Author's Reincarnation in a Fantasy Setting

Chapter 150 Labyrinth [4]

Chapter 148

2 hours later Xara finally woke up, it turned that she'd really fainted due to mana exhaustion.

"It was all your fault! If it wasn't for you then I wouldn't had to use that spell," she shouted at Spene right after she gained control over her body. Favian tried to calm her down but it was of no use.

Finally when the atmosphere calmed down we decided to move further into the labyrinth. While Xara was fainted, Favian and Spene had also rested and recovered their energy.

Hence, we were on the move once again.

Passing through the spider corpses we soon left them behind and ventured again into the depths of the labyrinth. The passage we were going through was not narrow—like the one we started through, but it wasn't as spacious as the area where we fought the spiders either.

As we were walking forward, my eyes fell on the walls. There were spider nests all over the place and some of them even had bones stuck in them. Xara's mana had restored so she was using her fireball to illuminate the path which gave the walls a golden shine and I also felt warmth since I was close to her.

We were again the formation with Xara on the front, behind her was Spene, then I and Challes, and in the rear was Favian.

"Do you know where are we going? Since I can't map this place at all," said Spene as he glanced back at me.

"Well, I haven't come this far before due to the monsters, but I do have a general idea on where we had to go," I derived.

For once, I wasn't lying here. I really didn't know the exact way to reach the item I'm searching for. In loli_pop's novel, Leon directly jumped from floor to floor with the help of his system that allowed him to explore labyrinths in a more efficient way.

Due to that I didn't know the exact way to reach the floors so I was just moving based on the information I gathered on the labyrinths of this world before starting this whole thing—and so far there was only one way to go forward so it wasn't much of a choice anyway.

"Can you all also hear that sound which I'm hearing right now?" Favian asked.

"What sound?" Spene queried.

"Well, it's like the sound of…like water, as if there's a river somewhere near us, and the sound is getting louder and louder as we move."

"Hmmm, let me see," Spene stopped in his tracks—and so did Xara and I—closed his eyes and bought his hand close to his ears in a funnel type shape. Then he looked as if he was trying to focus and try to hear the sound Favian was talking about.

"Ah, I do hear something like that," he said after a few minutes of silence.

I kinda know what he was taking about; I was hearing the same sound from the time they were fighting the spiders. At first, I thought that water was dripping into a puddle from some stone or something but as we went further into the labyrinth, I came to realize that it was more like the sound of a water fall—and it was most likely coming from the direction we were going to.

"I hear it too," I added.

"How long are you all gonna stand here hearing some sound or whatever, huh? Is that what we came here for? Hey Ichigo, weren't you hear to mine those…those…crystals?" Xara chipped in.

"Oh come on Xara, it isn't like we spent our whole life here!" said Spene in a sarcastic tone.

"I'm really not in the mood to hear anything from you, so you better shut up unless you want another one of these fireballs; and this time they won't extinguish before burning your skin, she fumed and turned around to look give a death stare to Spene—maybe it worked since it seems as though Spene broke into a cold sweat.

And it turns out she was still pissed about the thing with Spene.

Spene didn't want to anger her even more hence he zipped his mouth and began walking again.

Around 20 minutes later, we reached another open space—not as big as the last one though. We did stumble upon some more spider monsters on the way but because they weren't in a big group, they were taken care of easily.

Coming back to the situation right now, we finally knew where that sound was coming from.

The place where we were standing right now was a spacious area as I've mentioned before and it was probably diamond shaped. The length of the spikes coming out of the ground was slightly bigger and there was even some moss at certain places.

But aside all that, on the right side of this area was indeed a stream of water that was getting its supply of water through a small waterfall coming from the ceiling. Seeing this I determined that the water was probably the water of the river—the one we saw outside.

We stepped inside the place and looked around, after a few minutes of research we realized that there were no monsters here.

'Then maybe this isn't the second floor,' I thought.

Sure this somewhat looked like the second floor of this labyrinth I've read in loli_pop's novel but if there ain't no monster here, then most likely this isn't what I think it is.

However, there was no way to get out of this area either. There were no other passages connected to here other than the one we came through and the one where the river was going into—this almost looked like a dead end.

Though I was kinda able to guess where the way was thanks to the knowledge I have from the novel, and the presence of this moss and stream of water here.

I walked up to the stream and stood beside it, the direction its water was flowing looked like a tunnel—similar to the train tunnels they had in my former world but a small version of it.

"I think this is the way," I announced.

"You sure?" Spene inquired.

"Yeah…pretty sure. I mean, this is the only other way that's leading somewhere."

"That is true...okay, let's go then. Not like we'll get anything from wasting time here."

Everyone agreed to that, so we put our feet into the stream of water—which was around 30 centimetres deep I think, and began walking in the direction where the water was flowing.

Now, as we walked further the surface started getting slippery and it was hard to maintain balance—we even fell many times. There was a reason for it; the ground was leaning in one direction the more we moved forward.

If I had to explain it simply, then I'd say that from few meters away from the waterfall, the ground was titled into a 35 or 40 degree angle. This made the stream work like a waterpark slide and we were falling down.

This went on for a few more minutes before—

"Oh fuck I'm going down! Xara, stop me! I mean, hold my hand or leg or whatever you can and stop me! Ah fuck I'm going down! I'm going down! I'm going down!"

Spene tripped and fell, this time completely. Thus we were probably nearing the end he started going down the path, just like the kids in a waterslide.

He begged Xara for help but the icy stare she gave him was probably the most cruel thing I've ever seen…just kidding. Though this didn't change the face that she enjoyed the scene as Spene slid down the watery path and get devoured by the darkness—who knows, maybe she was smiling inside.

She was also barely on her feet because she was supporting herself on the staff she had by planting it down to the ground but even that wasn't going to last long.

Eventually, she also fell and went down the same path as Spene. And so did I, Favian, and Challes. I increased the length of Challes's chain in between so that I can avoid getting tangled with him.

A few seconds of a not-so-good ride later, we landed into a pool of water with a splash.  The pool wasn't as deep as to drown us but it was deep enough that the water was up to our neck.

One by one we got out of the water and somehow got the water out of our clothes by clenching onto them—without taking our clothes, of course.

When we were done, my eyes caught the sight of what was in front of us.

(A/N: Yeah, I know that I only uploaded one chapter today but I'm kinda sick, so can't help it.)

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