Becoming the Luna

Chapter 306

Chapter 306

Hayden unconsciously rolls over to his back, belly up to show his submission, wolf taking over.

The brief flash of soft white is enough to startle Virgil, making him flinch backwards, head moving forward slowly to better get a look at his mate.

The glow fades away to reveal Hayden's wolf still lying on his back, tail swishing.

His wolf is small but then again, Hayden wasn't any bigger in human form, what was he expecting?

Virgil tilts his head to the side to better get a look, Hayden's fur is a soft tawny gold, soft grey splashed all around.

He is so engrossed in studying his mate that it takes a while for Hayden's troubled whimpers to get to him, Virgil immediately moves forward, wanting to help.

At least until he figures out the problem, stopping beside Hayden, he plops down, sitting as he breaks into silent laughter, mouth hanging open.

Hayden had been on his back when he shifted and due to his inability to control his wolf yet didn't know how to get back up.

Hayden's wolf just has a done expression on, eyes staring out coldly, irritated, he stretches out a fluffy paw to try and bat at Virgil but his short legs couldn't reach.

This makes the Alpha practically roll over in laughter.

Hayden is so upset that in his apprehensive state he instinctively mind-links with Virgil.

'Help me off my back or you're sleeping in the hallway tonight.'

This spurs Virgil to action, he picks himself up from the ground, hurrying to help nudge his mate to his feet.

He manages to roll Hayden over with relative ease, Hayden standing on his new quartet of paws for a split second before falling flat, legs all spread out as he bumps his nose on the ground with a whine.

His tail curls up to show his misery, paws reaching forward to cradle his bruised about, whimpering constantly.

Virgil paces around him rapidly in worry.

'shit! I'm so sorry baby, did you get hurt?"

He panics, slowly lifting a paw to move Hayden's paws away so he could get a proper look and a good lick in.

'don't lick my nose, V, it's weird.'

Hayden snorts which only makes Virgil increase his advances, making Hayden roll over in an effort to get away.

'ah! It tickles!'

Virgil teases his mate for a few more moments, intensely enjoying Hayden's clumsy squirming before stepping back again to help him get on his feet.

Hayden shakily stands on all paws only to flop on his butt, hands splayed out, he let out another exasperated huff.

'why is it so hard?'

He groans.

'how am I supposed to run when I can't even stand?'

He whines pitifully, puppy eyes on full display.

Virgil's brain short circuits at this cute action but he is quick to reassure his mate.

'you're actually doing quite well, think about this like a baby trying to walk for the first time, come on, I'll support you.'

He encourages Hayden, thumping his front paws enthusiastically, making the ground vibrate a little.

'please don't do that.'

Hayden retreats into himself.

'standing is hard enough on level ground, I'm not even going to be able to get up if the ground shakes like that.'

Virgil stops, looking a little guilty.


'it's fine baby, now come on, I want to leave the ground.'

He adds in an upbeat tone.

Virgil moves closer, carefully with his huge paws as he helps him stand with a little difficulty, it wasn't like he had hands to assist with.

That gave him an idea.

'Hay? I have an idea, why don't I shift back so I can properly help you and when you get the hang of it I'll shift again.'

He suggests already backing away to do as he says.

Hayden whips his head around, ticked off, was he really that small?

Virgil is already back in human form again, shirtless and easily taller than him and Hayden throws his head to the side with an exasperated huff wishing he could roll his eyes.

Virgil just flashes him a gummy smile, coming over to hold Hayden's face in his hands. "You're so adorable"

Hayden gives him dead eyes.

'I will literally bite your hands off.'

Virgil looks unfazed by this threat. "Cute." He adds under his breath, poking Hayden's button nose.

'the moment I learn how to walk it's over for you.'

Hayden growls, letting Virgil help him to his feet, which is easier now that the Alpha's hands come in to play.

'Stop petting my fur, it's distracting.'

Hayden yips irritably, losing his balance for the umpteenth time.

Virgil just smiles at this, there was an obvious difference between Hayden and his wolf

After multiple tries, Hayden manages to balance on his feet, paws trembling just slightly as he takes a tentative step forward.

He manages to move a couple steps without falling then he plops into a sitting position.

Virgil cheering him from the side. "See, I told you, you would get the hang of it, you're doing so well." He praises generously.

Hayden lifts his nose in the air at this, making another attempt to get to his feet, this time all by himself, his steps surer now, legs steady.

He walked in a wide circle to face Virgil who was in the clouds already at Hayden's progress only to freeze when Hayden fixes a predatory gaze on him.

"Um baby" he gulps, eyes wide. "Why don't we discuss this?" He offers, stretching out his hands placatingly.

Hayden wasn't even listening anymore, leaning forward on his front paws and wiggling his behind a bit.

'I told you that when I learn to walk it would be over for you.'

He reminded, taking off without warning.

His paws hit the ground with precision, instinct taking over as he chased down his mate.

"Ahhhh!!!" Virgil yells, turning tail around to run for it, he wasn't even given the chance to shift, stunned by the turn of events.

Well at least until Hayden easily catches up with him, for his size his mate was an awfully fast runner.

He shifts mid stride and takes off, his speed increasing exponentially, Hayden speeds up as well, not holding back anymore.

They darted around the trees and over falling branches, heading for the creek, Hayden's wolf considerably smaller but managing to keep up.

He wasn't even chasing his mate again, content to run beside him.

In no time they get to the creek, running alongside the body of water together, yipping happily.

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