
Chapter 125: First Blood

Chapter 125: First Blood

Jacek looked on from the siege line to the destitute lands separating his army from the BloodStar Citadel. The grounds were largely dirt with few scattered tree trunks and rock formations leftover from the razing of the surrounding grounds by the BloodStar forces in the construction of their stronghold.

As a warrior, he wore only light weight armor covering his chest, shoulders, and thighs favoring mobility over heavy armor. He gripped a ki-infused sword at his side. Master Karasu had insisted on them both carrying swords although Jacek didn’t much consider himself a swordsman.

Karasu approached his side and grinned at him, “Are you ready? It’s a big day not only for us but also the world.” Karasu wore a loose samurai robe with his sword at his side and his hair in a ponytail.

Jacek nodded, “I’m ready. Although I wish this wasn’t being broadcast. There is no point.”

Karasu leaned against the wall with him looking out over a barrier at the grounds they would soon fight upon, “If we don’t, someone else will. It’s best to control the narrative as much as possible. No matter what happens here today.”

Karasu looked to Jacek with a serious expression, “You are the heir of the Heraklinos Empire. Are you sure of your plan?”

Jacek nodded, “As the heir, it is my duty. Follow the plan.”

Karasu nodded with an air of respect. A captain soon rushed up to the two warriors in waiting and announced, “Xenia BloodStar has entered the battlefield!”

Karasu looked to Jacek, “She’s early.” The two then looked to the captain who held a live feed of her standing and waiting.

Karasu grinned at the sight of her, “No armor. All style and fashion. No visible sword. She thinks this is a show. She thinks she has won before the fight has begun. All good news for us.”

Jacek wasn’t so carefree, “Don’t underestimate her. She did defeat Pope Gregory, a bona fide master, and that was months ago. She has surely progressed since then.”

Karasu maintained his grin, “I won’t underestimate her. I only point out that she underestimates us. Which is a good thing for us.”

Jacek maintained his serious expression, “Are you ready to enter the battlefield?”

Karasu jumped at his words, “Ready to go Jacek. Let’s do this.”

Jacek put his hand on Karasu’s shoulder to stop him one last time before the fight, “This battle will be brutal. It will be fast-paced. We aren’t sure the direction it may take at any given time. So when I say ‘now’ do not hesitate. We will be lucky to get even one shot at her.”

Karasu for the first time assumed a serious expression, “We have never fought alongside one another. But make no mistake, Jacek. You can count on me to fulfill my duty on the battlefield.”

Jacek nodded at him as both warriors stood and made their way through the siege line. Their path was lined by thousands of soldiers who reported to seem them off cheering as they exited into the designated battlefield.

Karasu and Jacek walked apart from one another with 30 yards of separation as they approached Xenia.

As they approached, Xenia called out to welcome them, “Do you like my outfit Jacek? I wore it just for you, so you can touch and crave me while we fight today.” She then glared at Karasu, “As for you Karasu, enjoy my sight while you are still standing. All men should be so lucky.”

Karasu smiled back at her, “Your reputation as an arrogant beauty precedes you Warlord BloodStar. Today I will prove your arrogance to be the anchor dragging you to your early and very much deserved grave.”

She gave an unimpressed scoff, “It was a mistake to honor you with the rank of Master. Luckily for the world, I am here to ensure it is a short-lived mistake.” She then eyed Jacek, “Of course, I am eager to spare you if Jacek pleases to accept my standing offer to be by my side.”

Jacek gave a genuine smile of amusement, “I’ve made my stance quite clear. If you want me, come and get me.”

Xenia smiled back at him, “Don’t tease me any further Jacek. You only push me further into reckless lust. I would hate to accidentally kill you.”

Karasu then drew his sword with a loud ‘shing’ as he drew it from the sheath. The metallic blade danced with a luster under the high-noon sun, “You won’t mind if we attack with our swords?”

Xenia laughed, “It would only be fair.”

Karasu then shouted, “Then let’s get this fight started. Ladies first!”

Xenia smiled at them both with an air of arrogance, “First to strike. Last to die.”

She then lunged towards Karasu as she engaged him in battle. Jacek drew his sword and closed in on their position as well.

Within seconds, both Jacek and Karasu were throwing sword strike after sword strike at Xenia who expertly dodged and spun out of harm’s way repeatedly.

She held her hands to her side beneath her cape as she taunted them, “You two can’t land a single hit! I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. I have defeated a true Master in Pope Gregory, and I am a Grandmaster 10th degree black belt! Meanwhile, I am fighting a Lord and a false Master.”

