Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 508: DVIII. Do Your Homework

Chapter 508: DVIII. Do Your Homework

Thyrius, who until then had been a blowhard, sure of his strength and the fact that he was playing at home, when he saw Dag's face so closely, swallowed empty, trying to hold back the fear. 

"We'll talk about business, yes, but you must never dare to talk about Claire again, don't look at her, don't think about her, don't make any kind of reference to her... otherwise next time I will not hold myself, Bloodfang" Dag said, while his nose touched that of his interlocutor, giving him a clear proof of his courage. 

Kranus, Atran, and Kron were petrified, thinking that that gesture would ruin the positive result achieved up to that point and they were unable to intervene, for fear of making things worse. 

"Don't warm up, kid. You don't scare me. Remember to fly low, you are very far from your home... grrr..." Thyrius replied, who after he hesitated for a few seconds, showing fear in his eyes, returned to being the usual bully.

Being very close to his face, Dag was able to notice some details that had previously escaped him, such as a deep scar under his left eye. 

Also, looking closely at his eyes, he figured that it was as if blood had been injected into his pupils, making them bright red. 

"This guy is really strong... his powers even exceed those of Kranus and Egill, who are the two most powerful wizards I have ever known. But I can't let my guard down or submit to him... he must understand that he's not dealing with a rookie, but with his equal" Dag thought, without ever looking away from Thyrius, who knew he had the situation in his hand. 

"You have had an answer. Now out of here, your presence is starting to piss me off..." the Packmaster continued, returning to sit on his throne and ordering his henchman with a hand gesture to fix his room, calling someone to clean Claire's blood. 

"So? We haven't traveled all this way for a trivial answer. We need something concrete. What's going to happen now between our two Clans?" Kranus asked, unwilling to leave that palace without something in his hands. 

"I will talk to my warriors and explain the situation to them. When they will understand the real reason behind my choice, I will send some of my men to your city and from that moment, we can begin to reason together about the next move" Bloodfang replied, always with his hand on his forehead, now exhausted to speak.

"If you're going to make a public announcement, just know it's a bad idea" Dag interrupted, meddling in the conversation again.

Thyrius sighed, looking at the ceiling. 

"What does the brat want now? What's the problem?!" 

"The Lies Of Loki are also here, among your men" he replied, coldly. 

"Among my men?! What the fuck are you saying?! My warriors would recognize one of those bastards from miles away!" 

"You know that's not the case... Lies Of Loki's warriors are shapeshifters. They can change their physical appearance and voice to look like someone else. I wouldn't be surprised if they were also in Tungvek." 

Dag's words made both leaders of the two Clans reflect, who had never thought about that detail, thinking that the warriors of Lies of Loki would never go that far. 

"They have two cities in their hands and they're certainly implementing a way to control you because they're aware that if you decide to attack the two cities at the same time, they wouldn't have enough men to defend them, so they need to know first what's going to happen" Dag continued, turning to both Thyrius and Kranus, who hung from his lips. 

Both marveled at the simplicity with which Dag set out his remarks, finding that his speech made perfect sense. 

"You will call your most trusted generals and report your decision today. Then you will personally choose two men to send to Tungvek, thus avoiding the dispersion of information. Your people will not be aware of the battle, nor of the alliance, as long as our two armies are already on their way to Klorr. All clear?" Dag continued, who was the only one who had already come up with an effective maneuver towards their common enemy. 

"Out of here, I said... I'm starting to lose my temper" Thyrius replied, who had no intention of explicitly accepting the orders. 

"Let's go, Kranus. Bloodfang will do what has been established. We have a deal" Dag concluded, lowering himself back to Claire and lifting her warm body, fastening her coat to wrap her body completely, leaving only her feet uncovered. 


As the diplomatic team prepared to leave the palace, Bloodfang continued to growl angrily at Dag, due to his irreverence, knowing, however, that what he had just said had to be done literally. 

When everyone came out the door, the young Master looked at the leader of the Claws Of Fenrir for the last time. 

"Next time we'll meet, we will be allies. Watch your back, Bloodfang!" he said, turning and beginning to descend the stairs, with superiority. 

Thyrius did not answer and his henchman closed the door, preventing the unwelcome guests from hearing the next words of his leader, who was evidently upset by that visit. 

After leaving the palace, Dag and the others headed for the horses, eliciting the amazement of the guards in front of the entrance to the castle when they noticed the bloodied body wrapped in fur. 

When they arrived in front of the fence, Thalos, who had not moved an inch, looked at his master and began to cry insistently. 

"Yes, it's her, my friend. Claire's safe... now she will need help" Dag said, knowing that the wolf would understand it.

Freydis helped him lifting the girl on his horse, placing her in front of Dag, who held the reins and allowed her to rest her back on his chest, thus avoiding dropping her to the ground and keeping her warm. 

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