Beastman Forcefully Raising a Wife

Chapter 46: Big Bed Trying To Be Original

Chapter 46: Big Bed Trying To Be Original

The underground cave was much warmer than outside, and didnt have wind blowing in either; Shu Jintian found it very comfortable to live in.

But Shu Hanyu was still not at ease, and specifically chose to hunt prey with good fur, just for his female to have more things to defend against the cold.

All kinds of animals had just changed their furs to winter coats during winter, so Shu Hanyu had made softer and thicker animal hides these days. The fur clothing he had just finished were all spread out to dry on tree tops, and could be used soon.

After Shu Jintian accepted Shu Hanyu, he had a sense of belonging to this place and decorated this cave as his own home.

Shu Jintian tidied up the cave until it was clean and tidy as well as fresh and cooling, and the bed even had a new arrangement.

With Shu Hanyus help, Shu Jintian chose the most level and spacious corner of the cave, planted ten wooden poles with the thickness of an adults thighs, forming a rectangle. The two narrower sides each had three poles, while the two longer ones each had four poles, with only the side facing the outside having a wider space in the middle to act as the door.

Shu Jintian considered the fact that Shu Hanyus build was too large, and so he made the bed especially big. It was three meters long and four meters wide so that Shu Hanyu could sleep curled up even in his snake form. It didnt look like a bed, but more like a small room.

The wooden poles sank into the ground almost a meter deep, and the loosened soil was also watered by Shu Jintian, and stomped on until it became packed, so the wooden stakes were very stable.

The top of the wooden poles were tied with comparatively thicker rattan, encircling the ten wooden poles, and more slender vines and these wooden poles were used to weave a net at the top of the bed.

Finally, he used the animal hide to surround the entire bed, only leaving an animal hide door at the entrance that could be opened or closed.

Sewing the animal hide cost a lot of energy for Shu Jintian. He first poked out a small hole with the dagger, then strung together specially cut out animal hides. The interval between the holes were ten centimeters, but due to the animal hides fur being long and fluffy, disregarding the discrepancy between the colours, there was no trace of sewing that could be seen by the invisible eye, and the entire surface of the fur looked completely natural.

Cough! And it was just the fur surface. Its back was just a tragic sight, with twisting and turning tracks, looking like a scene of a terrible incident. Both sides of the fur could be said to be as different as night and day.

As for the animal hides four limbs, tail, and head, they were all cut out by Shu Jintian, and only the bed door had its four limbs remaining so that when they closed the door, they could use these long strips to tie them together.

Sewing the animal hides had wasted the greater part of Shu Jintians day.

The animal skin had the fur facing inside and the skin facing outwards. Looking from outside, it was even more like a small square room, but the inside was very soft and warm.

But due to the limited amount of the animal skin, the fur pieced together were of various colours, with one patch white, one patch grey, one patch red; it was ridiculously messy.

Shu Jintian had also spread out a thick layer of crushed rocks at the bottom of the bed, then covered it with clean, dry grass that he had personally selected, and he finally spread out one of the better animal hides.

With such a big project, Shu Jintian, with the help of Shu Hanyu, continuously worked hard for seven days before they finally completed it.

Shu Jintian spread out on the animal hide on top of the bed, then sighed as if relieved from a burden.

Ah~ Finally done! How comfy, how warm ah! How is it, Hanyu? Isnt it very creative?

When Shu Jintian saw Shu Hanyu walk into their new bed, he directly rolled to Shu Hanyus side while lying down, raising his head to question him excitedly. That expression in his eyes practically directly asked him to say Im very amazing ba, passionately praise me ba!

As the saying goes, the higher you fly, the harder you fall. Shu Jintians feathered tail that was raised increasingly higher instantly drooped down once it heard Shu Hanyus latter words.

Shu Jintian shifted to a dead persons face, rolling his eyes as he said, Im being happy; cant you not mention such a sad subject?

Because Shu Jintian had been making a bed during these days, he was unbearably tired, and he ate even more. His originally somewhat abnormal stomach now became bigger like a blown-up balloon. His big-bellied appearance was similar to a woman six months pregnant.

