Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 523 Anthony Got Slapped

He arrived at this conclusion because Joanna was the one his best friend loves dearly. To him, there were no better qualifications than that.

"I believe her anger is justified," Kyle said after a few minutes of silence.

"If I were in her shoes I would be furious if my lover avoided me for no reason. I am sure you would have felt the same way too so try to be understanding of her. I am sure this must not be easy for her too," Kyle advised in a soft tone.

"I am scared; afraid that Chris' prediction might come to...,"

"And what nonsense did that dude say to make my ever-confident best friend feel so unsettled," Kyle demanded in a playful tone.

"He said...," Amos trailed off as he raised his head at last.

"Seeing how you are hesitating to repeat his words I guess he must have said something awful," Kyle grumbled.

"He kept asking whether I am sure that I made the right decision. I was so confident in my reply when he asked me what I would do if my plans backfired...,"

"And why on Earth would he say such a thing to you?" Kyle retorted.

"But now I am scared. The mere thought that I would lose her forever because I decided to protect her from a distance terrifies me. You know just how much I love her, don't you?" Amos said and leaned back against the brown couch with his eyes shut closed.

"I am sure that what you are afraid of won't happen so you can relax, hmm?" Kyle whispered. He pats Amos' shoulders affectionately.

"Ease up man or I will be forced to confront your lover in the morning for putting you in this mood...,"

"You wouldn't dare!" Amos cut in. His sad eyes turned murderous following Kyle's statement.

"Yeah, this more like the best friend I know," Kyle said and pulled away before Amos had the opportunity to hit him.

"Wait here, let me get us a drink," Kyle giggled. He stood up and moved towards the door.

Amos didn't have to ask him where he was going to know that he was heading to the counter to get them a drink.

Unlike Joanna who had a sound sleep thanks to Audrey, Amos couldn't get a wink of sleep. He and Kyle spent the entire night chatting and drinking.

The next day Anthony was woken up by one of the maids who immediately went to his room after she arrived at the mansion that morning.

"Young Master...," Anthony ran out of the room before the maid in blue and white uniform could grab him.

In front of Joanna's room, Anthony raised his right hand and knocked on the brown door.

"Big Sis told me she was going to sing me a lullaby but she didn't come to my room until I fell asleep. I wonder if she forgot about her promise to me?" Anthony mumbled as he waited for a reply.

He knocked again when he heard no movements coming from the room and yet again none came out to open the door for him.

He lifted his hand and tried to knock on the door again.

"Won't we rest peacefully in the house again because of you?" Laura scolded right after coming out of her room which was just about ten steps away from Joanna's room.

"Sister Laura," Anthony greeted and went back to what he was doing.

He knocked on the door for the third time.

"I believe my words were clear enough for a blockhead like you to understand so why did you knock on the door again?" Laura rebuked him, her stern expression shot at him.

"Tell me, are you deliberately going against my words?" Laura grumbled. She strolled towards where Anthony stood.

"No," Anthony replied without taking his eyes off the brown door in front of him.

"Big Sis has never for once failed to wake me up in the morning anytime she is at home. But she didn't do that today. I want to make sure she is alright...,"

"She is not your Big Sis, how many times will I repeat these same words to you huh?" Laura berated, and the veins on her forehead popped out as she talked.

"Also, I am your biological sister and not her, so how come you have never for once shown this manner of concern towards me aah?" Laura yelled.

Adhara, who was in the sitting room instructing the chef on what to make for breakfast, was forced to abandon what she was doing and made her way upstairs due to Laura's angry voice.

"Big Sis is Big Sis and Sister Laura is Sister Laura. They can never be the same people," Anthony replied. He knew better not to look at Laura's face as he spoke.

"Also, Big Sis will always be my Big Sis no matter what anyone says...,"


A loud slap flew across Anthony's face, making him tilt his head to the side.

"How dare you talk back at me, you brat?" Laura hollered. She raised her right hand and tried to grab Anthony's shoulder.

"And what do you think you are doing to your little brother huh?" Adhara's angry voice made Laura retract her hand immediately.

"This brat has become even more annoying. Someone needs to teach him a lesson to get him back on the right track...,"

"And was that why you slapped him?" Adhara reprimanded coldly.

After reaching where they stood, she spun Anthony and examined his cheeks. Her expression grew dark when she saw the red bruise on his delicate cheek.

"Haven't I told you never to lay a hand on him... He will become the master of this household after your father and as such should be treated with due respect. How many times have I told you that...,"

"Mum, you can't blame me for losing my cool. It's his fault for always getting on my nerves," Laura replied with her head held high.

She showed no sign of remorse despite her mother's scolding.

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