Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 572: DLXXI. The Green Fire

Chapter 572: DLXXI. The Green Fire

The leader of the enemies began to speak, but before he could finish the speech, behind the cloud of smoke of the newly disappeared body, Dag came up, throwing a second violent punch, hitting Hakon in the chest and making him fly for another ten meters until he impacted the wall of the arcades.


The enemy's crash into the concrete of the wall caused a bomb-like noise and after he crushed on it, Dag stood still in his position, noting that the second clone had also disappeared.

"the dark matter made my legs incredibly strong and fast... I don't know why I've never done it before, but maybe it's better that way... Hakon didn't expect that" Dag thought, looking at the palm of his hand, which was completely black, like the rest of his body excluding his head.

As Dag's allied soldiers and friends silently rejoiced at his successful attack, the young Master continued to look closely at the point of Hakon's impact.

Under those arcades reigned darkness and a cloud of dust resulting from the disintegration of the wall timidly came out of the boundary between the shadow and the light of the square, caused by the moon and other planets slowly taking their positions in the starry night sky.

Without basking and remaining focused with his eyes and ears, after about twenty seconds of impact, Dag was able to hear the sound of chains crawling to the ground.

"Shit! This sound reminds me of the way he managed to defeat Brann! The way he's fought so far was just a warm-up..." Dag continued thinking, trying to restrain the fear but was evidently worried.

After a few seconds, the absolute silence.


A metallic noise similar to that of two blades colliding with each other broke the silence and intense green sparks illuminated the area for a quarter of a second.

Repeatedly, the blades continued to slam on each other's surface and kept on emitting sparks, which showed Hakon's body, which was slowly walking towards his enemy with an angry air.

The crowd watching the clash silenced and tried not to deconcentrate Dag, who like them, was trying to predict the Lies Of Loki leader's next move.

A final metallic noise, slightly louder than the others, produced more intense sparks and a green flame appeared within the darkness.

Under the surprised gaze of Dag and his companions, Hakon was wielding two large daggers, almost the size of two swords, whose blades were surrounded by phosphorescent green flames and whose hilts were connected to his forearms through long chains, the same ones he had used in the battle in which Brann died.

"Those blades... they are very different from the ones I saw in Master Egill's memories, they are bigger! He must have further perfected his fighting style, but I think I can predict how he will attack me" Dag thought again, with the purple eye pointed at the red eyes of his opponent, who had a particularly serious expression painted on his face illuminated by the green light of the flames.

"Come on! Bring it on!" the young Master shouted, trying to foment himself and provoking who was in front of him.

Hakon, in a relatively slow gesture of his arms, placed both fiery blades in front of his face and took a deep breath, swelling his chest.

Dag, who was in a combat position, could not understand what Hakon was doing and his two dark arms continued to float above his head, preparing to defend his master's and realizing that what they were facing, was a situation of maximum difficulty.

When Hakon's lungs were completely filled with air, the enemy blew violently towards the fiery blades and the green flames were fired with power towards Dag, who was shocked by that attack.

The large fiery mass quickly traveled to him, who, illuminated and afraid of that attack of colossal size, remained motionless more than expected, having failed to foresee it and not having enough space to dodge.

Instinctively, the young Master moved both his dark arms before him and crossed his arms: the dark matter immediately changed shape, becoming a semicircular shield that covered Dag's body from head to toe, preparing for the impact with that green fire that seemed to come directly from Helheim. 

The moment Dag thought his defensive maneuver wasn't enough and it was too late to move from that position, something unexpected happened.

In less than a second, a giant ice wall rose between him and Hakon, and the flames fired by Lies Of Loki leader crashed onto its surface, violently impacting and opening radially.


"He's going to spit fire! Hakon's about to launch a fiery attack on Dag! Daag, get out of there!" Freydis yelled, who had already predicted what was about to happen.

"Fuck, it's exactly like against Fangs Of Jormungandr's general at Temple Of Orn, but this time there's no Master Dargeon to save him!" Reidar yelled, remembering that tragic event when he and his comrades were forced to defend their place against a powerful enemy that used to spit fire like a dragon.

A few seconds before Hakon released the air stored into his lungs, while Reidar and Freydis were on the front line in front of all the warriors who were watching the fight, someone sprang behind them, heading at high speed towards Dag.

Freezing the floor and moving quickly over a kind of wave made of ice, Kranus had just entered the scene, exiting the castle and rushing to the young Master's rescue.

In his hands, the ice mage was keeping Magni's hammer and the Giantbane, the search of which inside the dining room had lasted longer than expected.

"Kranus!" the Shieldmaiden yelled, who had never been so pleased to see the ice giants commander again, hoping that he would somehow be able to counter Dag's opponent.

Never turning to the duel watchers, Kranus raised one of his arms and as soon as the flames were fired from Hakon's two blades, he instantly created an ice barrier, much thicker than the one that had kept the door closed during the battle.

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