Shu Jintian naturally didnt believe that he, a male, could become pregnant, and even if he was pregnant, he wouldnt have grown like this. Shu Jintian thought that he had gotten some illness. After all, he was living in a mountain forest with a big snake, perhaps he was infected by a parasite or something.

This understanding made Shu Jintian feel panicked. In the wilderness where there was no medical treatment, what should he do?

Shu Jintian buried his head against Shu Hanyus chest, dully saying, Hanyu, Im scared.

Shu Hanyu tenderly tightened his hug, lightly patting Shu Jintians back and placatingly saying, Dont be scared, Im here.

Shu Jintians nose soured, his throat getting choked up, and the words he spoke had a faint sobbing tone.

Hanyu! What if I die?

Shu Hanyu suddenly paused, and angrily said, Nonsense! Tiantian, dont think foolishly, its just laying eggs, itll be fine.

Shu Jintians heart turned sorrowful, and somewhat glad. It was already like this, but his lover still couldnt recognise that him being male was a fact, and instead believed his illness was pregnancy. Sure enough, a beast was a beast. Even if he could turn into an adult, he couldnt break away from a beasts mindset.

Shu Jintian lowered his lashes, staring at Shu Hanyus chest expressionlessly. This way is fine as well! At least the big snake wont be sad over his sickness. In any case, even if the big snake knew, he couldnt help.

Since Shu Hanyu was like this, Shu Jintian didnt have the heart to reveal the truth. Restraining the sorrow and helplessness his heart desired to divulge, Shu Jintian forced a smile and jokingly said, I just said if. Ill die some day. When that time comes, what will you do?

As Shu Jintian spoke, he raised his head and seriously looked into Shu Hanyus eyes, as if wanting to see beyond his eyes and view his innermost feelings.

Shu Hanyu didnt know of the females current complicated feelings, and only assumed that he was a little afraid since this was his first time laying eggs. He also did not discover the probing implication in Shu Jintians words.

Shu Hanyu seriously thought about it, then seriously said, Then Ill put you on this bed, and when the time comes Ill die here too. Isnt this fine? Tiantian?

Shu Jintians heart that had always been as solid as steel instantly crumbled apart, stubborn tears flowing as teardrops began flowing out like a river. His breath was stuck in his throat, the choking about to suffocate him. Finally, he let out a muffled sob. Why are you this silly? Dont you know that after someone dies youll have to bury them to be at rest? To put a dead person on the bed; how would you sleep?

Tiantin? Shu Hanyu was startled, and when he raised the females face for a look, he was scared witless.

Your eyes are leaking water again; is it very painful?

Shu Hanyu flusteredly wiped off the water droplets under Shu Jintians eyes, but the females eyes flowed out with even more boiling waterdrops. Shu Hanyus heart was burning from anxiety, and he just wanted to cover up those eyes that wouldnt stop leaking water.

Everything went dark before him, and Shu Jintians sight instantly shifted. One of his eyes was being kissed by Shu Hanyus cool lips.

Guessing Shu Hanyus worry, Shu Jintian choked out a stifled laugh, his heart warm and tender.

Silly snake, you really are dumb! Im fine!

Shu Hanyu hesitantly let go of Shu Jintian, looking at him doubtfully. Tiantian, youre really fine?

Seeing traces of water still covering the females face, but his eyes finally no longer leaking water, Shu Hanyu was finally at ease.

Shu Hanyu licked the remaining tears on his lips. It was astringent and salty, and was a taste he had never experienced before. Shu Hanyu felt apprehensive and repeatedly urged, Tiantian shouldnt leak water in the future anymore, I dont like it.

Shu Jintian still had a bit of a sob remaining from his crying session, but his heart had already recovered. Shu Jintian casually wiped his face with a hand and disdainfully said, Do you think Ill stop just because you tell me to? Im hungry. I want to eat meat!

Knowing that he wasnt getting fat, Shu Jintian no longer restrained his appetite and had begun to give up and eat since three days ago.

Thats good! Ill go catch some food. Tiantian should obediently wait at home; Ill be back very soon. Slightly distressed, Shu Hanyu licked Shu Jintians face that was still stained with tears and had some reluctance to part.

