Ashborn Primordial

Chapter 138: Yesterday’s Friends

Chapter 138: Yesterday’s Friends

For the longest moment, Maiya simply stared. It was akin to walking into ones home and finding a Prana Swarm lurking in the corner. Or an Ash Gate. Or something equally as ridiculous.

How?Why? No. Maybe its a mistake. Maybe its only a bracelet that looks familiar. But look at him! He clearly recognizes me. Those beady eyes of his. It has to be him! Oh, gods. Whats going on?

Maiya struggled to piece the puzzle together. Why was Vir here? How did he end up raiding for the Pagan Order? Why was he helping free demons?

No, its exactly like him to do something like this, isnt it?

Having gained access to Princess Iras entire intelligence network, Maiya was privy to many secrets. She knew that Ashborn was simply a misnomer for a rare type of demon with gray skin and red eyes. And she understood the true face of the Pagan Order. That they worked to create a sanctuary for demons. Vir was a demon.

They must have offered him a job.

Maiya quickly intuited the series of unfortunate circumstances that led to this moment. The Pagan Order had learned of his nature and divulged their secret. Vir, being the sweet soul he was, couldnt say no to rescuing his fellow demons.

Maiyas gaze turned to one of pity, and Virs to confusion.

What are you doing here, M he began, but Maiya shook her head, hoping against hope Tia didnt notice.

Get the hint! Please get the hint!

Tia? he blurted, pivoting awkwardly.

Oh, no.

Excuse me? How do you know who I am?

Oh, I, uhwell that redhead over there said your name earlier, didnt she?

No, she didnt, Tia said confidently, pointing at Maiya. That insufferable wench didnt say a word.

She certainly didnt, Vason added, growing suspicious. Who are you? I dont recognize your face.

Oh grak. This is my fault, isnt it?

Vir would never have made a mistake like that normally. Her presence would have come as a shock to him.

It's over, a demon behind Vir said dejectedly. Should've figured this was too good to be true.

I can explain Vir said, facing Tia.

Explain how you know my name, Tia said, edging closer to Vir with her spear.

Virs eyes darted between Tia, Haymi, and Maiya.

Tia, Im ordering you back, Maiya said. Step down. Ill handle this.

Grakking Ash I will!Theres something suspicious here and Im not budging until I find out what. You ought to have realized it too. Whats going on? Do you know this man?

Maiyas heart pounded madly in her ears.

Weve never met, Maiya said, leveling her gaze at Vir. Please understand. She hoped her thoughts would reach him.

The look of longing Vir gave her told her they hadnt. She wanted to forget everything and just run over and hug him. But she couldnt. She had a part to play in this.

Im sorry, Vir. I cant help you right now.

I've seen you around, Vir said, trying to salvage the situation. Your mercenary exploits have really gotten around.

Oh, well, thanks?

I'm sick of this, a four-armed demon snarled from behind Vir. I don't care if it kills me. I'll fight my way out.

Stop! Vir shouted, restraining the demon. Don't resist. We don't have to

Apra!? Tia said suddenly. That katar. Is that you?

Vir whirled, his eyes wide, instinctively moving his katar behind him.

Haymi, Vason, that's the katar we bought him, isn't it?

Er, I dunno, Tia? Vason said, scratching his nose. Might just be a similar one.

Y-yeah! Haymi squeaked. I'm sure it's a different one.

Okay, Vason's one thing, but Haymi? You're a terrible liar. You two know something, I don't, don't you?

No! It's not like

Tia extended her spear to Vir. What are you doing with our friend's katar? Either you're Apra in disguise, or you stole that weapon from him. Or worse. Because I know he'd never sell it. If you're not him, I'll be retrieving that weapon.

She might be a chal, but she's pretty perceptive, Maiya thought. Doesn't look like he'll be able to talk his way out of this.

Vir deflated, and when he spoke, his voice was hoarse. You're right. Tia. Its me. Its Apramor.

Uh, nice disguise, there, Apra! You sure fooled me, she said. Even to Maiya's ears, her voice sounded put on. As if she'd already known, and was trying to hide it.

Tia turned to the mejai in confusion. You even knew about this? What haven't you two been telling me?

S-so, er, what are you even doing, Apra? Helping out the Pagan Order? Haymi nervously glanced away.

Thank you, Haymi! Maiya thought. The question had been at the tip of her tongue, but she couldnt have asked it without appearing suspicious.

The Pagan Order!? a four-armed demon behind Vir shouted. Youre with the Order?

Maiya felt Virs panic.

Did I ever say that? Vir shouted back. You need to trust me.

