Back For My Daughter

Chapter 1043 Something That No One Could Dare Imagine

With their foreheads filled with cold sweat, the three drivers used all their might to push the gas pedal as much as they could.

Right now, all three of them knew that if they give any leeway then they would be condemned by everyone.

That was because the situation was just that crazy.

All this long in their 5 minutes of drive, they had almost crashed more than 8 times at each turn.

But none of the people sitting inside these cars cursed or should when the cars crashed, it was because they would not care any less about eh crashing of the car, all they wanted right now was to reach the destination as quickly as possible.

"The trunk of their car is also locked, the others can't come out as well."

Another gritted among.

They had seen everything that had transpired right from the beginning and were shocked to the core to see something like this happening right in front of their eyes.

In fact, although they had speculated that the thing that was after their Eldest young miss was way too powerful, but there was still a limit to their imagination to what extent it would be like.

In fact, they had thought that since Le Zheng believed in Ye Qian and had a rough guess about Ye Qian's power and thought of him having strength as someone from the myths, so they had thought that Ye Qian could handle the situation with ease.

But the moment the crazily rushing car was stopped by nothing but just two hands of the person in dark clothing, everyone's mind shattered.

Almost no one could think things straight as they only stared at the screen in horror as well as fear.

Of anyone other than them, the two taxis driving Yuan Meng and Ye Qian would be normal taxis, but only they knew the real strength of those two mere TAXIS.

In fact, it would not be wrong to say that the strength of those two cars was not any less than that of a truck and could also withstand any kind of arms being fired at it.

Of course, grenades were a completely different option to think of, but they were sure that within anything that NORMALLY could harm Yuan Meng which was within their expectations, it would be an assassination, but this kind of thing was not something they imagined would have to be faced.

But Le Zheng was at least sure that nothing could harm them as long as they were to stay within the vehicle.

But with his own eyes, he had seen the sheet of steel on the car being dented as it was nothing but a sheet of paper in the hands of the thing that they were supposed to face since it was after Yuan Meng.

And that was not all, even the thought glass which would not be shattered even if a bullet was to hit it was cracked as if a small rock had been thrown on a mirror shattering it into tiny bits.

All of this was not something that they would easily accept.

And what they saw not only made them utterly shatter their beliefs by also think that this was nothing but the worst kind of nightmare that all of them were having at the same time.

All of them had been trained into the becoming the best guards and would not falter when it came to arms and weapons.

They had a clear understanding of all kinds of weapons.

And the guns that were given to the two driving the taxis were the best kind of pistols they could ever think of.

It was because, under normal circumstances, one would definitely not need such kinds of arms would just make any person lose all the colour on their face.

It would not be wrong to say that the 0.500 magnum pistols given to the drivers were not any less than mini cannons and could shatter even a thick brick wall with just one bullet.

No matter how powerful one was, according to all of them, the thing that was after Yuan Meng would not be able to fend off a bullet released by such a pistol.

When all of them saw that Yuan Meng was going to be harmed by the powerful being and its hand was just a few inches close to her, they just could not wrack their brains into thinking that they had such weapons as well.

But the moment they saw Ran who was the one driving the car get the bulky pistol from the drawer subconsciously they had been relieved.

But that moment didn't last for long.

Even if Ran was not able to see what was the result of his firing of bullets, they being the ones seeing on the screen were clearly able to see that each and every bullet that Ran had fired from his pistol with great effort to not miss even a single bullet had indeed hit the target.

In fact, if it was something else, even if it was a thick sheet of metal, then as well it would be poked like a paper being punched by an adult.

But what they saw made them doubt their own eyes for a moment at first, but when the same incident happened for a total of 6 times right in front of their eyes, no matter how much they would want to deny it, they were forced to believe what they were seeing in front of them was nothing but the truth.

And the truth was something that they had never dared to phantom.

In fact, such kind of ability was not something that even they themselves might have dreamed to ever have, much less in someone who was going to be their enemy.

It was because this kind of ability was just way too absurd to be thought to be truly present.

It was having immunity to firearms.

Something that no one would ever want their enemies to have.


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