Mn! Shu Jintian nodded his head, sending Shu Hanyu off the cave with his eyes.

Without Shu Hanyu around anymore, Shu Jintian threw himself back onto the bed like a deflated balloon, staring up at the black and white bed top. It took a long time before he summoned his courage to touch his stomach.

The circular arc was like a watermelon, and even more like a woman six months pregnant. Sometimes, Shu Jintian hoped that he was actually like what Shu Hanyu said, that he was only pregnant. But in the next second, he would mock himself. Its fine since Shu Hanyu didnt know, but how could he follow along in acting like a fool? Laozi was a man, so how could he be pregnant?

But he didnt know how serious his illness was and how long he could live. Thinking of his impending death, Shu Jintian felt as if he was quite unwilling to leave the big snake.

Shu Hanyu soon returned, bringing back a prey that wasnt small. He had already skinned it, treated it, and had left it drying at a treetop near the cave entrance.

Tiantian, Im back! Shu Hanyu called as he stood over the cave.

When Shu Jintian heard his voice, he put on his shirt and shoes, bundling himself up well before he got out of the bed.

Ill pull you up, give me your hand, Tiantian. Seeing Shu Jintian come out, Shu Hanyus eyes unconsciously became filled with a smiling expression.

Mn! Shu Jintian obediently reached up and grasped Shu Hanyus large, cool hand.

Once Shu Jintian came out of the cave, he shivered from the cold wind outside blowing in on him. Shu Jintian rubbed his hands and trembled by a large tree root as he searched for the tinder he left there in the morning, and with some difficulty, started a fire from an angle where the tree blocked the wind.

For conveniences sake, two days ago, Shu Jintian had built a twenty centimeter tall chimney by the trees near the cave with silt from the riverside, and put in the firewood that hadnt been extinguished yet, then covered it with some mixed dried grass and fresh grass so that it could burn even longer.

There was one night when Shu Jintian, wanting to keep the tinder for until the next day, spread a layer of crushed rocks and clay on the stove fire. He unexpectedly covered it too tightly, and when he got up the next morning, the grass wasnt burnt at all, but the tinder in the stove became pitch-black sticks, appearing very much like coal.

At that time, Shu Jintian was stunned, and gathered it together to study, then burnt it once to test it. This black tinder combusted and became very red; the flame wasnt large, and there was no black smoke being emitted. Sure enough, it was coal.

Shu Jintian was very pleasantly surprised, and wanted to create a stove specifically to make coal, and when it became even colder he could put it in the cave to warm himself. But because he had been making the bed for two days, he had to put it aside for the time being.

Today was very windy, and Shu Jintian had to stand behind the tree for a very long time before the fire started up.

Its so cold. Im already wearing animal skin, but Im still cold when I came out. Hanyu, youre not wearing anything at all. Arent you cold? Shu Jintian curled up from the cold as he cut the meat. The meat was ice cold and moist; by the time Shu Jintian was done, his fingers had turned red from the cold.

Shu Hanyu shook his head, but seeing that the female had a bowed head and wasnt looking at him, he opened his mouth to say, Not cold. Is Tiantian still cold? Then lets make a small cave like the bed in the cave, just for eating.

Hearing this, Shu Jintians eyes brightened and he lifted his head to say, Thats right ah, we can also build a house outside. We can do it like that person at the opposite river bank, and make a grass hut.

Once bitten by a snake, ten years in fear of a well rope. Once Shu Jintian thought of making a thatched hut, he recalled that humiliating scene of being buried alive in that pitted thatched hut.

Shu Jintian had thought the person that had lived at the opposite river bank was the person Shu Hanyu was afraid of, but after experiencing that kidnapping, Shu Jintian determined that the person who had lived there was someone else. This was because that beastman was so barbarous, and only ate raw meat; he couldnt possibly be able to make such things and cook so attentively.

When Shu Hanyu heard the female speak of other people, he frowned in slight displeasure. Tiantian can only be his!

Shu Hanyu gazed at the opposite bank, his eyes ice-cold.

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