Trust you? A demon woman spat. Why would we take a risk like that? Ill not die at the hands of those Order maniacs. If you wish to kill us, do it here and now, that I may meet my end with some dignity.

The woman was so emaciated, Maiya wondered how she was still alive. And yet, she spoke with iron resolve.

Even if you are telling the truth, how will you free us against so many? an elderly demon said. That woman is out for blood.

Give me a reason, Tia said, addressing the old man. Just give me a reason to end you. Go on. Keep talking.

Both Vir and Maiya cringed at her words. It was no secret that Tia loathed demons. But to know about her prejudice and experience it firsthand were two different things entirely.

Tia... Vir said pleadingly.

Sorry, Apra. So this was the contract those zealots heaped on you, Tia said. Gotta say, I never thought you'd accept a mission like this. I avoided demon subjugation contracts as a favor to you, y'know? We should talk about taking some on when you're done.

If you come across this story on Amazon, be aware that it has been stolen from Royal Road. Please report it.

Whys she saying these things? Why would Vir ever harm No.

Understanding dawned upon Maiya.

She doesnt know Virs a demon! Oh, no. Vir, youve gotten yourself into a fine mess, havent you?

Vir remained silent, which was likely the best thing he couldve done. Unfortunately, Tias next words ruined everything.

I've... made things difficult for you, haven't I? Tia said, frowning. You need to take those demons back to the Order, but that's gonna be tough at this point. Why dont we just kill them here and give them the bodies? Safer for you, too.

Dont lose it, Vir. Stay calm. Peace.

Maiya could scarcely listen to Tias words. They sounded like a joke. Like dark sarcasm. Except, they werent. From her expression to the way she shivered and held her spear with white knuckles, the princess radiated pure, unfiltered loathing. She would kill those demons without blinking an eye, and shed sleep peacefully after, thinking shed done the world a great service.

Vir asked. I never knew you to be this callous, Tia.

Tia looked confused. You know how dangerous these things can be. What if they escape on the way back? Can you guarantee they won't harm another human? I'm not being callous. I'm being rational. There's no reason to leave them alive, and every reason not to. Less hassle than taking them back, right? Why are you

That's enough, Tia, Maiya commanded. Allow him to take them.

This is a private conversation. Don't get in my way.

That's not how this works, Tia. You

I've put up with quite enough of you tonight, handmaid, Tia said, speaking over Maiya. If you intervene, or if those Balarian Guards outside get in my way, therell be war between our countries. Are you willing to start a war, little bandy?

This grakking chal!

It was a bluff. It had to be a bluff. But it was one Maiya didnt dare call. She had no authority tono right. It mattered little; Maiya would not be the tinder that ignited a war between two nations.

Stay! Good. Keep that up and I might even throw you a treat!"

Vir jerked. It was such a subtle thing that would have gone unnoticed if Maiya hadnt known him so well.

Hes furious. But not for himself. For me. He wants to hurt her.

Vir might have grown stronger since they parted, but Maiya knew. He was still the same soul. The same kind of person who cared more than he should.

C-Countries? Vir said, stuttering. Not out of cowardice, but indignant anger.

Sorry, Apra. Shes just some chal whose head has grown too big for her shoulders. You neednt bother with her.

Virs breaths came labored. Maiya could see it even standing a dozen paces away.

No way those demonsll follow him if he admits hes here to kill them.

Hell have to give up and come back some other time. Right. Thats what hell do

So? Any objections? Tia asked. Let's take them out together.

Like grak, you will! the four-armed demon said, squaring off against Tiyana with two other demons whose shackles had been broken.

I was hoping you'd say that, Tia said, moving far faster than Maiya had thought her slim frame could muster.


It was not the sound of metal piercing flesh; metal-on-metal echoed through the room.

What are you doing? Tia asked.

I wont let you kill them, Tia, Vir said softly, standing in her path, having deflected her speartip with his armored bracer.

What's your plan, Vir? As far as Maiya saw it, Vir was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He'd never let Tia kill them, but if he admitted to working with the Order, he'd lose any chance of escaping with those demons. If he fought Tia, he'd have to incapacitate her to escape. Haymi was currently powering Tia with her magic, and with Prana Vision, Vir would've known that. Maiya didn't know how strong he'd become, but those weren't good odds, even if Maiya stood aside. Which she wouldn't, and Vir had to suspect that, too.

Explain to me how its any different, killing them now or later? Or... hang on. Did the Pagan Order say they wouldnt pay you unless you brought them back alive?

Vir narrowed his eyes. Of course, I need them alive! They're no use to me dead.

Tia relaxed visibly.

