
Chapter 120: Blood Rave

Chapter 120: Blood Rave

Constance stood atop the citadel’s rampart facing East with a stern look on her face as she ensured the safety of those within the citadel. She had failed her Warlord once before, and she wasn’t keen on failing again, ever.

From both afar and near, she was all but invisible owing to her illusion ki which was active. Soldiers walked past her on the rampart clueless to her presence, and enemy spotters were even more oblivious to her whereabouts. However, one person knew exactly where she stood.

Xenia came walking up beside her, and Constance immediately ceased her illusion ki and dropped to a kneel, “Warlord BloodStar. How may I be of service to you.”

Xenia smiled down at her, “You can start by being less formal please.” Constance stood and smiled back at Xenia saying, “Nice dress. Where’s the party tonight?”

Xenia wore her black dress with design cues taken from her usual black leather military outfit. The dress largely equated to the top part of her usual outfit with no pants, and the top stopped at the level of her breasts showing off her cleavage in stunning fashion. Gold buttons ran the length of the right side of the dress.

Xenia stood and looked out over ramparts to the siege line in the distance, “That’s the problem, Constance. There is no party. Being under siege is quite dull. There is no killing, and there is no partying. I was hoping you might be able to indulge me this evening in changing that.”

Constance raised her hand to her chin, “You know me. I would never say no to a little fun.”

Xenia laughed, “Good. Because I have an entire gas chamber filled with 1,000 soldiers currently. And guess what?”

Constance shot her a glance of anticipation, and Xenia continued, “The chamber has a fully operational sprinkler system. And ideally just holds 500 soldiers.”

Xenia smirked at Constance whose face began to show an immeasurable joy. Constance took a step closer to Xenia and excitedly said, “Xenia?! Don’t tease me like that! Do you mean?”

Xenia took a step closer to Constance closing the little distance left between the two of them as the two stood brushing up against one another and said, “Uh huh. A blood rave to liven our spirits. What do you say?”

Constance looked at her military clothes and said, “I’ll change at once and meet you down there. Don’t start without me!”

She stepped to the side and walked past Xenia, and Xenia spanked her firmly with a loud and perfect ‘spank’ as her hand made contact with Constance’s butt.

Constance yelped and rushed off. Both girls smiled with utmost excitement. The military life, especially while under siege, didn’t always satisfy their night life urges. They were, after all, beautiful women in their youth.

Xenia stood with her arms crossed in front of the viewing window on the other side of the gas chamber watching the defeated soldiers with no spirit. She wore a half-smile knowing the evening was going to be incredibly enjoyable… for her.

It wasn’t long before Constance walked up beside her in a strikingly similar and equally stunning vibrant red dress and stiletto high heels. She brushed her shoulder against Xenia’s as she stood side by side with her, “Let’s not wait too long, Xenia. Care to start us off?”

Before Xenia could respond, a booming voice interrupted the two girls, “Warlord BloodStar! I come with urgent news!”

Xenia rolled her eyes for Constance to see before turning, “Yes, Nero. Yes. What is it. Make it quick. Constance and I are about to start our fun.”

Nero eyed the two of them noting their sexy outfits. He then eyed the prisoner soldiers beyond the viewing glass. He could only assume what they meant by ‘fun’. Without comment on their current plans, he said, “I have received word from Empress Victoria that Constance and I are to return to the BloodStar Empire at once with urgency.”

Xenia smiled at him, “Surely you and Constance can spare thirty minutes to an hour.”

Nero took a step forward, “Empress Victoria informed me to not spare even a second.”

Xenia looked to Constance with a displeased look and pushed her tongue against the inside of her cheek. She took a few steps towards Nero with her arms still crossed and said, “Unless you plan on stopping me personally, which I very much wouldn’t mind for you to put your hands on me, we will be having our fun before you both leave.”

Nero began to speak, but Xenia cut him off as she continued, “I have enough money to buy anything I want in this world; however, some values can’t be measured in terms of dollars. Sometimes those items can only be measured in the number of human lives it costs. And tonight, our fun is going to be very very expensive in terms of lives lost.”

Nero stood silently knowing that it was never wise to push Xenia, and he could compromise on agreeing to a small delay. He nodded his head, “I understand Warlord BloodStar. I will wait and watch for you both to be done. Then, I will escort Constance Khan with me to the BloodStar Empire as ordered by our Empress.”

Xenia walked back to Constance and said, “Nero. You don’t have to just watch. You can join us if you’d like.”

He replied sternly, “Do you not need these soldiers for the negotiations tomorrow?”

Xenia laughed, “The negotiations aren’t going so well. I don’t have high hopes. Besides, I think Jacek likes bad girls. Don’t you like bad girls too, Nero?”

Nero didn’t respond, and she said, “If it’s a problem, I’ll just promise to be a good little girl from this point forward.”

Xenia then looked to Constance and said, “Now let’s clear out the 500 soldiers closest to us to create a dance floor with plenty of room.”

