Battle Royale of the Sinners

Chapter 436 Mess of the Sun Clan

Chapter 436 - Mess of the Sun Clan

Lilim watched the fall of Sun Jian through her observation monitors, which revealed all immortals in this realm.

Had it been local people or historical figures, Lilim would not have paid attention to them. However, she had sent someone to reincarnate as Sun Jian and Wu Guotai’s child.

Hua Shi!

Lilim did her best to reincarnate Hua Shi as the official first recyclable soul in this dimension, testing the stability of the entire reincarnation system by using the purest soul without a karma knot.

Although many souls of the dead reincarnators had scattered and entered historical people’s bodies, this phenomenon only gave the soulless people a new soul, which was not the true reincarnation of this world.

Thus, Hua Shi’s second chance was important. If Lilim succeeded, this dimension would get closer to become a real alternate dimension, not a fragmented world under Heaven’s jurisdiction.

Then, Lilim would become a new creator of this realm!

At first, she wanted to send her back as one of Tong’s daughters, but Hua Shi refused.

Since she wanted to reunite with Tong as his wife, Lilim sent Hua Shi to Wu Guotai, stealing the body of the eldest daughter of Sun Jian, Sun Shangxiang.

However, an accident happened.

"For someone who doesn’t have a soul, you did better than those that reincarnated several times. But how the hell is this happening!?"

A bright light that only immortals with 10 wings or higher could see shone from Sun Jian’s dead body as his soul emerged.

Lilim widened her eyes in disbelief.

"Wait a minute. A soulless being just hatches a soul!? What the fuck!?"

She rechecked Sun Jian’s past and log files about his karma in this life. She summoned all her souls to scan through the billions of lines, inspecting every nook and cranny of Sun Jian’s deed.

Then, she found the cause!

Lilim turned to Zou Ci, who was meditating alone on Mount Tai.

’That geezer!’

A few years ago, Lilim told Zou Ci to distribute the soul seeds by spreading the angel’s blood and demon’s blood to the world. Once the year 200 AD arrived, more than 50% of the population would possess a soul of their own, and they could also cultivate wings.

However, someone had been a busy body as he hasted the progress of this mass awakening.

Cao Cao had already been forced awakened, but he only got his memory in the otherworld back.

As for Sun Jian, he had not reached the level of Cao Cao since his both lives ended prematurely. Still, a soul was there.

While Lilim was in shock, the soul of Sun Jian entered Wu Guotai’s womb!

Lilim regained her sense after Sun Jian’s soul merged with the embryo of Sun Shangxiang.


Lilim teleported to the unconscious Wu Guotai. She commanded her wings to enter the woman’s body, trying to pry out Sun Jian’s soul.

But she was too late. Both Hua Shi’s soul and Sun Jian’s incomplete soul had merged!

For the first time, Lilim panicked. Her face paled and drenched in sweat.

’Fuck! What do I do!? How is the karma system!? What’s the stability of the reincarnation river!?’

Lilim was so absorbed in the new development, busy typing the 20 transparent keyboards around her with her fingers and her wings.

She did not notice that the 11-year-old crying boy was looking at her.

"Miss? Are you a goddess?"

Sun Quan saw Lilim by his mother’s unconscious body.

"Miss Goddess, can you revive my dad? Please?"

The sobbing voice of Sun Quan snapped Lilim back to her sense.

"... *Hic*... Please help dad. Dad is bleeding. Please."

Lilim wanted to scream that she wanted to, but she was powerless in this incident. Still, she operated her universe system, trying to find a way to secure Sun Jian’s incomplete soul.

"Give me a minute child. I’ll help your father... somehow."

With her absolute command of this universe, Lilim managed to separate the two souls. However, Hua Shi had already absorbed Sun Jian’s memory while Sun Jian’s soul weakened.

However, instead of reviving Sun Jian, Lilim tossed Sun Jian’s weakened soul into Sun Quan’s body. Then, she told him.

"I’m sorry that I cannot revive your father since this is against the law of the living, but I have a piece of good news for you. Your father will be living together with you from now on, and he will appear in your dream often. Also, he asked me to tell you that he loves you, and he will always be with you forever. When you fall asleep tonight, you will be able to see him again."

It was a lie. At the same time, it was not really a lie.

With Sun Jian’s incomplete soul, Sun Quan’s budding soul would be strengthened, and he would receive all memory of Sun Jian as a boost. Moreover, Lilim gave Sun Quan a choice to cultivate either angel or demon wings, depending on his decision in his dream tonight.

She would come back to settle this later. After all, the experiment on Hua Shi was necessary for the creation of this dimension and her creator’s title.

The boy was overwhelmed with sadness that his father could not be revived. He wailed as he hugged the lifeless body of Sun Jian.

As Lilim had successfully extracted Sun Jian’s soul from Hua Shi, aka soon to be born Sun Shangxiang, she escaped from the scene.

A few minutes later, Huang Gai, Han Dang, Sun Ce, and all members in the Sun Clan rushed to Sun Jian and Sun Quan. Upon finding the deceased Sun Jian and the fainted Wu Guotai, they hurried to their sides.




The Sun Clan was in an uproar after everyone had found out about their clan lord being assassinated by Pu Jing of Cao Cao’s forces.

"We must revenge for our lord!"

"Kill Pu Jing and Cao Cao!"

"Hire every mercenary around here! Prepare for war!"

All civil officers took it for granted that Sun Ce and Sun Fang would revenge for their father and wage war against Cao Cao.

