Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 552: DLII. False

Chapter 552: DLII. False

"Aaaargh! Bring it on!" Dag continued, deflecting his run and arriving in less than a second in front of another enemy, trying to hit him once again with the hammer.

The blow this time started from below and was slower than before, giving the enemy time to prepare for the impact.

The Lies Of Loki warrior managed to parry the hammer's head by crossing his two weapons, but what followed left Freydis speechless. 

When Magni's hammerhead hit the crossed blades of the two daggers, which were positioned that way to provide more resistance to the parry, it unleashed powerful blunt energy, which combined with the thermal energy of the electricity it was soaked in, broke both blades as if they were made of paper and hit the enemy's rib cage.

The noise of the broken metal was joined by that of the bones and then of the organs of the stricken soldier, which under the crude fury of that hammer, were disintegrated, killing the enemy instantly.

Freydis, being able to breathe for a moment, having rid herself of the enemies before her sight, looked at Dag for a few seconds, acknowledging the fact that by now his power had become unstoppable and anyone she knew could counter him.

His strong point had always been the attack and his dual-wielding fighting style allowed him to give his shots more power, completely ignoring the armor of the target. 

"Dag is more charged than ever... he embodies the fury of the real Berserkrs..." the girl thought, when an enemy suddenly appeared a few inches from her, waving a short sword and barely touching her chest armor.

Freydis spun on herself and the enemy tried to hit her again, but the Shieldmaiden deftly hit him with the bottom of the spear under his chin and then pierced his stomach with its tip, quickly rotating her weapon in her hands.

Kranus and Bloodfang, feeling the two leaders of Krypstorm's unified army, continued to look around and estimate their losses, noting that their men were in the lead.

"Where are their leaders, Kranus? We are facing simple soldiers!" Bloodfang exclaimed, piercing the back of a soldier unaware of his presence with his huge sharp claws.

"I was wondering the same thing! With any luck, most of them might be in Dolken, their capital city! One thing's for sure, our surprise attack worked! We were impeccable!" the ice mage replied yelling, who thanks to his magical power was able to keep enemies at a distance, not being able to fight melee.

The battle in that square lasted for more than two hours, during which the warriors of both Clans fought with all their might, knowing that that occasion was decisive and should not be wasted.

Enemy soldiers fell to the ground and, decreasing in number, were gradually forced to retreat to the inner walls of the arcades, to limit the advance of the invaders, who despite having broken the initial formation, were still in the center, close together.

"Take this! Aaargh!" Kron yelled, severing the last remaining enemy's head with a precise blow to the neck. 

The soldier's head fell to the ground and rolled over the feet of Bloodfang, who was catching his breath, not fighting so ardently for so long.

"So?! That's all?! What's going on?! What happened to Krypstorm's greatest and most fearsome army?! Kranus screamed, barely feeling the fatigue, not having moved from next to his horse, who was unharmed.

The warriors of the two Clans raised their arms to the sky and screams of joy echoed under the arcades of the square, sealing their army's victory over that of the Lies Of Loki, who had been wiped out like insects.

"We have lost many men, but the victory is ours" Bloodfang exclaimed, looking into the eyes of the Clan leader who had helped him recover Klorr. 

"A hundred of our men sacrificed themselves for a greater cause... we must be proud of them... their sacrifice will be remembered for eternity" Kranus replied, who after looking around, turned his gaze towards Dag, who was with his weapons still clenched in his hands.

With screams of joy in the background, Freydis approached her boyfriend, trying to figure out why he wasn't celebrating with them.

His arms were still covered in dark matter and his eye of the same, intense purple, indicating that his power was still active.

"Dag! We won! We were able to defeat enemy forces in a few hours and limit the losses of our men! Why aren't you happy?! We can finally dedicate ourselves to the real reason that drove us to stay in Krypstorm now that it's all over! Dag!" the Shieldmaiden yelled, trying to share her joy with him, who was looking down, without ever looking away.

Freydis noted that Dag did not respond to her words and tried to follow the trajectory of his eyes, to understand what was attracting so much his attention, discovering that he was enchanted to stare at a corpse lying on the ground, a few meters from him, with the arm severed.

When Thyrius and Kranus noticed Dag's strange behavior, they too came close to understanding more, with a circumspect air.

"Boy, you're so hard to please! I know what you're thinking... as I told you, their leaders have no escape, they have been holed up in the castle like rabbits... now we're going to flush them and I'll leave the honor of cutting off their heads to you, or..." 

"It's false" Dag exclaimed, out of nowhere.

"Uh? What? What are you talking about?" Bloodfang replied, who had just been interrupted.

Dag lowered himself to the corpse he was observing and grabbed his severed arm, lifting it up and showing it to the crowd of warriors behind him.

Without the need for explanation, it took a few seconds for everyone to understand what he was talking about.

The inside of the severed arm wound was filled with blood, but the white bone that was supposed to protrude inside that limb was not there and in its place, a blackish and gaseous substance floated outwards, very slowly due to its high density.

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