Beware Of Chicken

Chapter Volume 2 cil: Interlude: The Rock

River warm.

Farm peaceful.

Life good.

A hand scratched his mane absently, Big Brother laying on Chunky’s back and dozing. Chunky nearly filled the river, so he was big enough to give Big Brother a bed.

Being Big, very fun.

Sister Xiulan shouted, and splashed into the river. Sister Tigger danced on the poles, laughing about winning.

Brother Washy went zap, and Sister Tigger fell into the water too.

Very peaceful. Very good.

Chunky chuffed, putting his head under the water and coming up with a mouthful of plants and lotus roots.

River grass tasty too.

Little fish swam around Chunky’s belly, hiding from the sun. Funny creatures. They know Chunky not harm. Birdies too, as they landed on his tusks.

Big Brother on top of him shifted, and yawned. His head came up for a moment, then he fell back asleep.

Big Brother sleep a lot. Very tired. Big Little Sister sleep a lot too.

Big Brother use lots of energy, with Big Little Sister. Swing hard. Beat bad man. Very good. Chunky praise both, both laugh and give scratches.


Still hurt, still tired… but smiles are always good.

They were tense. Scared. But Time and family starting to heal. Time, family, and sleep.

All the best things, so friends heal fast!

“Thanks, Big Guy,” Big Brother and Big Little Sister said, and they scratched through his mane.

Laughter too.

Sister Tigger laughed a lot. But train harder than ever. Apologised to Chunky for being mean so long ago. Apologised to Wife too. Peppa accept. Chunky happy better friends.

Chunky looked around the farm. At fuzzy friends, chewing on grass. At Friend Babe, honing his cuts. Good friend, Babe. Quiet. Chunky talk for both. Very good listener. Very good road builder.

Back at house was Big Sister Mei, and Sister Rizzo.

Right now Big Sister Mei very busy! Very busy, working with Sister Rizzo on healing new friend Bowu’s leg. Take many notes, devise many things that make Chunky’s head spin. New friend quiet and polite and lost, so Chunky help. New friend small and bitter creature. Expect little. A long time pain, like Chunky. But only one friend, so he healed wrong.

“I am not a heavenly doctor, or anything of the sort. I’m not the best doctor in the province, either. To be blunt, the only reason I’m even attempting to fix this is because of the Spirit Herbs. Otherwise, the only thing I could do is numb the pain, and even that comes with its own problems.” Big Sister explained to new friend.

The boy listened intently, before nodding his head.

“Now, here is what I believe the problem is, and these are the steps we need to do to fix it. Tell me if you don’t understand anything, okay?”

Big Sister Mei easy to understand, even for Chunky. Bones in cartilage bad. Knee needed to be rebroken, set properly.

“.... you’re the first doctor to actually explain things like that.” new friend said.

Big Sister Mei’s eyes softened.

“All I can promise you is my best. “

Chunky know that pain. Easy make friends, when know same hurt. Friend Noodle talk about hurt with Chunky. Noodle say Chunky wise; Chunky just think Friend Noodle overthinks things. Gave Chunky pot to store treasures, and helped Chunky decorate.

Chunky Pot had a smiling sun, and all friends on it. Three rows, with space for even more friends!

New friend smile and help, after Chunky gave ride, and asked Bowu to draw on Chunky’s pot. Helped Big Brother with big thing of copper pipes. His hands were quick, and his mind quicker. Like Brother Washy, but not as lazy.

Lazy, lazy fishdragon.

Other new friend too.

Friend monkey helped all. Curious and quiet friend. Young, but voice was old and sounded like Chunky when he ran, the deep booming of the earth. Helped with Brother Big D’s new crystal. Huo Ten say new crystal inferior to old one, even though old one was broken. New one needs time to settle to watch memory. Friend Huo Ten say ready by solstice. Or the new year. Then strange crystal questions be answered.

Brother Big D say crystal can wait. Other things more important anyway.

Brother Big D talk a lot about time with Big Brother. Say he learned a lot. Say he knows how big world is, how cruel. Ask for Chunky opinion on what should do.

Chunky said to do what Big D thinks is best, and Chunky help.

Brother Big D give Chunky pat, say Chunky is good friend.

Bi De gazed upon the conclave of the Disciples. Sister Tigu was to his right; Sister Ri Zu was to his left. The rest were gathered around the table.

“We are not alone. Others now know of our Lord, and though his might is a barrier…” Bi De trailed off.

This is not our Lord’s dream alone.

“What shall we do? Ri Zu squeaked.

‘Help.’ The boar stated simply.

Chunky turned his eyes further.

Brother Gou Ren working on his house. Say wife come soon, make house better. Little Sun helped him. Little Sun from very far away, still trying to figure out what she was. Still trying to find her place, outside war and battle.

Could dance, but wanted something else. Something like Sister Tigger carving, or Washy math.

Brother Yun Ren was further along. Practising with sword, and training illusion technique. Big Sister Mei see new drawings of body. Ask Brother Yun Ren to record medical plants, put in scroll for others.

Finally: Wife. Wife finish chores. Wife swim out to Chunky. Pretty lady nuzzle against Chunky, her eyes full of warmth. Chunky scared Wife, helping Big Little Sister. Went into forest for week. Slept a lot. Big Sister Mei very worried too.

Wife stay by Chunky side while he dreamed. She took care of Chunky. Her eyes scared away any who got too close, too fast back when Chunky was…. less.

But now... Wife happy again. Wife pleased family back home.

Chunky took a breath, and nuzzled into Wife. He watched the silly bees. He watched the clouds come across the sky.

He watched as friends sat, and talked and played. Big Brother even sat up too, finishing his nap. He looked around the farm, and sighed.

“’s beautiful, isn’t it?” he asked.

Chunky nodded.

Hmmm. Life good. ‘ he replied, and Big Brother laughed, before going quiet.

But good must be worked on to stay good.

Friends had to keep doing good. Sometimes, it was hard. But Chunky believed.

Future uncertain. Future scary.

But Chunky help. Friends help.

All lift together, and make Big Brother and Big Little Sister’s load lighter.

“Life good… yeah. Yeah, I think it is.” Big Brother said, “or I hope it will be.”

They stayed together until the sun set.

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