Ancient Vampire in a Modern World

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

He can sense if there is a certain danger in something which was why he was able to escape in time. His instinct was also the reason why he was appointed as the secret commander of the group. 

Stan followed the group while maintaining his distance from them. But he followed them with hesitation. He didn't know why but when he reported and requested for reinforcement he didn't plan to request for a group that was enough to rule a country. He only plans to request at least five or ten people in the Professional rank. 

Professional rank is already in the mid-level realm and he knew that if he requested something that was in this realm he did not need to be so cautious and minimize the manpower. Unlike when he requested for reinforcements that are in the super high-level rank. It is still easy to gather and it was not that serious but requesting for a realm higher than that was serious.

So he couldn't easily request ten people in that level while they only needed two or three. This is why at this level he planned to lower his habit of being over-cautious. Instead of requesting ten people to work in something that only needed two or three people, he would just request 5 for it. He only added two of them just to be sure. 

But when he was going to request it he saw Keiji's reaction and he felt something in his heart that he couldn't explain. It was the same as standing in front of a herd of hungry lions. He wanted to dig a pit so that he could bury his head because of fear, which is why he increased the number to 100 instead of only requesting five. But this time his feelings still kept banging her heart. And for some unknown reason, he could feel that Keiji was a very dangerous person that every struggle would only be futile.

He was extremely terrified but not at the same time. His instinct told him that he would not die but it also told him that no one would be able to defeat that man. When he called his superior he planned to tell him to give up but instead tell that they needed one hundred Professional rank players. 

Although he was able to command the members his strength was still not on par with them. And even if he had good judgement he still didn't know the exact power of someone in the mid-level realm. And even the Professional player that is on the bottom rank of the mid-level realm was something new for him. 

It is said that if someone at the peak of professional-level fought the surroundings would also be damaged and if it is a group fight the setbacks could even cause an entire town. This is also why he still didn't know if Keiji was at that level. He didn't dare to raise the level because he still hadn't experienced the feeling of being an enemy with someone that strong. 

He was unable to tell that but for some unknown reason, his heart kept telling that no matter how strong the force they send is they would never be able to win in front of him. But he could also feel that he would not die even if he watched them fight, which is why he decided to follow them and watch.

After all, all of his decisions until now are only based on his instinct and a little bit of analysis. He didn't know why but since he was a child his instinct and intuition had never been wrong. That is also the reason why he was confident in his decisions.

Ten shadows rushed out and went to the front while five of them went and spread towards the side and on the other side, there were another five shadows. While at the back is where five shadows follow. 

The five people in the back moved at the same time and were synchronized. They then pulled a weapon out of their back as they continued to follow ten shadows in front of them. They all have the same weapon which is a composite bow. 

Their compound bow was already modified and its bowstring was able to exert a force that suited for their strength and its body was able to withstand their strength. 

For them to use long-range weapons they need to have the right weapon so that their attacks would not be limited. 

They held the bow in their right hand as they pulled out a bow on the quiver. Their actions were synchronised which made one wonder if they were performing on a stage. They placed the arrow on the arrow rest as they let the back of the arrow lay on the bowstrings. As they were performing their actions they didn't stop running. 

Then they pulled out the arrow and the strings at the same time before they suddenly stopped and one of their knees knelt on the ground. Before they raised the aim upwards. Before releasing their grip on the bowstrings and arrow. Five arrows shoot upward and disappear on the horizon. 

Five people who were kneeling on the ground while holding their bow stood up at the same time, then they started running in the same direction as the other groups. 

Mia's senses were enhanced and she was able to sense the incoming arrows from above. She thought that the arrows were still far away and wouldn't hit them in a while because they couldn't dodge them very easily.

But then ten shadows resurfaced on the forest as they chased after them. Each of them was holding a katana in their hands. They were also wearing ninja suits which made their figure look like a shadow especially in the middle of the forest devoid of light.

Mia didn't need to turn back her head to know their whereabouts because her senses alone were enough to pinpoint their location. They only needed to travel seven more kilometres before they reached the place where Han Shin pointed out. Mia looked at his side and saw that Keiji was able to keep up with her speed.

Mia was once again a little bit confused as well as shocked because of Keiji's strength. She didn't know the extent of Keiji's power before and until now. But she still remembered when she first met Keiji, Keiji didn't exude even a little bit of aura which is why she thought Keiji was a high-level player that was able to hide his strength on her. And it was not illogical for her, especially since she saw Keiji in an expensive place and at that time her emotions didn't really rise up even though she was enchanted by Keiji's appearance and was a little bit shy about her appearance at that time. 

Because of her power, she could control her emotions very well. And she was doing it by expressing it outside which was why she is not like Klyzer who was silent even though they were with a friend. She was jovial when she was with a friend and cold when someone was trying to approach her. 

She didn't hide her emotions to lessen her true emotions so she kept expressing them. If she was disgusted with a person she wouldn't hide it. Which is why she became friends with Klyzer. 

She was known as the "beast angel" because of her personality. The way she said her thoughts out loud made her a beast but because she was cheerful when she was talking to her friends made her an angel. This is the reason why she was known as the "beast angel". 

But in the face of true danger, she was not able to control herself anymore which caused her strength to influx. This was her first time to experience real danger in the real world and not in the game which is why her emotions were made in turmoil.

Ten people holding their swords went forward. Their movements were also synchronized but they are not in the same room because they form a v shape formation. 

This formation was still being retained even though the way was not only on the ground but sometimes on the trees. They then started going forward and when the base of their formation was on both sides of Keiji and Mia they sped up once more. 

Then on the side of Keiji and Mia's front were two people running on each side and as it continued to form the v formation each of them had someone following them. Then there is the third line which was only a gap away from their side. 

And at the back is the last row of two's then on the middle in the back is where a man who was also the one was also at the rear of the formation. 

Mia turned her head back even though she could sense them through her senses but she was confused.

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