Beastman Forcefully Raising a Wife

Chapter 45: Moving House

Chapter 45: Moving House

The wind up in the mountain was especially strong, and its howling was echoing nonstop. The branches broken from the howling wind and rain had soaked in a few days of rainwater and were already incredibly rotten. It was only half a day after the skies cleared, it was already blown dry by the great wind.

Shu Hanyu gathered some dried firewood again, piling them up at the side. He had already piled the firewood up into a small hill.

Shu Hanyu was now looking at the prey he had just hunted back that was still on that large piece of leaf. Some of the condiments that had been washed clean were also untouched. The female had only created a fire and did not roast meat, instead sitting by the open fire and nibbling on some roasted sweet potatoes.

Shu Hanyu frowned and walked up behind Shu Jintian, saying in displeasure, Why are you eating sweet potatoes again? Didnt you say you were tired of it? Arent you going to roast the meat? It wont be fresh if you leave it for too long.

Shu Jintian sighed in annoyance. Glancing at his stomach, he then looked at the nearby large beast that had only been skinned, gloomily saying, Its still okay. Roasted ones are tastier than raw ones. You eat the meat by yourself ba, Im not eating.

Out of the question. Right now youre someone with eggs, so you have to eat more meat so that you can give birth quicker. Its not like we dont have enough food, so Tiantian shouldnt hesitate to let go and eat. As Shu Hanyu watched the female gnaw on the sweet potato, he found it increasingly irksome. He had originally found these to be snacks for the female, yet now it became his main food.

Once Shu Jintian heard with eggs, he felt his hair stand, and shook his goosebumps off before saying, Fuck, can you stop saying that? Laozi doesnt have such an ability! Also, Im losing weight right now, Im not eating meat.

As Shu Jintian spoke, his eyes couldnt help but instinctively glance at the meat beside him, swallowing a mouthful of saliva before he said, pained, Mn! I wont eat, not even a bit!

But Shu Jintians voice unconsciously became softer, having a slight lack of resolution. Who knew whether he said it for Shu Hanyu to hear or for himself.

Shu Hanyus face sank and he obstinately said, No. Dont make a fuss Tiantian, you have to eat meat.

No, Ill Before he could finish speaking, Shu Hanyu interrupted him.

Be good Tiantian. Youre already thin in the first place, and you have to eat better. Ill roast meat for you. As Shu Hanyu spoke, he gathered a few firewood and carefully tossed it into the fire with the distance of a few steps, causing a few sparks and ashes to fly out. Shu Hanyus careful posture was revealing his great fear of fire.

Seeing Shu Hanyus attitude be so firm, Shu Jintian knew he wouldnt be let off so easily. Then hearing Shu Hanyu say he was thin, his originally irresolute heart became even more lax. Shu Jintian asked, a little embarrassed, Am I still thin now?

En! Shu Hanyu looked at the female as he responded. The meat that was very difficult to cultivate in the female was gone again just after one rainy season. Shu Hanyu regretted it a lot that he hadnt prepared well earlier.

But this stomach Before Shu Jintian finished speaking, he could already guess what Shu Hanyu would say. To avoid his ears being polluted, Shu Jintian hastily changed his words to say, But is my stomach very ugly?

Hearing this, Shu Hanyu looked at Shu Jintians stomach. Sensing this, Shu Jintian subconsciously sucked in his stomach.

Shu Jintians originally indecisive heart immediately deviated. Then okay ba, Ill eat!

Shu Hanyu who was innocently implicated just by being there, smiled lightly, touching the females smooth black hair as he gently said, Good~

Shu Jintian shuddered all over when he heard this, then snatched away the firewood in Shu Hanyus hands and uncomfortably said, Cough! Ill do it ba. You go further away, careful of being burnt.

Shu Jintian added some wood, then ladled out some water to clean his hands before he proficiently cut the meat and marinated it. He then skewered it with a slender twig, hanging it on the rack above the fire to roast.

The fire soon turned more intense, and the meat quickly became cooked. The roasted meat released juicy grease, and the fragrance assailed the nostrils. Shu Jintian took down a skewer of meat with his saliva flowing, casually blowing on it before taking a bite of a large piece of meat. The meaty flavour instantly filled his mouth, stimulating him to secrete even more saliva.

Shu Jintians scalded tongue turned numb, but he was unwilling to stop; he ate skewer by skewer, all the way until his stomach was round and plump and truly unable to take in anymore before he wiped his mouth, finally satisfying his craving after having eaten over ten days of raw sweet potatoes.

Shu Jintian ate and drank his fill, then laid down under the sun to digest. He touched his stomach that was so full it was stretched taut, and sighed helplessly. He gave a reproachful look at Shu Hanyu who was sticking by his side, and very remorselessly pushed all the blame of him eating too much to Shu Hanyu.

Its all because of the big snake, causing his plans of losing weight today to go up in smoke!

Upon receiving the females blaming gaze, Shu Hanyu tolerantly smiled, wrapping around the females body.

After eating to his contentment, the starved to listlessness Shu Jintian was instantly revived, even becoming much nimbler when weaving clothes. On this day, he had already finished weaving his first sleeveless garment.

This shirt weaved with vines felt ice-cold to the touch, making him unable to resist recalling the similarly ice-cold big snake. After so long, the colour was still thoroughly emerald green, like a first-rate cold jade.

Shu Jintian tried it out on the spot. It was very fitting, but due to him being too full from having just eaten, his abdomen was slightly stretched. The bulging stomach was revealing itself and being an eyesore; Shu Jintians face turned dark.

