Becoming the Luna

Chapter 247

Chapter 247

He had spoken too soon, Dale grumbles hours later when he's still wide awake, the sheets thrown to the floor from how hard he had squirmed.

The rain had settled into a steady downpour, expected as it had been suspiciously dry for a good long while but even the steading thrumming of the rain was keeping sleep away from him.

It was doing the opposite of calming him and he curses at the tightening of his skin, it was more than being unable to sleep, he was also uncomfortable in his skin, the bed feeling like it was filled with pine cones.

On a split second decision, he hops to his feet and picks up the strewn blanket, bundling it in his arms like an armor as he marches out his room and down the hallway to Dream's room.

What's the worst that could happen? Dream throwing a pillow at him and telling him to GTFO, he would be glad if that happened, maybe he could finally fall asleep then.

He contemplates knocking and decides to knock, he wasn't the type to violate the other's privacy.

Dream on the other hand easily succumbs to sleep, the rain lulling his eyes close but there's a persistent thumping sound that's at odds with the usual rhythm of the thunderstorm and a furrow sprouts between his brows as he's nudged from sleep.

The sound clears up as he becomes more alert and... Is that... Is that knocking?

"Dale?" He calls out in the dim room, apprehensive.

A familiar mumble replies him and he gets off his bed with a curse, knowing that letting the Alpha sleep over would definitely come back to bite him in the butt.

He swings open the door with a dark look on his face only to falter when he sees Dale standing sheepishly on the other side, his blanket bundled in his arms like a toddler.

"Scared of the thunder?" He asks patronizingly, leaning against the doorjamb.

Dale remains quiet, expectant.

Dream groans, rubbing a hand over his face. "I'm not a fucking babysitter, you know what? Just come in." He invites, stepping back for Dale to enter, too groggy with sleep to come up with another alternative.

"Because if I make you go, I feel like you'll be back here in a couple minutes." He grumbles.

Dale feels his world tilt as he walks in, trying to remain as non threatening as possible, blankets clutched tight in the case that Dream's patience snapped and he attacked him.

"Take that side of the bed and I'll sleep here." Dream orders like one would do to an annoying sibling.

Dale mumbles an affirmation and goes over to his assigned position.

Dream does the same and tries to get comfortable without squirming too much but it seems impossible as he just can't seem to find the perfect sleep position.

"You good?" Dale asks after thunder rumbles in the distance and Dream is still rolling around, meticulous to keep a wide berth between them.

"Yes." Dream huffs out in exasperation, noting how close Dale is curled to the edge of the bed. "I don't kick in my sleep." He rolls his eyes at the implications of Dale's position, if the Alpha so much as breathes too deeply he was going to fall off the bed.

"That's good." Dale hums, turning around to face Dream. "I don't kick either."

"But if you snore then I'll start kicking." Dream sleepily threatens, bundled up in his blanket.

"No, no snoring, I don't snore." Dale refutes hastily.

"Good." Dream hmphs. "Now good night."

Dale watches him close his eyes, face soft against his pillow. "Goodnight." He murmurs, staring up at the ceiling.


Hayden tries Dream's phone for the fifth time, frowning when it just rings, no response.

They had planned to get up early to begin their baking for the get-together later today and his friend was no where to be found, after telling Virgil he would meet him at breakfast, he heads for Dream's apartment.

Dream couldn't have tripped and knocked himself out now, could he? He worries as he makes his way down the hallway.

He bumps into Darian who's quick to exchange pleasantries.

"Good morning, Luna." The dark haired, older man greets respectfully although Hayden had told him numerous times to skip the formality.

"Oh hi, Darian, I had no idea you were back, have you perhaps seen Dream?" He asks.

"Dream is missing?" Darian immediately panics.

"No, no..." Hayden waves both hands. "At least I hope not." He adds under his breath. "We were just supposed to see early this morning and he's not picking up his phone, I'm going to check on him in his apartment though, there's nothing to worry about." He tries to reassure Darian who doesn't look the least bit convinced.

"Let me come along with you." He offers, face set.

Hayden shrugs, there was no harm in that besides it rained heavily the night before, Dream probably just slept in.

They both continue the journey and when they get to the door, Hayden shucks back his sweater paws to knock on the door.

"Dream?" He calls out, knocking again but there's still no response.

He shares a glance with Darian, who frowns.

"Try the knob." He suggests and Hayden does so, a little surprised when the door easily opens.

Although there's nothing to fear at the Pack House so it's no surprise that the door isn't locked, it was also coming in real handy at the moment.

"Let me check his bedroom." Hayden offers when they walk in, already moving in that direction.

He tries knocking again and surprisingly Dream doesn't rouse and concern makes him push open the door only to freak out when he gets a good look at what was going on.

Dale! Was in Dream's bed and they were wrapped around each other in very incriminating positions and also very fast asleep.

The squeak that escapes Hayden jolts Dream from sleep and as he becomes lucid, horror sets in which worsens when heavy footfalls and no other than Darian's voice float over.

"Luna? Is everything okay?"

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