Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 604: DCIV. The Extra Life

Chapter 604: DCIV. The Extra Life

The alien's words increased Dag's anger and desire for vengeance and decisively, he took a step forward, towards him.

"I made a sacred promise, supreme Odin... and I intend to respect it! I will fight to the death for the ideals in which I believe and manage to save the human race from slavery once and for all!" Dag exclaimed as sparks began to emerge from his dark body, condensing on the metal plates of his armor.

Odin said nothing, merely smiling, as if those words had filled his heart with joy, confirming his thesis.

"Don't you dare touch me, filthy human being! Even if you hit me to death, you'd never be able to kill me! Your stupid weapons can't do anything against my body! I look like a human being, but I am pure energy!" the Xis replied, waving and beginning to emit a strong aura that was released from his body in the form of cold wind.

Dag took another step towards him and when he was close enough to the Xis, he looked up at Odin, as if he wanted to communicate something to him.

The Alphather, amazed by the tenacity of Midgard's young warrior and confident in his abilities, slowly pulled Gungnir out of the ground, causing it to crawl inside the body of the Xis, who immediately regenerated, regaining his powers.


"Hey, hey! Why is he freeing him?! What is he doing?! They may have gone crazy!" Bloodfang gasped, who, being not at his full strength, had been swept away along with his warriors by the shockwave unleashed by the arrival of the Alphather and was now with Kranus, Reidar, Kron, and everyone else near the entrance of the castle.

"The Alphather is extracting the infallible Gungnir from the enemy's body... I don't understand..." one of the Soldiers of the Giants Of Ymir whispered, amplifying the Packmaster's perplexities.

"There must be an explanation... look at Dag... he seems to have regained full possession of his physical abilities and powers! His regeneration skill is incredibly high, his limbs were fractured a short while ago and now he moves perfectly!" Kranus thought out loud, amazed at the power of the warrior who would fulfill the prophecy illustrated in his old book.


As the warriors present continued to watch incredulously at what was about to happen, Freydis, who was the closest to Dag and Odin, was enchanted by the magnificence of the Alfather, thinking of the other members of his Clan, what emotions they might feel to meet the real Odin, on whom their ancient Clan was built.

Gungnir was pulled completely from Xis' body, and Odin, after that gesture, turned his spear and rested its lower end on the ground, causing the terrain to vibrate.

The Xis, after a few tenths of a second of hesitation, returned to his feet and his body instantly healed all wounds, as if nothing had ever happened.

Dag, in front of him, had demonic eyes pointed in his direction and heavy, panting breath, as if he was just waiting for his second chance of revenge.

Now that Odin was also next to him, Dag knew the Alfather would protect him at any cost.

Moments before Odin detached his spear from Xis' body, Dag looked him in the eye and implicitly asked him if he could have a second chance to beat his enemy in order to prove his true abilities.

The two of them understood each other only by crossing their eyes.

"Odin is here, beside me, in the flesh. You're not going to die today, Dag... today you will defeat this Xis! I can't hold back in front of the Alfather, not after my pledge... I will save the men and the Gods from the rule of the Xis, I cannot yield to the first obstacle! The Frostsinner in front of me doesn't know about the Giantbane, but Odin does! This confirms Kranus's hypothesis, the prophecy is real!" Dag thought, taking courage and empowering his body again, despite not being able to activate Call of the Berserkr or Champion's Aura, the skills that would come most useful to him in that fight.

Although his physical stamina was less while that of his opponent had not diminished in the slightest, Odin's mere presence increased the morale of Dag, who felt ready to strike the enemy with the Giantbane, although he knew that the dark power Xis exceeded his physical strength.

"You've done a nonsense, old God. Are you testing 813666? Well, I'm going to disintegrate him before your eyes, I'm not going to hold back this time. You inferior beings are really making me lose my patience!" the Xis said, who with those words made Freydis tremble, that was listening to him.

"I don't know how many times I've told you... I'm not just a numerical code... my name is Dag!" the young Master yelled, as the runes on his right shoulder, began to shine again and his body emitted gas and dark matter, which from his back split into two long stingers.

Unlike the 1 vs 1 clash he had evidently lost before Odin's arrival, during which he had never summoned his fluid arms, this time Dag had no intention of holding back his powers, knowing that the Xis would not be able to sample a piece of his power and escape under the eyes of the Alfather, who could immobilize him at any time but don't kill him with Gungnir.

"I will be the first to kill a real Xis, one of the Supreme Court, one of those who believe they are immortal! Giantbane, don't let me down!" Dag thought again, moving his dark arms, ready to hit their target moving as if they were stings of a scorpion. 

The Xis, with an annoyed expression of having to witness Dag's insolence, snapped at him, physically resting his feet on the ground and not teleporting or floating as usual.

Dag immediately realized that the sudden change in his enemy's fighting technique was aimed only at confusing him and never diverted his gaze from the alien, who in the melee combat had no hope against his demonic body, almost at the top of its power.

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