Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 365 World Without Blessings

The battle ended as the Brimstone Beast began to retreat at the attacks of the elves.

The Brimstone beasts began to retreat, and Kyros observed the armies.

"Why were there no aerial beasts this time?" One of the Elf commanders asked.

"They are fighting elsewhere. In short, there is another kingdom or another group of survivors that is much stronger than this that requires them to send flying beasts." Kyros answered.

"Lord Miracle..." The Lady Elf approached.

"High Elf, Aubry. You seemed so eager to die." Kyros chuckled.

"I thank you for your assistance. Your friends are quite strong."

"Not really. I mean, they used to be. But here, they have powers that are dropping to Champion level. Should there have been Champion-level Brimstone Beast or beyond, things would have become more dangerous."

"My Lord... You think there are far stronger beasts than this?"

"Yes. And they will probably send out more on the next battle. Whoever or whatever is controlling these Brimstone Beast is probably gathering his forces to attack another. But now, they will probably send stronger ones since we have defeated an army. They thought that siege cultivators that would attack the tree from afar would be enough and would eventually kill you all. But I'm sure all hell will break loose in the days to come."

"Lord Miracle... What must be done?"

"We move forward. We have to abandon the fortress and move ahead. If you guys want to live, and I mean, not just live for a time, then follow me." Kyros explained.

"Move forward?" Aubrey was amazed.

"But... how?"

"Our hope is that there is another kingdom further ahead of this place. We don't know where, but it should be close by if it can force the armies here to be few. If they die, we will die as we would be forced to fight through the hordes of those that fight there. You saw flying beast before, correct?"

"Yes. We were wondering why there were no flying beasts."

"So that proves it. I have a plan for us to march through this, but you probably won't like it." Kyros smiled.

"What plan?"

"A small team will charge ahead and draw the enemy. I plan to draw out the real enemies controlling this army and force them to attack. And when they attack, we cut down this tree and bring it down on them!"

"What?!" Several shocked cries were heard.

"Oh? How daring..." Lea smiled.

"That does seem like a good plan. The wood is strong enough to attack and wound the Brimstone Beast. So the entire tree ought to be enough to decimate their armies. At the height of the tree, if we make it all fall down, it would crash and could even kill Commander-level Brimstone Beast. The weight and strength of the World Wood Tree would utterly crush them." Listrel added.

The elves were shocked at the crazy plan.

"This... Lord Miracle...!"

"Listen, what is stopping you from doing this? Religion? Tradition? The gods and fallen have disappeared here. Whatever you cling to save, you will not be here. Right now, I have arrived, and I can save you. But this world is even more dangerous than you think it is. We have to act and move. Our first mission is to head towards the former Omega Kingdom."

"Omega Kingdom? That was the last fortress before the arrival of the Brimstone Beasts!" The elf who spoke to Kyros was also there.

"That's right, Logon. There is something there that I think can help us. But ultimately, our mission is to head to the Highlands. Crushing the armies here in that manner can help us ambush the army threatening the next one. These Brimstone Beast can only communicate through shouts. Their very nature prevents them from being able to communicate with others through long-range or other telepathic means."

The elves had a depressed look. Many glanced at the massive tree that was their home.

"We..." Aubrey couldn't answer.

"We accept." Logon answered.


"Aubrey, it's for the best. We all know the blessings of the Bow have been removed from us since that day. The Goddess of the Wood and the Goddess of the Bow are gone. Lord Miracle is correct."

"But this our home! This is Erynbar! We are wood elves! What are we if not of the tree?"

"Our mission is to save your entire world. It is to save all of the Planesworld. The great tree, the Planesworld, is dying. We have severed or uprooted from the soil where we are planted and have been drifting to space. That's why the stars and the sun change. We don't have Time as well. Who knows if the Planesworld will crash into another planet or celestial body? This is your Erynbar, but the Planesworld is also your Erynbar! The real 'Wood where you Dwell' is the Planesworld." Kyros explained.

Aubrey was stunned.

"Lord Miracle, you know Elven Tongue?"

"Yes. I can speak Elven Tongue, Sindarin of LOTR, Dobby, and Santa's Helpers."

"What?" Aubrey was confused.

