Back For My Daughter

Chapter 1033 Strength That Made Corpse General To Fear

It was almost midnight.

The moon was waning in the sky with the few blinking stars shining endlessly.

The arrival of the full moon in the sky indicated that there was still some time for midnight to arrive.

The numerous clouds tried to hide the bright shining moon.

If one looked at the sky, they would think that it was really a very beautiful night.

All it needed was the company of silence to make it calm and peaceful enough to make anyone remember this starry sky which also hid half of the moon behind its cover.

But that was just a vivid imagination since there was a loud noise of something hard getting crashed.


With a loud noise, a figure was thrown towards the other side of the road and smashed into one of the few side pavings, breaking it into several if not hundreds of pieces.

Within the car, Yuan Meng who had her eyes turned red from crying stared at the scene that happened just now and heaved a sigh or relief as she turned to look at the figure that was right in front of the car while a slight dark haze surrounded it.


A smile crept on her lips unknowingly as she noticed that the figure within was not harmed even in the slightest and in fact gave a nod at her.


Ye Qian took a step out of the hazy column that surrounded him as it had started to dissipate.

On his palm, there were dense shadows of darkness which seemed to not have any kind of effect on him at all as he nodded at Yuan Meng who had a slight joy written on her face as she stared at him.

Yuan Meng's lips quivered a little as tears still continued to fall from her eyes, but this time she was not afraid, in fact, much of her worry and fear had subconsciously left her heart.

The moment she saw that the figure that was flung away just now was the dark-clothed guy she knew that her worry for Ye Qian had all been for nought.

But that only gave her more relief than ever.

Meanwhile, from the dregs of the paving, an arm rose up.

"Hrrrr, this strength."

There was an obvious shock in the hoarse voice.

Right now, the finger bones of the arm that just was raised were dislocated making it even hard to recognise if it was a hand of a human or not.


But after a moment, a few crisp cracking sounds originated from the bones as they were arranged by another palm that clicked them.

A figure in dark clothes sprang up from the cracked pavings slowly.

Those already worn-down clothes had not turned even worse now.

Meanwhile, the hood that hid the face of the person had also been torn into pieces.

But when the driver and Yuan Meng turned to take a glance, their hearts could not help but shudder from horror.

That was because if before they were not able to clearly see the face of this person due to the hood, then right now, they could clearly see what it was like.

Although one should call it a face, it definitely didn't resemble one at all.

Most of it was wrapped with bandages as if the person was mummified while a better half of the portion from the left ear to his left eye seemed to have been decomposed.

But the person didn't seem to be fazed by the fact that his cover had been removed and simply stared towards the car in deep shock.

In fact, he was not even staring at the car, but at the person standing in front who had his palm completely surrounded with a dark ominous haze.

" can you not be affected by my Corpse Energy?"

With some shock and a hint of fear in his voice the person in dark clothing asked.

But his answer was not replied by words as a figure install appeared right in front of him with its eyes peering coldly at him.

There was anger in those pair of eyes as if they were made of fire.

"You don't have to know the reason."

Just as the words left Ye Qian's lips, his fist smashed towards the chest of the Corpse General.

But this time he didn't want this guy to be thrown away so he quickly held his leg even before he could be smashed away.

Meanwhile, a muffled bang was heard as if the iron hammer had hit some kind of hard stone.

Though there was some minute cracking sound audible, but that was all to it.

Ye Qian frowned as he looked at the chest.

Although he had not used his complete strength, he knew that it was enough to crush open a concrete wall that was more than a meter thick, but all that it resulted in the Corpse General were a few cracking sounds that only lasted for a moment.

He obviously was aware that the bodies of Resurrected and Living Dead were immensely resilient and could be even hard than immortal armours.

And although his strength had been greatly been reduced to a degree that he was not even considered as an ant to what he was before, but Ye Qian knew that his body was still as that of an Immortal.

It should have been able to at least crack this guy's chest open, even if Ye Qian was aware that he would not die from this, but it was enough for him to circulate Spiritual Energy through his body.

In order for him to keep his Immortal Body in the best state, Ye Qian had to use a small amount of Spiritual Energy constantly.

Although it was not much, but given his condition right now, it was hard for him to divide the outflow of Spiritual Energy into two separate ways.

In one way or the other, although Ye Qian had an Immortal Body and could not be injured easily at all, there was also a setback.


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