it not so savage.”

As he chewed to completion, Xenia licked and sucked the blood off her fingers one-by-one maintaining eye contact with Jacek the whole while until he swallowed.

She took a step back and said, “It’s a taste you will soon crave. Isn’t it? Everything about me is to crave. From my diet to my body.”

She took his hand to lead him away; however, he pulled her back into his arms, “I can see you’ve been plenty bad.” He looked to Karasu, “Such a flawless preparation. It would be a shame to not have another bite.”

She gave him an impressed and surprised look. He then said, “A bite from somewhere a little more sensitive this time perhaps?”

She was floored with his willingness to embrace her tradition of eating one’s victory. She unconsciously began to breathe heavy before coming to her senses and saying, “More sensitive. Yes. I’d love to prepare you a bite.”

She grabbed the knife and fork and sliced a full cross section of his cock. She brought it up to Jacek and presented the bite to him. He tried not to hide his regret in asking for another bite as she encouraged him, “It’s one of my favorite parts.”

He had backed himself into a corner and took the bite chewing on it. He forged through to swallow it as quickly as he could. He looked to her and said, “And none for you? It is your favorite part, yes?”

She smiled as she took his hand and began to walk with him, “I’m saving my appetite for later. I am hoping I get plenty of my favorite part later tonight.”

She smiled at him, and he laughed, “That depends. You’ll have to earn it.”

Suddenly, an officer rushed up to Xenia and saluted her. She nodded, “Yes?”

“Forgive my intrusion on your celebration; however, a powerful enemy has arrived and is requesting a presence with you.” The officer nervously reported.

Xenia looked to Jacek, “Maybe an opportunity for me to earn it.” She then turned to the officer, “Take us to the enemy.”

The officer led the two to a smaller holding area similar to the larger one that Xenia had destroyed days prior. This holding area had a similar glass window looking into an area sizeable enough to hold 5-10 people comfortably.

Jacek peered inside to see a somewhat familiar face. He leaned against the glass and said, “Katya Nova?!”

Xenia looked to Jacek and asked, “You know her?”

He nodded, “She is the First Seat of Master Karasu’s Clan.” He hesitated before saying, “Or… I guess she is the head of the clan now.”

Xenia stepped forward to the speaker and pressed a button to speak to Katya, “This is Xenia BloodStar. You are interrupting my victory celebration by being here. What is it you want?”

Katya stood from her seat and immediately kneeled holding out Karasu’s sword in both hands, “I have recovered my Master’s sword, and I wish to seek you out to be trained. Your swordsmanship is beyond that of anyone I know. Train me! Please!”

Jacek looked on in thought, “This is undoubtedly a ploy. She has been sent to infiltrate, yes?”

Xenia laughed and pressed the com button once more, “Train you? Fine. I will train you in earnest if you can pass a few of my tests.” She took her hand off the com button and looked to Jacek, “Time for me to be a bad girl again.”

She pressed the com button again, “Survive the night. That is your first test. I will check on you in the morning.”

Katya looked up in confusion at Xenia through the glass. Xenia then pressed a red button, and Compound X began to seep through the vents and into the air. Katya took her first breath and winced in pain. It wasn’t long before she was keeled over in pain she had never felt before. She writhed arching her back as she began grimacing and yelling as the gas set in.

Xenia laughed as she enjoyed watching the sight, “What a fool. If she can survive then I will be impressed.”

Xenia stood watching and dismissed the officer, “Leave us! I want to watch alone for a while.” She looked to Jacek, “Care to watch with me?”

He thought to himself, “I cannot watch another human be tortured. However, I cannot stop it either.”

He grabbed Xenia and spun her around towards him as he pushed her up against the glass pinning her against it on her back, “We are alone, and I can’t wait a second longer. Kiss me to the sound of her screams.” Jacek knew of only one surefire way to take her eyes away from torturing for fun, and that was with something she enjoyed even more… kissing him.

Xenia gave a hurried breath and grabbed him pulling him in as they began to kiss furiously with passion. She moaned and dug her nails into his back as he felt her body through her dress. The sounds of Katya screaming combined with Jacek’s kisses made her want to fuck him right then and there.

However, Jacek then suddenly cut their make out session short, “We really should head back to the party. Your soldiers are expecting you to celebrate with them.”

She gave a flustered sigh, “Fuck.” She took his hand and led him out of the room. She looked to the officer, “Keep an eye on Katya. If she dies, she dies. I will return in the morning.”

She then squeezed Jacek’s hand until he hunched over with pain, “That’s for making me wait after teasing me. And Katya thinks she is the one being tortured.”

Xenia and Jacek mingled and greeted through the party for an hour. The soldiers were impressed to meet the both of them. Although Jacek was technically a recent archenemy, he was still a legendary figure of the world. Meeting the two young superstars together was a once in a lifetime experience.

At long last, General Mattison approached with an evil eye on Jacek. He addressed Xenia, “Congratulations on your victory Warlord. If it is not too soon, I have scheduled a meeting tomorrow to discuss our next moves.” He then eyed Jacek, “I trust your new spoil of war will not be joining, correct? The information could be… sensitive.”

Xenia nodded to Mattison, “That depends General. On how the remainder of this evening goes. Save a seat for Jacek just in case.”

Jacek came up behind Xenia and wrapped his hands aggressively around her waist and leaned in to whisper in her ear, “The evening has turned quite dull hasn’t it. I don’t think discussing meetings is worth our time.”

Xenia turned her head and said, “And what is worth our time then?”

Jacek looked to Mattison and said, “General Mattison. It is a pleasure to meet you; however, Xenia and I have something of our own to discuss. And it can’t wait.”

Xenia nodded at a frustrated Mattison, “Umm, yes. Please excuse us.”

Jacek grabbed Xenia’s hand and led her out of the hall as they waved to the soldiers on their way out until they were outside the hall.

Xenia finally stopped him and said, “What is this we need to discuss so urgently Jacek? I am not quite done spending time with my soldiers who I value so deeply.”

Jacek turned with a smile, “I thought it was time to discuss how bad you’ve been this evening. Flaying Karasu and gassing Katya? Tsk Tsk Xenia.”

Xenia blushed and said, “Oh my. That is important. I suppose my soldiers can see themselves through to the end of the party without me. Can’t they?”

Jacek picked her up carrying her in his strong arms and said, “They have no choice it seems.”

Xenia laughed as he whisked her away back to her master suite. Xenia felt confident that she was well on her way to corrupting Jacek to love her. And Jacek was confident he was well on his way to earning her trust to later betray her.

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