Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 466 Audrey And Joanna's Misunderstanding Persist

"If you care so much about her then try your best to settle things with her. I bet you will agree with me that the bright expression she always had on suits her better than this gloomy expression of hers," Mrs Parker stared at Joanna who was pretending to be immersed in what she was doing.

"I have spent almost all my life with her so I know she can't stay mad at me for a long time...,"

"If I were you, I wouldn't be too certain about that," Mrs Parker cut in meekly.

"Whether or not she will stay angry at you for a long time depends on how deeply she was hurt. That is my opinion".

Mrs Parker added.

As she stood there Audrey thought of what to do so she wouldn't get chased out of the cafe by the lady who was determined not to talk to her.

Two minutes later Joanna returned to the counter.


"Leah, let me help you with that," Joanna offered to help the lady who was about to go serve a customer her order.


"I will do it," Joanna smiled and collected the tray from Leah before she had the opportunity to say no.

"From what I see it looks like she is determined to stay mad at you for a long time," Mrs Parker commented, her gaze glued on Joanna's moving back.

"Believe me, I am more determined to make her talk to me normally once again," Audrey replied.

Audrey kept on waiting for Joanna at the counter. But the angry lady didn't make things easier for her at all.

She kept on ignoring Audrey since this was one of out of the many ways she knew how to make her best friend realize just how much her actions hurt her.

"You are determined to ignore me and I am even more determined to resolve our misunderstanding. Let's see which one of us will win at the end...,"

"Isn't it very obvious which one of us will lose?" Joanna scoffed as she walked past the table Audrey settled down in.

Because Audrey decided to remain at the cafe Joanna had no valid reason to chase her out even though she didn't like having her around.

[If she thinks I will give in to what she wants because of this then she is wrong... She was the first person I always shared my problems and joys with. She was also the first person I told about my feelings for Kay so how could she...]

Joanna clenched her fist. From that moment onwards she determined in her heart not to look in Audrey's direction.

She was scared her resolve would weaken if she kept seeing her face.

To create an opportunity to talk to Joanna, Audrey kept ordering things. She went as far as ordering desserts even though she hates them.

Despite her efforts, Joanna refused to serve her. She always let Leah take Audrey's orders even if it was obvious she was the one the young lady wanted.

After staying at the cafe for hours Audrey heaved a sigh of relief when she saw Joanna change the sign at the door from OPENED to CLOSED.

She paced about the empty cafe when Joanna entered the locker room to get changed.

She was so happy when Joanna finally showed up in her casual wear.

Even though Audrey had been waiting for her for a long time, Joanna walked past her, sparing her no attention.

"Don't be discouraged," Mrs Parker's pleasant voice made Audrey turn and peered at the lady's face.

"Give it your best shot. I am rooting for you so fighting!," Mrs Parker said in a bid to encourage the dispirited Audrey.

"Thank you," Audrey replied. She hastened to catch up with Joanna who was already out of the cafe.

Audrey called Joanna when she reached outside but Joanna kept walking. She pretended not to hear Audrey's call.

"Anna, wait," Audrey grabbed her hand and made her stop walking after she caught up to her at last.

"I said I don't wanna talk to you, so can you just let me go?" Joanna shouted and tried to wriggle her hand from his hold but Audrey refused to let go.

"I know my actions might have hurt you in one way or the other but will you hear me out first...,"

"I am glad to hear you say you are aware that your actions hurt me," Joanna retorted.

She tried to leave again but the stubborn Audrey refused to let go for the second time.

"Let go...,"

"Will you just stop being dramatic for once and hear me out," Audrey lost her cool and shouted when Joanna continued to prove difficult.

There was momentary silence after Audrey's outburst.

"Anna, I am sorry...,"

"Yes, I love creating dramas... no, in fact, I am a drama queen, are you satisfied now?" Joanna said and brushed her hands from her body.

She stomped away afterwards.

"How dare she say I am being dramatic? Is it now a crime to get hurt or show how hurt one is?" Joanna, who was some distance away from where Audrey stood, muttered and kept on walking.

Audrey stood at the same spot and gazed at her best friend's moving back. She has tried her best and now she was lost at what to do to make Joanna's anger eased a bit.

[Her boss mentioned her fighting with someone... if she fought with Kayden does this mean what I did might not be the only reason she is treating me this way?]

Audrey was deep in thought as she looked at Joanna's disappearing back.

After she had made sure that Joanna was out of range and wouldn't overhear whatever she said, Audrey brought out her cell phone from her trouser's pocket.

She dialled the recent number on her contact and placed the phone on her ear.


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