Back For My Daughter

Chapter 1032 A Vessel With Great Vitality And Essence

A few days ago, hundreds of miles away from the star city.

In the farthest mount range which was isolated and there was no sight of any village or houses for many miles.

Under one of the large mountains lay a cave that no one knew existed.

It was completely dark and many plants and shrubs should have grown within, but it was as barren as a place which had lost all of its life.

In fact, not even rodents or any kind of animal stayed within this cave which seemed to be made by people ages ago.

And there was eerie darkness and silence present in the cave.

It felt as if the cave was a ground which was filled with something frightening.

Although the cave was quite large and looked to be made by men, there was nothing within that depicted any kind of carvings in the slightest.

In fact, if not for the levelled stone flooring that made one instantly recognise that it was made by humans, it would have been hard to recognise whether it was a manmade or natural cave.

It was completely dark within the cave and that was when a rumbling sound came to from one of the corners.

A huge stone tile about 2 meters tall and a meter wide was slid open from the floor as a pair of hands raised from the floor.

If one looked at it carefully, then one would notice that within the stone flooring there was a cavity which looked like an underground box and was itself carved from rock.

The lid covering the stone coffin looked completely like a bunch of stone tiles that had been arranged neatly and no one would notice that those more than 20 tiles were nothing but a single stone slab itself.

Meanwhile, as the pair of hands raised, they looked completely to be mad with bones with barely some amount of flesh upon them.

One would find it hard to convince themselves, but the stone lid was not any less than 30 cm thick and given that it was made by one complete piece of rock, then it would not be shocking for the weight of that stone lid to be more than a few hundreds of kilos.

But that was itself opened by a pair of skinny hands.

As for the person who came out of the stone coffin, he was draped in dark clothes.

It was dark and nothing was clearly visible, but even a small flash of light would be enough to make anyone feel their intestines churning and a chill down their spine if they were to see the face of this person who had just come out of the stone coffin.

"Master, this General has been given so much strength and this immortality by you, what command do you have for this servant of yours."

The man's voice was hoarse and felt as if it came from the grinding of bones as he kneeled on the cold stone flooring and said with deep reverence.

"Go to the South East, I can sense a vast amount of vitality and life energy coming from there, I want you to bring me that person, I need them to increase mine since the world energy in this place has started to lessen."

A booming voice came from the cave, but it was unknown from which direction it originated, in fact, it seemed as if it came from every part of the cave.

But the man in dark clothing didn't turn his head to find the source of the voice and had his head low all this long.

"Yes master, this servant will bring that person to you, being of some help to master is my greatest honour."

The person said with a deep nod as he turned around while raising the hoods of the cloth on his head.

But just as he was about to take a few steps and walk out towards the entrance of the cave, the voice once again boomed from each part of the cave.

"Remember to not destroy my vessel like you did the last time, this time I won't mind using you as my vessel."

The man shuddered at hearing the words of his lord and shook his head with deep fear in his voice.

"Master, this servant has deep regret in his heart, last time, if not for the master's vessel being so rampant and was frightened to death, it would not have been destroyed."

"You dare to speak back."

The voice once again boomed within the cave, but this time, an irresistible pressure appeared within the cave as all the flooring on the ground shook while the cave started to tremble.

A gust of black hazy wind came out of nowhere and smashed the person to one of the walls of the cave.

"COUGH COUGH, sorry Master, this servant is wrong, it's all my mistake, I will be careful this time, I will not let even a single hair on master's vessel be harmed."

The man coughed something out of his mouth, but all that was spat out was nothing but some flesh that seemed to have been rotting for a long time.

"You may leave, there is no haste, beware that this vessel might be much stronger than the previous one, but you have the strength to handle it with ease."

"Don't disappoint me like last time."

"COUGH, yes master."

"I will be extremely cautious to not harm the vessel even in the slightest."

Giving a deep bow, the man in dark robes walked out.

The cave which was filled with the dark hazy wind just a moment ago suddenly turned eerily silent.

"It's been more than a thousand years, this emperor has been confined for a millennium, only enough vitality can break the seal from my confinement."

The voice once again boomed within the cave which was filled with anger.

Meanwhile, near the stone coffin from which the person from before emerged, there lay the body of what appeared a child.

​ It was hard to distinguish since only bones remained of the body and a few pieces of clothing.

But on the neck of the skeleton was a chain which seemed to be made of silver.


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