Well, you should've said something earlier! What are they paying you? she asked with a sly grin. I'll double it. Look, I won't lie, I've never been a fan of this plan of hers, Tia said, nodding to Maiya. Sure, I get that the Order's gonna kill them, but seeing them here, right in front of me? All I see are the faces of my parents' killers, Apra. Would you feel nothing, were you in my boots?

It's not that simple, Tia. I have reasons for my actions.

You're not going to budge, are you? Alright, fine. Do what you want, she said with a sweep of her hand.

Nice acting, Maiya thought. Vir had gotten Tia to stand down without ever admitting he worked for the Order. He'd walked a tightrope... but would the prisoners see it that way?

Vir breathed out, then turned to the demons. Come with me.

Get grakked! a demon raged behind his back.

Anywhere's better than here! Vir shot back, his face contorted with frustration.

Pagan Order's worse, a frail elderly demon man croaked.

What's with that look, demon? Tia said, addressing the four-arm demon who glared daggers at her. You're one of them, aren't you? You're one of the ones who wouldn't bat an eye murdering human children. You want to kill me, don't you?

Tia approached, hefting her spear.

So his plan failed... Maiya thought bitterly. The demons weren't willing to come along. Short of incapacitating them all and hauling them out, Vir's options were extremely limited.

Oh, I'd like that, the demon snarled. Just come a little closer so I can break that thin neck of yours.

What are you doing? Vir asked in exasperation. Didn't you hear her? She'll let us go! Just calm down.

With pleasure! Tia fired back. But it'll be your neck, and it'll be on a pike!

They inched closer. Tia crouched, ready to thrust her spear, while the four-armed demon drew his fist back.

Enough! Vir roared an instant before they attacked. He faced the demons earnestly. Im not here to kill you, alright? I'm here to save you!

Can you prove it? a demon said.

Vir hesitated, glancing at Tia, then firmed his expression, standing tall.

I can, he said. But first, Tia? I want you to know that I'm really sorry about this. Do you trust me, Tia?

Um, that's a little out of the blue. But yeah, of course, I trust you, Apra.

Vir took a deep breath.

Im a demon, he said softly, turning to the prisoners. You wanted me to prove it? I'm one of you. You keep saying we're with the Pagan Order, but do you see, now? We're not with those demon haters, and I'm not here to take you to your executions. I'm here to bring you to safety. A place where you can lead a better life.

So that's his angle, Maiya thought bitterly. Truthfully, Vir had few options left. His only other choice was abandoning the prisoners, and Maiya now knew he'd never even consider that.

Tia watched with a bemused expression, assuming Vir was bluffing them.

Wow. This might actually work? Maiya thought. Well done, Vir.

The words of a demon prisoner brought everything crashing down.

Talk is cheap. If you're wearing a disguise, remove it.

Tia scoffed. Just listen to their entitlement, she spat. What right do they have to make demands of you?

Maiya bit her lip. It wasn't Tia who'd called his bluff, but the very demons Vir was trying to save. He had no choice now. He'd either have to abandon them, or...

Vir brought a hand to his eyes and removed his lens, then smeared off his makeup, revealing gray skin.

Well? he said tiredly. Do you believe me now?

His only hope now is that Tia stands aside out of respect for their friendship, Maiya thought.

The blonde stared on in shock. This is a joke, right? Tell me this is some sick, twisted joke.

Then, whirling, she glared at Vason and Haymi. You knew. You knew! And you kept it from me! she shouted, boiling over with rage.

I know you hate demons, Tia. I know why you hate them. But did I ever tell you what happened to my father? Vir said softly. My father adopted me. He raised me from birth by himself, despite his meager means. He was just a hardworking lumberjack who worked himself to the bone to put food on our table. He'd never harmed a soul.

Vir stared at Tia grimly. Do you know what they did to him?

The princess leveled her spear at Vir, but her hands trembled. Her expression was one of equal parts shock and confusion.

Hiranyan knights murdered him. Right before my eyes. They killed my best friends parents, too.

Maiya twitched, her fingernail digging into her palms.

Humans did this, Vir continued. Knights whose oath is to protect life, not destroy it. So tell me now. Tell me that humans arent evil. Say it to my face. Because isnt this exactly what happened to your own parents? But I dont hate humans like you hate demons. Knights, maybe. But I understand that everyones different. That hating all demons because of the actions of a few is something only an ignorant child would do. I know you, Tia. You're smarter than that.

Vir swiped Tias spear aside, and Maiyas heart throbbed. Tears welled up in her eyes, but they contained no pity.

You're one of the few friends I've ever had. So I'm asking you to stand aside. I don't want to fight you, but I will help these demons. Or by Vera, I'll die trying.

Maiyas chest filled with something warm. Tears flowed freely down her cheek.

Gods, I missed him!

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