However, Sun Fang was still in Guangling, which was unable to attend the meeting.

As a result, Sun Ce succeeded the clan lord title without Sun Fang’s consent. With the support of Zhou Yu, nobody could say anything about Sun Ce’s action.

The heart of Sun Ce was burning with hatred.

He hated Tong for stealing his wife.

He hated Pu Jing for killing his father.

And he hated all immortals, who had ruined their lives and future.

He wanted all immortals dead!

"Gongjin, what can we do to kill all immortals!?"

Zhou Yu had a similar idea as Sun Ce. With his experience and his other life’s memory, Zhou Yu’s vision was not the same anymore. As such, he came up with a bold idea.

"We should form an ally with Cao Cao, Liu Biao, and Liu Bei. In other words, we should form a coalition against Zhang Tong."

Huang Gai stood up from his seat and yelled at Zhou Yu, "ARE YOU NUTS!? CAO CAO’S MEN HAS JUST ASSASSINATED OUR LORD, AND YOU WANT TO ALLY WITH THEM!?"

"Please listen to me before you object to my suggestion. First, our forces alone can’t defeat either Cao Cao or Zhang Tong. So, instead of fighting them with only our forces, we should make the two giants fighting each other."

Zhou Yu learned from what Zhuge Liang had done to the Wu Kingdom in the other life.


In history, Sun Quan wanted to surrender his lands to Cao Cao when the latter occupied Xiangyang in the year 208, as Liu Biao’s son, Liu Cong, surrendered to Cao Cao.

However, Zhuge Liang incited them that Cao Cao wanted to take both Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao as concubines, which enraged Sun Quan. Because of Zhuge Liang’s words, they ended up falling into Zhuge Liang’s provocation, and they ended up clashing with Cao Cao at Chibi in the same year.

Because of that battle, Liu Bei managed to secure Jing Province from Cao Cao and used it as a foothold for his empire, which later became a part of the Shu Kingdom in the early Three Kingdom period.


With the lesson from the other life, Zhou Yu did not want his friends and comrades to be used by other forces again. On the contrary, he wanted to use Cao Cao to kill Tong.

"As you all know, the current political stance of Cao Cao that he is Zhang Tong’s vessel is actually a farce. Both of them are at each other’s throat while they were pretending to be friendly on the surface. Right now, Zhang Tong has an advantage in military, economy, and diplomacy since he is the current emperor. On the other hand, Cao Cao suffers from the political suppression and the neighbor issues since he’s waging war on us to expand his influence and prepare to fight a decisive battle."

Zhou Yu pointed out that Cao Cao and Zhang Tong were enemies, and they should manipulate them into fighting each other prematurely while they could reap the profits by devouring Cao Cao’s territory to the north.

Zhang Zhao frowned and shook his head.

"Sounds good in theory, but practically, it’s impossible. Cao Cao won’t cooperate with us since we’re not really on good terms. Actually, it will be the opposite since Cao Cao wants to devour our forces as quickly as possible right now. Since the emperor had taken out the Xiongnu, his influence will expand into the north beyond the Great Wall, and his military power will get stronger as time passes."

Zhou Yu snorted, "That’s not impossible. After all, we just acquire an interesting intel regarding the event before our lord’s death."

He glanced at Zhu Zhi, Sun Jian’s former subordinate.

The general stepped forward and reported the latest news.

"Earlier today, Cao Cao sent an envoy to negotiate for a peace treaty and offered us the Imperial Seal as a gift. However, our lord chased the envoy away ..."

Zhu Zhi glanced at Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, hinting that it might be the cause of Sun Jian’s death.

All Sun Clan’s officers were smart. They caught the gesture and understood the reason for Cao Cao’s action.

Half of them cursed at Cao Cao for using such a wicked scheme. Forcing Sun Jian into fighting against Tong was a despicable move as Tong and Sun Jian was on friendly terms, and these men thought that Sun Jian would have benefitted more if they had joined Tong’s court.

On the other hand, the other half of the officers thought that Cao Cao eliminated the stupidly honest lord to give a chance for their cooperation. A few of this group were enraged by such a vile tactic while the selfish politicians believed it was a good move since their forces could be at peace.

Still, one thing attracted everyone’s attention.

The Imperial Seal!

Sun Ce smirked, "We’ll call the envoy back here and ask for the assassins that killed our lord. We’ll demand that they hand them over with the Imperial Seal as an apology, then we shall pretend to form an alliance to Cao Cao and incite a war between him and Zhang Tong. How’s that!?"

Everyone stared at Sun Ce in doubt. The plan was too bold and flawed to the point that they could not see the chance of success.

Zhang Hong and Zhang Zhao whispered to themselves.

’Are the young lord and Gongjin too optimistic?’

’I think so. There is no way that Cao Cao will allow us to continue governing the south. If I were Cao Cao, I would have sent our generals to the north and fight against Zhang Tong first. When we’re weakened enough, Cao Cao will deploy his men to reap the profits.’

’What if Cao Cao refuses to hand over the assassins? What if Cao Cao doesn’t give us the Imperial Seal? What if Zhang Tong and Cao Cao planned our lord’s death? There are many things that we haven’t confirmed. Those two are too young and too rash!’

’The main reason for their rashness should be the two Qiaos that they claimed to be their wives. Those two should still be too immature to control their desire, and they might be trying to find a reason to kill Zhang Tong by using this coalition farce.’

’I don’t know them anymore.’

’Yeah, I’m also confused. For now, let’s keep quiet and observe them.’

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