Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 359 Someone To Protect Us

The Unrecorded Pages was a realm that is the convergence of all timelines thrown away. Beginning and End fought a battle that branched out into numerous timelines. All those other timelines are treated as 'have already happened, and only one timeline remains in their perspective.

And as timelines were abandoned by most gods and fallen as their true bodies would only exist in one, these worlds became a scourge and a terror.

Destiny had seen how these timelines led to chaos. And so, while Fate listed her intentions, and while it was true that Kyros would be outside of his sight, that world was just too chaotic and distorted that surviving and finding food would even become a matter of question. Even he didn't know how one would return once the person is thrown over to the Unrecorded Pages! This was a timeline of chaos! It was destined to never meet the one true timeline for eradication and cessation. The power of Pausontai had already set the utter end of it.

Even if Kyros finds a way to move back into this world, the remnant powers of Destiny will cause all of that chaotic world to go after Kyros! And not just Destiny. Almost all divine powers would act to stop him!

From Destiny's perspective, he could only win.

"Alright then. I agree with Fate's edict." Destiny answered as he suspiciously looked at Fate, smiling back at him.

The two glanced back at Histerion.

"So both are on an accord? Then let it be written. When the power of Pausontai ended and freed the Okto-Khefali, the Nephilim used the power of True Time and created a conflict within the time-space continuum. The Core of the Okto-Khefali, which has some remnants of false life, broke the law."

Kyros realized what had happened as Histerion spoke those words.

"Damn it! Elemental Cores still have life in them! The Okto-Khefali's cores still had life and the probability of revive! Fate used her powers to make me forget this information, and all my estimates became wrong!" Kyros cursed.

As he read the books of the Codes, Kyros was now beginning to understand through his wisdom the many mysteries and powers that defined existence. And so, he knew it was dangerous to make the Okto-Khefali meet with the Elemental Cores from the future. The information that Fate caused him to forget was information that didn't require substantial power. But if Kyros knew this, he would never have dared to use the Okto-Khefali's cores.

Fate glanced at Kyros and gave a cruel smile.

"Sorry, Kyros. Make your mother proud! Although she can't see you since you will be off into a realm where not even the gods and fallen can see you, still, make her proud!" She chuckled.

A bright light fluttered from the skies above Histerion. And it was as if all of the universes were being wrapped up like a scroll.

"Let the universe bear witness! In the passage of True Time, two of the same beings of different times existed together at once. And as such, the decrees and laws of this universe are witnesses. Fate and Destiny have made their edict. The different cores of the Okto-Khefali Eugene, Listrel Protos Endoxos, and Lea Olethros. Mechiel Swordcrest, they who are bounded by Fate to the Nephilim, Kyros Soter Vasilius Tyrannos Kyriachos Mysterion Steele..."

"Wait! What?! Those two as well?! Why?!" Destiny cursed and glared at Fate. But it was too late.

"I banish you to Unrecorded Pages!" Histerion decreed, and Kyros's vision turned warp.

The entire world changed from the perspective of the group. They saw themselves traveling towards the great universes and saw the galaxies and somehow flew beyond it and saw a massive scroll, the flow of all events written in the scroll. The scroll was made of bright gold parchments and was glowing as numerous words were constantly written in this scroll that contained the universe.

The group saw themselves flying towards another scroll. The scroll looked black and charred. Its edges were on fire, and it seemed doomed for destruction.

The three entered the scroll, and all of the reality changed as they moved toward it.

The group found themselves in the high sky of a great land.

Kyros could tell that this was still the Planesworld, but it was several times darker. There were light sources around the area, but they paled compared to the celestial body that gave light.

Kyros was about to say something when he felt a strange power rebel inside him.


The elemental cores of the Okto-Khefali suddenly erupted with a strange magic that threw Kyros off. Kyros was assuming his Celestial Code form, and these cores were communing with him. But suddenly, the Cores rebelled.

Kyros was using the Lightning and Earth Core, and both suddenly dislodged, creating a severe magical backlash causing Kyros to faint.

The same thing happened to Mechiel. The power of the Water Core found life and shot out of her hand.

"I'm free!" A strange laugh could be heard as the Cores shot towards the distant skies and flew.

Each core suddenly had life. An elemental force rippled out of each cire, and it transformed into the head of the Okto-Khefali.

At the same time, a terrifying curse of decay and weakening attacked Listrel and Lea.

The Unrecorded Pages was a cursed world that limited the rise of power. This would forever lock the powers of this world and ensure no god or fallen would ever appear. Every time a new timeline is formed, the main bodies of the gods and fallen are brought into the main timeline where Beginning and End were. And the disappearance of the gods and the fallen would create a sudden collapse in power.

Listrel and Lea lost a large bulk of their powers. It created a backlash as the world itself began to attack them to take away all their power.

"My... power!" Listrel screamed.

Lea also felt the same, and they felt their power levels drop. From their current power level, the weakening caused them to weaken, and they fell to the level of Commander! And even then, their powers were still decreasing!

Kyros and Mechiel were unconscious, and the other two were in pain. They lost the ability to fly and were all plummeting down towards the Planesworld.

"Lea! We have to protect them!" Listrel shouted.

Lea was angry and wanted to shout back and attack Listrel.

"This world is not purging them! They are still strong! We need them to survive in this place!" Listrel pointed out.

Lea immediately glanced at the two and realized that Listrel was right. Mechiel and Kyros had not experienced the purging of elements.

"But how...?!" Lea was stunned.

"I don't know or care how. But if we are to survive this strange world, we need to work together! And we need them to survive!" Listrel quickly adjusted her fall and moved towards Kyros. Lea redirected herself and moved towards Mechiel.

The two caught them and kept falling.

"Lea!" Listrel called.

"I know what to do! Let's just do it! Damn! To think I'll have to work with you!" Lea cursed.

The four continued to plummet, and the speed of their fall was growing faster and faster.

Both charged all their remaining energy. One gathered light and the other darkness.

As they approached the ground, the two shot all their powers towards the ground to push their bodies and break the speed of their fall.


The two attacks were barely at the levels of Commanders, but they managed to push their bodies upwards. Yet the pressure and stress that they felt began to crush their bodies, and their skins burst and blood flowed out.


The four landed on the ground, all with great wounds.

Listrel could barely see what was around them, but she crawled towards the side. Lea was unconscious from the fall.

"Are we... going to die here?" Listrel wondered, and then she saw two figures approaching.

"What was that?"

"Look! Sister! They're wounded!" A cry was heard.

"What do we do?"

"They're critically wounded. We have to save them! They look strong! They can help us as payment for saving their life!" Another woman answered.

"They are strong?!"

"I saw that they caused the massive explosion. They shot it to push themselves up and break their fall. We now have someone who can protect us! Hurry! Save them!"

"Elves...?" Listrel wondered how such beings existed in this world. But as she heard them talk, the last line of defense that kept her conscious gave way as she knew they were saved. Finally, Listrel drifted into sleep, and her thoughts lingered on how there were elves in this strange and abandoned world.

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