Becoming the Luna

Chapter 303

Chapter 303

Hayden drove down to the Pack House in a peculiar state of mind, he was nervous and disappointed in himself, sure he liked children but it wasn't an obsession?

He paid careful attention to the road, he had left a good hour earlier, he did promise his mate lunch anyway and he was sure they would need the energy before their run.

Hayden was quite sure he would fail hopelessly, athletics had never been his strong suit but he didn't want to embarrass Virgil.

He parked safely and hurried out of his car and into the building that was now home to him, although it had been just a couple months, it felt like he had lived there all his life.

Interacting with the excited Pack didn't help his current disoriented state but he bore it well enough, he just made his way to their apartment.

He didn't have the mental fortitude to confront Jaxie, good thing Jennie was keeping Yanis company, he really needed some time alone some time alone with his mate.

He got comfortable, checking up on Apple first, the cat seemed highly comfortable to just lie around for her babies to crawl all over her and seek nutrition.

Hayden spends some time just watching her after patting her, he misses telling her all of his problems, she was an awfully good listener and he could unburden his mind.

He wants to talk to her again like old times but things are different now, he has a mate now.

He stares a moment longer at Apple who is now a lot calmer and gentler, devoting her entire time to her brood.

Was he ready for the responsibility that came with having a child?

He sighs heavily, making his way to the kitchen to get lunch underway, something light, if they were going to be running afterwards.

He gets so lost in his preparations that he doesn't even notice Virgil coming in until he feels familiar arms wrapped around him.

He relaxes his tense muscles for the first time all day, letting his head drop back against Virgil's chest.

"You okay?" Virgil hums to him and Hayden smiles, nodding in response.

They eat quietly, studying each other's body language, Hayden couldn't ever remember the being this tense around each other like they were walking on eggshells, not since the early days of their relationship anyway.

Everything else just seemed to fall into place, perhaps a disagreement or an issue was long due but Hayden didn't like being on bad terms with his Virgil.

It made his tummy sour and put a damper on his mood.

"We need to talk." Hayden suggests shyly, nibbling on his food.

"When we get to the woods?" Virgil suggests, expression open.

Hayden nods again and they quickly finish up their meal.

Although, it would be better if they were to run in the woods around to the Pack House, seeing as that was where the run would be happening well the woods were much larger but still

But Virgil also knew that Hayden would be more comfortable in the woods around his house, the familiar pine trees and the creek held so many memories for them both.

It would be the perfect background to try and fix their rocky relationship.

What was most important though was that they were both willing to put in work.

"Want to hold hands?" Hayden suggests with a flitting smile.

They both swung their hands between them casually as they waved to the Pack members they came across, not exactly up for small talk.

"Where are we going?" Hayden asks when Virgil starts the car, fixing up his seatbelt.

Virgil smiles at this, Hayden always liked him making little decisions for him, moments like these made his heart swell with happiness.

"The woods beside your house." He said softly, looking for approval from his mate.

Hayden beams at this, grey eyes shining. "I've always wondered what it would be like to run down beside the creek as a wolf." He muses more to himself, eyes misty.

"So we'll do just that." Virgil promises resolutely.

The car ride is silent as well, Virgil putting on soft strains of music to fill up the quiet space without overwhelming it while they just sat, enjoying the car ride and basking in each other's presence.

There was nothing else filling the space, not the Pack or friends, or his recent change or the discussion of a child, just the both of them, it was soothing.

"Want a piggyback ride?" Virgil asks with just the faintest traces of a tease in his low voice when the car was parked and they were at the mouth of the fading hiking trail.

Hayden glances at him, seeming to consider the offer. "No." He half pouts, puffing out his chest. "I can walk, it's not like we are going all the way to the creek right?" He questions somewhat nervously.

Virgil bites back his laughter at this. "Yes, baby, we are just going deep enough to get out of eyesight."

"V?" Hayden calls softly after they had already started their journey, fallen and dried leaves crunching wetly under their feet.

"Hmm?" Virgil responds, they still held hands carefully and were swinging it between them in an upbeat manner.

"Will I be able to shift?" He asks in a small voice.

Virgil pauses a bit before replying, it was unheard of that a Werewolf, part wolf or true blood couldn't shift but then again part Werewolves getting the status of an Omega was unheard of he didn't like to consider that possibility.

It would break Hayden if that were to happen, he couldn't allow that.

"Of course, all Werewolves can shift, it comes as natural as breathing." He soothes his troubled mate, whose scent was starting to go slightly sour.

"Okay." Hayden accepts this response, spirit lifted. "We still have to talk before then though." He reminds, glancing up against the rays of sunlight peeking in through the closely standing trees.

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