Xenia then threw a somersault double kick sending both Karasu and Jacek flying in opposite directions as they crashed into the ground and slid for several yards before stopping. Xenia knew better than to inflict damage to Jacek given his Perfect Warrior skill; however, she couldn’t help herself.

The two warriors jumped up within seconds and continued their assault on Xenia who continued to sidestep, flip, and somersault her way out of harm with her hands securely held out of sight.

At last, Jacek performed a spinning attack with his sword that caught Xenia off guard given her current stance. She was left to contort her body to avoid both incoming sword strikes. While she successfully dodged the blades, Jacek landed a kick to her abdomen which sent her flying this time.

She crashed and bounced along the ground. She stood and smiled, “You can play rough with me any time, Jacek.”

He only grunted at her as he and Karasu continued their pursuit without hesitation. The two warriors had not previously fought alongside one another, but their coordination was improving exponentially as the battle went on.

Their improved coordination did not go unnoticed by Xenia who found herself on the edge of their blades time and time again until finally they caught her within their sights with no way out.

They both swung their blades down upon her crouched position on the ground ready to deliver devastating blows. However, just as their blades were prepared to make imminent contact with her, she spun and activated her own sword, BloodBane, seemingly from out of nowhere beneath her cape.

The double-bladed saber sprang to life with long blades formed of intense red ki. She spun deflecting both blades away while also catching both warriors off guard as she continued to spin catching the blade across both of their chests leaving shallow injuries to both.

She felt a surge of pleasure, “Such impeccable reaction times. I thought for sure I would kill at least Karasu with that surprise spin attack.”

A drop of blood had splashed on to her outfit. She picked it up with her finger and sucked it off with her mouth as she exaggerated her sucking by pulling her cheeks inward and making a ‘pop’ noise as she removed her finger from her mouth. “First blood. Mmm.”

Jacek and Karasu ignored her antics and lunged back forth at her with increased vigor. Their increased coordination and timing was not only beneficial but necessary now that Xenia was using her double-bladed sword.

It was no exaggeration to state that Xenia was an even more accomplished swordsman than Karasu who prided himself on sword combat. She effortlessly deflected both of their strikes while also inserting offensive maneuvers driving them back and disrupting their plan of attack.

Her predominately defensive positioning turned more and more to offensive counters as she drove them both back eventually leading to both Jacek and Karasu flipping back and retreating ten yards on either side of her as they stopped to catch their breaths.

Jacek thought to himself, “We knew this would be tough. But it’s not impossible.”

Karasu panted as he thought, “She’s good. Better than I imagined. But we are just getting started.” He smiled to himself knowing her strength wasn’t so immense as to be insurmountable.

However, at that moment, Xenia laughed as she appeared completely off guard. She lowered her defenses and said, “That was a nice warm up, but play time is over boys.”

She then gathered a massive amount of ki as her hair turned a dark crimson blood-red color, her eyes flickered with a red hue, and her surface vasculature emanated a red glow from the activated ki within her blood stream.

Both Jacek and Karasu could feel an innate pull of their bodies to her as their blood jumped towards her naturally like a planet to a black hole. They had to actively resist her basal state of power.

Karasu began to mutter a prayer to himself as he activated his ki, and Jacek likewise built his ki to counter her increased energy. Jacek looked through to Karasu and nodded as both warriors jumped back towards Xenia.

Jacek led with his sword first. Xenia’s sword brimmed with a newfound power given her Bloodlust state, and she quickly waved her double-bladed saber at his strike. However, instead of deflecting his blade, BloodBane severed his blade at the hilt. Jacek’s sword blade fell to the ground leaving him swordless.

Xenia then twirled her blade behind her back to meet Karasu’s blade which withstood the force of BloodBane. However, the power of her strike sent him flying back twenty yards.

Xenia then turned back to Jacek and bloodbent him into the air. She raised her hand and pulled him towards her kissing him intently on the lips before saying, “I’ll be with you shortly, darling.” She then threw him against a rock formation crashing him deep into the rocks as they crumbled and crashed down upon him.

She smirked and held him within the tumbling rocks with her bloodbending. Jacek gave a battle cry as he gathered power; however, he was helpless to move against her bloodbending. He stopped struggling and began to meditate to summon more power.

Karasu was only beginning to stand once more as she turned to him and said, “Jacek is patiently waiting for me. Let’s not make him wait too long. However, I will afford you one last request. Would you like a painful death or an excruciating death?”

Karasu squinted his eyes and steeled himself for the coming one-on-one battle as he softly muttered to himself, “Fuck.”

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