Back For My Daughter

Chapter 1009 All She Knew Was Nothing But A Lie!

In the banquet hall, the situation had turned rather undesirable.

Little Qiqi was crying, but not even a word came out of the little girl's lips.

In fact, it looked as if she was trying to hold back all of her heart in fear that she would not be able to stop herself.

Meanwhile, right in front of her, her mother held her head low, but if one were to look at her face, then they would notice that it had turned deathly pale as if all of her blood had been drained.

As for her eyes, they had turned bright red while, almost giving one a feeling that there was blood in them.

"Miss Yuan, you should know that no matter how much you try to hide this fact from your child, one day she will know of this somehow."

A sympathetic voice was heard which made many of the ladies and men in the banquet to sigh while shaking their heads and nodding in agreement.

"Mumma... mumma, what are they all saying, did Papa really leave Qiqi?"

Little Qiqi pulled her mother's hand close to her chest and asked, but no matter what, her mother refused to hold her face in front of her.

"Qiqi, they are all lying, you should not believe them."

Miss Yuan shook her head, not daring to look into her daughter's eyes afraid that she might not be able to face her.

"Don't you believe in me?"

"Don't you believe in your Papa's promise?"

It was unknown if she was telling this to her daughter or to herself.

"Qiqi believes Mumma, and if Mumma believed in Papa's promise then Qiqi will also believe."

The little girl's words made her mother's body shake uncontrollably.

"Sigh, what a great delusion you have created around your daughter Miss Yuan, I don't know if you are a good mother or not."

Mr Yang's words once again caused an uproar among the people.

They just were not abel to understand whether he was trying to be good or bad.

Because just now, his words clearly meant to say that Miss Yuan was not a good mother, since she was hiding such crucial information from her daughter.

"Qiqi, what your mother said is all a lie my dear, and I can't see you being covered in this veil of lies that she has cast around you, this world that she has made for you is all based on lies, and it will hurt you, even more, when you grow up, so let me be a bad guy and tell you the truth."

With light steps, Mr Yang walked closer to Little Qiqi who was staring at him with a blank look, obviously not knowing what he was talking about.

"Stay away from my daughter."

Miss Yuan who had held her head low glared as she turned around while pulling her daughter behind her.

"Qiqi, don't listen to anything that he will say."

She turned to her daughter who was obviously afraid of this Mr Yang and placed her palm on her head.


Meanwhile, the dean of the high school had also arrived at the commotion now, at first he had thought that someone was injured, but as he tried to get close, he felt that the situation was getting something completely different from what it was before.

"Qiqi, you have to hear this even if I were to be called as a sinner, your father died long ago my child, your mother has been lying to you all this long, tell me, if your father was still here, then would he not have ever come to meet you, or at least called you even once?"

With a pained look on his face, Mr Yang said, each of his words was filled with DEEP SORROW.


Subconsciously after listening to this uncle's words, Little Qiqi nodded, this was just what she the little girl had always been thinking of.

If her Papa had gone out for work and was far far away from them, then he would have at least called her and her Mumma, but she had never heard even a word from her Papa even in the slightest.

In fact, whenever she asked that she wanted to talk to her Papa, her Mumma would say that he would be sleeping and it would be bad if they were to wake him up, but that was always the same even if she were to ask for her Grandma and Grandpa.

They would quickly try to shake it off when she would say anything about her Papa.

It can be said that all this long, the little girl had only seen her Papa through those old photos and nothing else.

Hearing the word, the little girl stared at Mr Yang with eyes wide open while her pupils had been shrunken to the size of a needle's tip.

If one were to ask this little girl what she desired to have the most then it would not have any toys, or to eat anything sweet and delicious, but it would be to meet her Papa and play the whole day with him.

She had seen so many fathers coming to take away their children from kindergarten and also drop them at the schools, and subconsciously she also wanted to do the same.

But the thing was, she had never seen her Papa in real at all.


The little girl took a look at her mother's back which was right in front of her, but all she could see was that the wide back of her mother was shaking, while the hand that gripped her palm was also tight enough to hurt her.

But right now, the little girl was not able to feel the pain in her hand which was obviously way less than knowing that her Papa had died long ago.

And she could never meet him ever.


With the call, the little girl felt the surrounding around her starting to turn dizzy and then darkness shrouded  her sight.


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