Ball of Nothing

Chapter 392 Slave Rights

Chapter 392 Slave Rights

As Zero ate, Beelzebub continued to call for more food. The Lord of Gluttony was the one most at ease in the room and continued to bring out his new creations. Coux wondered if Zero would be appeased by food the same way he was in the past. Whatever Beelzebub was doing works and even Mammon felt thankful for the interference.

"How is it? This is my newest blend of herbs and spices although I’m still unable to recreate Cleo’s recipe."

Zero took a huge bite out of the roasted lizard and nodded. "Tastes good. I think it would help if you added some citrus to bring out the contrasting flavour of your eggplant almonds."

Beelzebub nodded. "What if I don’t think we should add citrus? Are you also going to fight with me and prove who is the strongest in this food chain?"

That question made the temperature in the room fall to sub zero degrees as Zero placed down his fork and wiped his mouth with a napkin. Coux felt as if they were hanging by a very thin thread previously that has now finally snapped. Mammon wanted to leave at once. For the first time, he wasn’t interested in the money that was still stacked neatly in the centre of the table.

"Citrus and lives aren’t the same things, Beel. Don’t try to twist facts around me. I’m not that easily fooled or convinced now."

Indeed, Zero had grown up but compared to his child-self a year ago who was more willing to open his heart and listen to others, this matured Zero who has learnt how to doubt was similar to a teen going through a rebellious phase. Mammon and Coux had underestimated him but Beelzebub was different. In fact, the Lord of Gluttony might be the only person apart from Baal who understood what Zero was feeling like right now.

Before Zero came into their lives, both Baal and Beelzebub were closed off from the world with nobody they could trust and lived recklessly. They didn’t care for other people’s opinions and certainly weren’t above placing their lives on the line to get what they needed. In this sense, Zero was the same. He didn’t know what happened to Zero after he started travelling but he must have heard or seen some things that led to his distrust in people so much that he had already forgotten the ones who were close to him before, eyeing them with distrust when they said something that disagreed with his personal beliefs.

"I’m not treating you as a fool or a child. I’m just bringing up a point from a different perspective you haven’t considered. Do you think I’m wrong for having an opinion different from yours?"

Zero was silent as he thought about Beelzebub’s words. The Lord of Gluttony made sense and Zero calmed down. Perhaps he was being too quick to judge when Coux and Mammon told him that slavery shouldn’t be abolished. He might not like the idea of supporting the system like Mammon and Coux said earlier but now that he calmed down and thought lively, they might have their reasons for it.

"I’m sorry," he apologised and Coux quickly forgave him. Mammon didn’t say anything but he looked less pale now and Beelzebub smiled.

"Could you explain your point of views and why abolishing slavery or buying over a country to free its people isn’t a good idea?"

Beelzebub let the business folks explain their idea and called for more drinks. Zero should abstain from alcohol according to Truen but Coux and Mammon would probably need some good shots. With the workload that they’d have to deal with if the negotiations go well, they really needed a break and some good pampering.

"For starters, slavery isn’t something new. As we were saying earlier, even if you buy it the freedom of citizens in the country, who is to say that human trafficking wouldn’t take place?" Mammon asked and Zero agreed. Bad people will always exist alongside good people. There was only so much he could do and he could see now why money wasn’t the solution to everything.

"On the other hand, with this money, you could consider approaching the matter differently. While slavery isn’t right, it is sometimes the only option some people have. As a doctor who values lives, it is only natural that you care for them. However, you are not royalty and the burden of governing a country shouldn’t fall on you," the Demon Lord of Greed explained.

Coux agreed. "There is only so much we can do, Zero. With money, it helps to pave the way but it is not our duty to right the wrongs created by others. Instead of abolishing the system and giving evildoers the reason to start something worse, we could use this money to change some laws."

Zero thought about it. Beelzebub was right, there was always more than one way to skin a cat. Getting angry and insisting upon his way was not always the best way to solve problems. Instead, he should listen to those around him who have been helping him since the beginning. He might not be as close to Coux or Mammon like how close he was to Truen and Baal but he also shouldn’t play favourites when it came to advice. This was something Zero should rectify and be more conscious about in the future. He felt ashamed and knew that there was still a lot of growing left to do before he was ready to face his past self.

"I understand," he said. "What do you propose I should do? I have way too much money but also not enough of it. I’m sure the intergalactic currency converter business is lucrative regardless of my need for it. How can I use this seed fund to help me accomplish what I want? I don’t approve of slavery no matter what. Lives shouldn’t be valued as such."

Coux agreed. "I understand where you are coming from, Zero. We might not be able to change their fates and decisions but we certainly can use the money to pave the way for a better future by starting with welfare. The main difference between a slave and others would be their rights to decide how they should live. These rights include rights to food, rights to express an opinion and even rights to education. If we can use this money to convince royalties from all over to implement new rules for slave purchases and slave rights, we can improve the lives of those who are currently slaves and those who will eventually sell themselves to slavery. We can minimise the number of kidnapping and human trafficking with these new rules and people will generally be happier about it."

Zero listened to Coux and started forming ideas in his head. Mammon didn’t know if he would like what Zero was thinking about but it was definitely better than an enraged Zero who wouldn’t listen to reason. At least now, they were finally open for negotiations.

"I understand. How much money would I need so that I can introduce slave rights? I want to buy every single country and guild and person in power to enforce this strongly."

Now, they were finally talking and Mammon lifted his glass of wine or a toast. Beelzebub didn’t know the details but he was glad that Zero was able to accomplish what he came to do. Food really does solve any problem by bringing people together.

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