Becoming the Luna

Chapter 302

Chapter 302

"What's in the basket slut?" One pipes up, at least this one was self confident enough to leave her hair color natural hmm? Or maybe she just had a better hair stylist. "You're from Crimson Pack right? Who is to say you didn't ask your Pack witch for love potions, huh?"

Something in the way she spoke made Dream recognize her, it was her, Amy, Deidre had found out about her and he remembered meeting her in Paper District at the restaurant Dale has taken him to.

Deidre had told him that she was the one that spread the rumors about him, without proof because she has just accused him of being a male Omega without even knowing his status.

Well, she wasn't wrong but the fact that his status was seen as something so abhorrent was what actually hurt.

"Don't talk about Mae like that." Dream bit back, eyes amber with anger.

There were four of them and they were almost all taller and bigger than he was, he wasn't going to win in a four-way fight but he was definitely snatching wigs before then.

The shortest girl looked like her frizzy hair was a wig anyway.

"So you know her." Fake blonde says with a lot of exaggerated hand movements. "That means you definitely did get potions from her."

"Go girl!" Amy slapped her a high five like she wasn't the one that came up with the witty attack and fake blonde was doing nothing but riding on the waves of her success. "Selah is right." She added, leaning forward to seem imposing, it just made her nose look huge.

"Whatever." Dream mutters, unimpressed. "Mrs. Jacobs sent them to your Alpha, want me to eat one to show you?" 

This silences their clamouring and it just made Selah get mad, she crosses the room and reach out a hand to slap him, Dream wastes to time grabbing her hand.

"I still think you're all idiots, how doesn't beating me up help Dale notice you?" He asks logically, only realizing his mistake a couple seconds later when Selah's eyes melt to silver, her fangs flashing, rage evident in her pretty face.

The thing was that, they knew that what Dream said was the truth but that made it even more enraging because hearing the truth only showed how much of a futile mission they were on.

But they couldn't express their rage to Dale so someone else had to be on the receiving end of all that vicious emotion, fueled by banding up with others of like minds.

Selah raised a knee to kick him and this catches him in the stomach, making him expel out a pained huff of breath.

He wasn't going down so easily though, it also helped that they were nice enough to come at him one by one.

He reached for her hair and when he found purchase, yanked her backwards, leaving her open for the torrent of slaps he rained on her face.

She kicked out again and he had to jump to the side to prevent being caught in the middle of her kicks.

When they separated, this gave the others the incentive to come closer and Dream bit his lower lip, if they all came at him at once, he was going to get seriously hurt Darian wasn't going to like this.


Kieran wasn't even listening to the kid in front of him, that looked just as nervous and shifty as a sneaky fox.

But he couldn't shake him off, it seemed like the kid had an endless supply of things to say and yet the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach only grew worse.

When he had had enough of it, he dropped a heavy hand on the rambling Werewolf's shoulder, his eyes a deadly silver.

"Look, kid" he started casually, cutting the other off without a care. "I hope you understand that I'm not an idiot." He paused for effect, enjoying the way the other's eyes widened in a panic, his throat working violently. "And if I find out that this was all a sham you best be packing your things and moving out of the goddamned town"

"W-What?" Bryan as he said his name was had the balls to look confused. "I-I don't understand what you're talking about."

"Sure." Keiran mutters around a freshly lighted cigarette. "So what's was it? Did they pay you? With cash? Something else? Are you doing someone a favor?" He asks, empty silver stare fixed on Bryan's head, the other Werewolf looking like he might like to bolt.

"No-no" he started to say, eyes moving around rapidly for an escape route.

Keiran grinned for the first time, it wasn't a pretty sight. "Run, I encourage you to but know that I will chase you down" he leaned forward at this to blow a cloud of smoke in Bryan's face, the other Werewolf was frozen in terror, eyes wide. "...and I will catch you." 

"I-It's A-amy that asked me to, I'm so sorry, she's my older sister and she found out I was doing drugs, she threatened to tell Mom, I-I couldn't l-let that happen" Bryan started to tattle, his words tumbling out just as fast as when he was trying to distract Kieran.

Keiran's cigarette falls to the ground at this, his fears hadn't been false. "Where are they right now?" He cuts off the pathetic whining that was starting to get on his nerves.

"Huh?" Bryan blinks with big eyes and Kieran could see that he wasn't wrong when he thought of the Werewolf as a child.

"Fuck." He curses violently, crushing his still glowing cigarette on the ground with the heel of his suede shoes. "Your stupid sister, where did she say she would be?"

"Um um, third floor closest, why?" Bryan asks innocently.

Keiran just rolled his eyes, at least his Amy of a sister had been dumb enough to tell her dumber brother where she would be. "Shut up and follow me." He ordered the kid, breaking out into a run.

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