Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 563: DLXIII. The Resolver

Chapter 563: DLXIII. The Resolver

"What?! D... Dag!" Freydis yelled, peeping with her head to the side of the ice wall that had protected her eyes, realizing before the others that amid all that smoke, Dag's shape was the only distinguishable one. 

Under the astonished gaze of all the warriors of the three Clans, only one man stood beyond that smoke, with one arm raised to the sky and something in his hands. 

That man was Dag, the young Master of Okstorm, and what was in his hands was the now unrecognizable head of the Keeper, the general of the enemy forces. 

In front of his feet, the almost entirely burned body of the enemy and that of Bloodfang, who had been spared by his fury and laid unconscious in the impact crater, in its human form, and with its upper body slightly damaged.

During the fall, noting that Bloodfang did not react forcefully to the grip, knowing that he had consumed almost all his stamina to free himself from the stone hands that had immobilized him shortly before, Dag had managed to move all the dark matter that enveloped his left arm on the right arm, the hand of which clutched the Keeper's head. 

With that gesture, the claws of his right hand had doubled their power and with a quick gesture, he had managed to violently detach the head of the real enemy, simply tearing it away from the bone of his neck.

As the enemies and allies tried to realize that what they had just seen was not a dream, but was part of reality, the young Master threw forward the Keeper's head, which rolled onto the snow-covered floor, that along with the earth under the boots of the warriors who frantically fought on it, had turned into sticky mud.

Scattering a few scorched pieces into the environment, the head stopped under the feet of one of the enemy warriors, who as soon as he saw it and managed to recognize it, screamed with despair, falling to the ground and crawling backward for several meters.

"Aaargh! Aaargh! It's the general! It's the general's head!" he yelled in panic.

Before anyone could answer that statement, Dag, with his right arm still covered in flames, with his hand claws so long that they almost touched the ground, exclaimed loudly: 

"The Keeper has been defeated. Klorr belongs again to the Claws Of Fenrir, the war is over..." 

The sound of the wind was the only thing that broke the silence of the seconds after that words.


"Uhuuu! Yes, fuck!" 

"The war is over, Klorr is ours!" 

A loud sound echoed in the square and under its arcades, while the allied warriors screamed with joy, kneeling towards Dag and raising their hands to the sky, knowing that that nightmare was now over.

At the same time, the Lies Of Loki remained petrified, being now in a clear minority and without a commander to follow.

Knowing that within seconds the Claws Of Fenrir would realize that the one under his feet was Bloodfang, Dag felt that the right thing to do was to briefly explain to them what they were looking at, making use of a small lie. 

"Your Packmaster, Bloodfang, lost his senses during the fight, but thanks to me he is safe and sound and will only suffer minor burns wounds on his shoulders and face. Warriors, take his body and heal his wounds, quickly!" the young Master yelled, interrupting the moments of joy of the werewolves and forcing them to approach him and lift Thyrius' body from the ground.

As Dag hastily ordered, Thyrius' warriors approached and lifted him, wrapping his body with bandages to hold him still and using a kind of wooden wheelbarrow found nearby as a makeshift stretcher.

"Dag..." Freydis called again, approaching her man and looking at him slightly afraid.

He turned his gaze back, realizing that Freydis' eyes were pointed at his arm, which, with dark and firepower, was still covered in a black mass and had sharp, fiery claws.

"I've never seen you use such a skill... is that what I think?" the Shieldmaiden continued, looking at the details and remembering the skill written in the scroll she had translated for him.

"Yes, I was able to use Blood Red Claws, the skill of the Claws Of Fenrir..." Dag confessed, looking at his own hand and realizing that he had accomplished an impossible feat, contradicting Clans rules.

"What? Do I get it right?" 

"Has he learned the skill that only a few of us besides Bloodfang have been able to use?" 

Some of the wolf warriors of the Claws Of Fenrir, when they approached Dag and Freydis to help their leader, heard the girl's words and were amazed by what she had said, having visual feedback of the new skill learned by Dag, whose hand appearance perfectly coincided with that described in the ancient scrolls of their reserved in their Clan's library.

"You are a prodigy, Captain! You still don't realize? Besides winning a war at Krypstorm you've managed to do something no one else before you have ever done! No one in Skjold's history! Do you know what that means? It means you can learn as many skills as you want, regardless of the Clan that owns them! You will soon become the strongest warrior on the planet!" Reidar exclaimed, running towards his friend and congratulating him, smiling enthusiastically.

A little of that enthusiasm was also passed on to Dag, whose body still flowed the adrenaline of the battle just fought, finished much earlier than he had imagined.

While Dag and his friends spoke, in addition to the warriors of the two allied Clans, the Lies Of Loki were still there, with no weapons and no intention of fighting, not knowing where to go, being aware that reaching Dolken without horses would be a difficult task.

"So? Why do you continue to stain the honor of this place with your presence?! Didn't I give you a chance to run away?!" the young Master yelled, turning his purple and red eyes towards them and making them tremble with fear.

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