Shu Jintian convinced himself to ignore his stomach and measured up the new shirt he had personally weaved. This clothing material felt very cool to wear. It was a little cold to wear with the current weather, but it was soft and comfortable, and he could still wear it now if he wore his outer jacket over it.

With this weaved shirt, Shu Jintian washed his white long sleeved shirt that was already yellowed from washing, then dried it on top of a bush, planning to store it away. Although he could weave a lot of clothes like this, he only had this cotton clothing; perhaps it could be used in the future.

Due to causing the female to starve for over ten days because of no firewood, Shu Hanyu had learnt his lessons and began to have an awareness of stockpiling firewood. Every time Shu Jintian was asleep, Shu Hanyu would go collect firewood nearby, then leave it at the entrance to dry.

The temperature grew colder by the day, and the wind at the waist of the mountain was especially great; this was particularly at the cave entrance, where the howling wind kept blowing in.

Fortunately, their beds were at the innermost corner of their cave where the wind was slightly weaker. Shu Jintian sat on the soft bed with his back facing the cave, the animal skin blankets draped over his head as he began weaving a new piece of clothing.

During these two days, Shu Jintian was forced to eat meat by Shu Hanyu, and each meal was just as much as before. However, he still ate four to five meals a day, and occasionally felt hungry when he was half-asleep in the middle of the night, but he was too lazy to get up.

And Shu Jintians plan to lose weight naturally collapsed until it could not collapse any more, even his pants was becoming a little tight. It made him want to cry when Shu Hanyu forced him to eat, but he couldnt control his mouth half-way through eating and he couldnt stop as long as he didnt eat his fill.

Shu Hanyu laid down on the bed on his side, his head resting on the females nice and warm lap, tenderly watching his female weave clothes.

Because he was sitting, Shu Jintians belly was protruding especially obviously. Shu Hanyu lazily laid down, and his hand occasionally caressed the females stomach, an unprecedented contentment in his heart.

Its so cold ah. Its soon going to be winter ba! Although Shu Jintian was covered in the blankets, due to his hands moving constantly and shifting the blankets, cold wind would slip in from time to time.

Is Tiantian very cold now? Shu Hanyus face was filled with confusion. The females body was clearly very warm ah! But if he was already feeling cold now, when the real cold season came, what should be done for Tiantian?

Shu Hanyu was deeply worried, raising his head to look at Shu Jintian in concern.

Then lets go down the mountain ba. An underground cave is warmer.

Shu Jintians hands that were briskly weaving paused. Thinking of returning to that cave that would trap him, he felt a little gloomy at heart. But Shu Hanyu wasnt wrong, as at least an underground cave wouldnt be windy. When it became even colder, they definitely couldnt stay here. Then just go down ba, using water would also be more convenient.

After Shu Jintian thought these things through, he nodded before saying, Sure, lets go down. When shall we move?

Shu Hanyu smiled as he stroked Shu Jintians stomach, softly saying, Tiantian doesnt have to care. Ill move right now, and when Im done youll just have to follow me down the mountain.

To be so considerately taken care of by Shu Hanyu, Shu Jintian would be lying if he said he wasnt moved. But at the same time, there was an unidentifiable strangeness. Shu Jintian hastily continued, Well move now? Okay ba. But lets move together; this is our home.

As Shu Jintian spoke, he pulled away the blankets. Immediately, a spell of cold air pressed in, and Shu Jintian couldnt help but shiver.

Hearing this, Shu Hanyus figure paused, looking at Shu Jintian with a complicated gaze.

Shu Jintian felt uneasy all over from Shu Hanyus gaze. He didnt say anything weird ah; this snake is too easily touched ba!

Shu Jintian uncomfortably spoke up. Didnt you say you want to move? Still not gonna start?

Shu Hanyu, however, suddenly hugged Shu Jintians waist, rubbing his head against the side of his females warm waist gently before he nodded.


Shu Hanyu felt distressed for Shu Jintian and specifically chose to take heavy things, leaving those lighter things for his female. Shu Jintian saw this, and his heart softened into a puddle. Actually, the big snake was really pretty good!

The two of them ran up and down three times before they finished moving all their necessities.

Although it was only three trips, a single trip up and down wasnt a short distance, and going uphill was even more tiring. When Shu Jintian finished moving the things, he laid down in exhaustion, spreading out the hide and just lying stiffly on it like a corpse.

Shu Hanyu felt incredibly distressed, extending his forked tongue to sweep away the sweat on the females forehead before he softly said, Tiantian is tired ba, then you rest ba! Are you hungry? Want to eat something first? Ill get something for you to eat.

No, lets tidy up first. Shu Jintian struggled on the hide and rolled half a turn before he supported his weary body and sat up.

These straws are all soft and rotten. Lets go find some dried grass and substitute these worn out straws. Shu Jintian looked at the grass on the ground. Previously it was a little damp, and there was over ten days of rain just now and no one had sorted it out, so now it had all rotted into dregs.

The female caring about their home like this made Shu Hanyu feel both distressed and helpless. Shu Hanyu was unwilling for Shu Jintian to continue bearing hardships, and thought for a moment before saying, Its quicker if I find the grass alone. You going will burden me on the contrary. Wait for me to return and youll be responsible for tidying up, okay?

Shu Jintian thought about it, and it was true, so he agreed. After Shu Hanyu left, he wrapped himself up in the animal hide to rest. After being exhausted for so long, Shu Jintian was sleepy and tired. By the time Shu Hanyu found enough dried grass and returned to the cave, Shu Jintian was already deep asleep.

Shu Hanyu put down the dried grass, helped cover Shu Jintian properly with the blankets. He himself also laid down close with Shu Jintian, bringing both person and blankets into his embrace.

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