"In any case, you feel the blessings of Bow Veiyos and the other Veiyos powers disappearing. Imagine that in the world. It's not just Bow Veiyos who disappeared."

The elves were cringing at Kyros's casual mention of the Bow Veiyos's name.

"This guy is right again. Can't you feel it? The Planesworld itself is nearing a calamity! This very place is losing the powers that make this planet form. A world without blessings was hard to imagine before. But now, here we are. The very few remnants of power remain that allow things to function. Our only hope is this insane man." Listrel pointed to Kyros.

"The plan is also a way for us to kill those beasts with very few casualties and move on. We will need as many forces as we can get. If you want the Planesworld to survive, you should fight to get this man wherever he wants to go." Lea added.

Aubrey was silent and turned once more to her father, Logon.

Logo nodded.

"I accept. The Elven Kingdom, Vey Woodrealm is in your command."

"Great. I want you to divide the workforce. Those that cannot fight or are kids should be taught to harvest more wood to make weapons. Anyone that can shoot must train for the Time. We need to restore the elven ability to imbue force energy to your arrows. Another team will accompany Listrel, Lea, and Mechiel... You three lead the army to kill more Brimstone Beast. Hunt them and bring them back here. Although we killed a lot, it won't be enough to fuel the energy we need."

"Recover their might and skill? Fuel the energy we need?" Listrel was confused at Kyros's commands.

"There are no gods left here. But luckily, the Code of the Bow is something that I have seen. The disappearance of the gods and fallen meant that their blessings remained. But that also means that the limitations and curses that limit the growth of all beings are gone."

"What?" Lea was confused.

"First, our time issue. Calaminus?"

"I know what to do," Calaminus spoke.

The elves were surprised at the sudden voice.

"This voice? That's the voice of the Time God!" Listrel recalled the voice that spoke.

"What are you planning? Do you plan to drain the life of the tree? For me to create Time energy?"

"Of course not. We will be using coal power."

"Coal power? You mean Brimstone?"

"Right." Kyros made a light step on the ground. It was only then that everyone realized there were strange markings on the grounds.

Kyros's dark cloak was writing on the ground, and as it was like water, it easily wrote even under where people were standing.


A strange light appeared.

"An Energy Conversion Circle!" Listrel was amazed.

Lea was not so much surprised, considering she had fought Kyros, who abused this against her.

"Put all the charcoals. I mean the corpses of the beasts here."

"A fire-channeling conversion circle... But what language is used here?"

"First Word." Kyros answered as he continued to write the outer circles.

At Kyros's orders, the corpses of the Brimstone Beasts were brought inside the energy conversion circle.

Finally, the circle was completed.

Everyone marveled at the speed at which Kyros wrote this.

"Lord Miracle's knowledge on the Path of Creation is quite astounding!" Logon was amazed.

Kyros placed Calaminus's Time Core in the center.

A power surged as the energy of the numerous burning 'coals' created energy.

Suddenly, Listrel and Lea felt it.

"What the?! Time accelerated!" Listrel shouted.

"But how?!"

"Put in more coals- I mean Brimstone Beast them! And it looks like we need more. Guys, you go and hunt to keep this Time field going! I used the entire area at the first level of the World Wood Tree to have accelerated Time. But you guys have to keep it burning!"

"Next... Training. Give me a bow and arrow." Kyros ordered, and one of the archers nearby handed it.

Kyros closed his eyes and recalled the curses that he had.

"A world without Blessings of Codes and Corruption, huh? That's every day of my life." Kyros chuckled, and he drew the bow.


The arrow shot out, and it now contained Force Energy, and it flew with great speed. Several forms of power were unleashed that day. In a world where the Codes and Corruption had vanished, it returned within Kyros.


True Aim Archer job acquired.

Quick Bow Archer job acquired.

Magic Bow Archer job acquired.

Eagle Eye Archer job acquired.

Master Bowman job acquired.


Everyone was amazed at the power, and the familiar sensation that the archers had lost was felt.

"That was...!"

"Goddess Veiyos's blessing!"

The elves were stunned as they saw Kyros shoot it out. While Kyros had shown several abilities, it was foreign to them. But this was the power that they had pursued all their life! And it was coming back!

"Alright, guys. Time to train you to return at least half of your abilities!" Kyros chuckled.

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