Constance smiled and watched as Xenia built a massive amount of ki and bloodbent half of the soldiers present moving them to the periphery of the chamber. After relocating them, she clenched her fists, and their heads subsequently burst into numerous pieces of bone, flesh, and blood. She then bloodbent the entirety of their blood supply out of their bodies and into the overhead sprinkler systems. It took barely a minute for Xenia to fill the sprinklers systems with over 2,500 liters of blood.

She then leaned over the control board and smiled as she said, “Did I forget to mention? I added a few extra functions to this room. Allow me to show you.”

Xenia masterfully hit a few switches on a board which contained hundreds of switches and buttons. The first sequence of buttons resulted in music playing overhead. Constance shrieked, “90’s hip hop!”

Xenia smiled and continued to press buttons resulting a flashing red strobe light system to activate in the chamber. She then hit a button to open the door to the chamber and grabbed Constance’s hand, “Come on!”

She stopped at the door and said, “Last chance Nero, darling. Coming?”

Nero grunted, “I’ll just be watching this time. Thank you.”

Xenia smiled at him and said, “Do me a favor and hit that big red button once we are inside.” She then blew him a kiss and rushed through the door with Constance right behind her.

As the door closed behind them, Xenia and Constance rushed out into the chamber littered with decapitated dead bodies on the floor and began dancing together to the music.

The two danced up on one another closely running their hands down each other’s bodies and smiling into one another’s eyes.

The 500 soldiers on the other side of the chamber watched the free show with a healthy amount of fear that their deaths may be the next domino to fall in their play time together.

Nero looked down at the control board and hit the big red button Xenia had asked him to hit. As he did, the overhead sprinkler system activated spraying fine droplets of body-temperature blood across the entire chamber including the fearful soldiers looking on from afar.

Xenia tilted her head back and yelled with excitement. The blood sprayed into her mouth and wet her hair as it ran everywhere. Constance dropped it low feeling Xenia’s body as she descended before snapping back up and turning around for Xenia to spank her.

Constance yelped from being spanked, and Xenia flipped her hair back flinging blood behind her as more blood continued to spray her face and drench her body. She took a step back and pointed to Constance as she danced, and Constance shook her head and put her hands up in the air as they sang along to their favorite songs.

Nero couldn’t help but have his own thoughts as he watched the surreal scene play out in front of him, “Xenia and Constance are both peak female warriors. If there were ever a temptation to give into, they are it.” He continued watching with a keen eye, “Especially Xenia. My God.”

The two girls continued dancing for nearly 15 minutes until the blood above began to thin with intermixed water from the regular water sprinkler system.

Xenia pushed Constance up against the viewing window and began to make out with her as she pinned her tightly to the window with her own body.

She put her hands firmly up against the glass as they kissed leaving blood prints of her hands. She then looked up and made eye-contact with Nero as Constance leaned in to kiss her neck. She and Nero held their eye contact for nearly ten seconds as Xenia moaned from Constance’s sensual kisses. Xenia then leaned over Constance and kissed the glass towards Nero.”

Nero hit a string of buttons turning the sprinklers, strobe light, and music off to Xenia and Constance’s visible disappointment.

The door opened and Xenia walked through it covered in blood from head to toe. She wasted no time smiling directly at Nero, “Okay Nero. Now you may take your leave with Mistress Khan. Our blood rave is over.”

Constance walked past them both, “I will wash off and pack my bags at once, and we can be on our way, Nero.”

The chamber door closed behind them leaving Xenia and Nero alone together. He looked upon her blood covered body and drenched hair with a rare lust in his eye which did not go unnoticed by Xenia.

She walked closer to him and said, “A kiss for the road?”

Nero responded truthfully, “I think it’s best if we didn’t.”

Xenia sighed, “The one man I can’t have. The one man never interested in me. Are you not interested in me even after that primal display of passion?”

Nero shook his head and gave a surprisingly honest answer which left Xenia floored, “I think it’s best if we didn’t because I wouldn’t be able to stop at just one kiss.”

She gave a moan from her surprised delight from Nero’s answer and rushed up to him hovering her lips near his, “Who says we have to stop at just one kiss?”

Xenia could tell Nero was on the verge of throwing his orders aside and delaying his departure even further to be with her; however, his discipline ultimately won out, “Perhaps… next time. When I am not under strict orders.”

Xenia took a step back from Nero disappointed but not surprised, “So you would leave me wanting you more than ever? Frustrated more than ever? Think of what I’ll do to these poor innocent soldiers if you force me to take my frustration out on them.”

Nero looked through the viewing window and smirked, “They are not warriors. Give them your frustration for me.”

Xenia smiled, “That’s so hot, Nero. I’ll do it just for you.” She smiled at him maintaining eye contact until she finally broke it and turned around, “Tell my mother hello for me.”

Nero nodded and turned to take his leave. Xenia ran her tongue over her teeth in genuine frustration; however, she also felt a high from successfully flirting with Nero for the first time she could ever recall.

She moved to the locker along the wall and grabbed a leather bullwhip. She snapped it against the ground and licked her lips as she re-entered the chamber to take out her frustration.

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